
ān jū ɡōnɡ chénɡ
  • Subsidized Housing ;low-cost housing project
  1. 一些安居工程也因为位置不当使得申请者望而却步。

    The unsuitable location of some projects keeps applicants at bay .

  2. 广东华侨农场安居工程的特点及启示

    Characteristics of the Housing Project of Guangdong Overseas Chinese Farm

  3. 湖南省安居工程现状与发展对策研究

    Study on Present Condition and Development of Residential Project

  4. 加强对国家安居工程的组织和领导。

    One , the strengthening of the national housing project organization and leadership .

  5. 实施国家安居工程,大力发展经济适用住房。

    The implementation of the national housing project , develop economic housing application .

  6. 继续搞好房地产市场调控和保障性安居工程建设。

    We will continue to regulate the real estate market and develop low-income housing .

  7. 锦州安居工程地基处理的探讨

    Discussion on Treatment for the Foundation in Artificial Fill of AnJu Project in Jinzhou

  8. 今年,中国加强了对保障性安居工程建设的金融支持。

    China has stepped up financial support to the construction of subsidized housing this year .

  9. 一是继续大规模实施保障性安居工程。

    First , we will continue to carry out low-income housing projects on a large scale .

  10. 家庭装饰目前已成为人们安居工程中的一个重要方面。

    Family decoration is an important aspect in the people 's housing engineering in the present case .

  11. 市府保证优先开发安居工程

    The city government pledged to give top priority to developing the housing project for low-income urban residents

  12. 为了解决这类住房的问题,政府大规模推进保障性安居工程建设。

    To solve the housing problems of this kind , massive Government promote construction of affordable housing .

  13. 在政府出台的措施中,第一条就是要加快保障性安居工程的建设。

    The first of the policies is to connect speeding up low-rent housing construction with economy growth .

  14. 为此,对1998年国家安居工程的实施工作提出以下意见。

    To that end , in1998 the implementation of the national housing project to make the following observations .

  15. 加快实施城乡保障性安居工程。

    We will accelerate implementation of the project to supply housing for low-and moderate-income families in urban and rural areas .

  16. 中央财政安排保障性安居工程补助资金551亿元,比上年增长2倍。

    The central government used 55.1 billion yuan to develop low-income housing projects , a two-fold increase over the previous year .

  17. 对安居工程和开发商品房的贷款,取消贷款规模的限额控制。

    Control over the scale of loans to the construction of housing for low-income families and commodity housing will be lifted .

  18. 完不成保障性安居工程建设任务的城市,一律不得兴建和购置政府办公用房。

    To finish supportability project construction of city living task , are not allowed to build and purchase the government office premises .

  19. 8月17日,国家审计署公布了一项报告,报告指出有120个项目单位违规使用了安居工程资金。

    The National Audit Office on August 17 released a report which named 120 such entities found misusing funds for low-income housing .

  20. 继续推进保障性安居工程建设,在确保质量的前提下,基本建成500万套,新开工700万套以上。

    It will continue to develop low-income housing , and basically complete 5 million units and start construction on over 7 million units .

  21. 本文通过对住宅安居工程的资金限制等因素的分析,论述了新型房地产融资途径&房地产证券化问题。

    This paper analyses factors of fund limit of peaceful reside engineering , and discusses the problem of malty bond-a new financing way .

  22. 对西部村镇工程抗震设计、施工和管理以及农村地震安居工程的规划实施等具有一定的参考价值。

    The content of this paper will avail the rural building design , construction , management and planning of rural earthquake-resistant projects as well .

  23. 审计署对一万亿保障性安居工程资金进行了审计,结果发现有数十亿资金遭到了企业和政府有关部门的违规使用。

    An official audit on a trillion yuan of projects slated for affordable housing has found billions were misappropriated by companies and government authorities .

  24. 保障性安居工程是各国面临的共同问题,国内外学者对保障性安居工程建设问题进行了理论和实践层面的探讨比较多。

    The domestic and foreign scholars have much discussion in the theoretical and practical aspects of the problem of the construction of affordable housing projects .

  25. 中央政府寄望于安居工程能安抚公众对高企房价的不满,然而,就算是一些拥有城市户口的城里人,对这项工程也是颇有微言。

    The central government hopes the new housing will reduce public discontent over property prices , but even among urban hukou holders , many are cynical about the government 's efforts .

  26. 从青岛市保障性安居工程建设发展历程看,可分为三个阶段:即起步阶段、成效初显阶段、全面惠及阶段。

    In the development course of construction of affordable housing projects in Qingdao , it can be divided into three stages : the initial stage , the stage of preliminary effects , and the stage of all-round benefit .

  27. 同时,提出加强信息系统建设和管理作为辅助管理,这些管理对策的组合将对推动安居工程质量管理水平的提高、克服工程质量问题起重要作用。

    Meanwhile , the strengthening of information system construction can play the role of aiding management . The combination of the measures above will greatly improve the level of housing engineering quality management , and effectively prevent engineering problems .

  28. 主要投向保障性安居工程、农村民生工程、铁路交通等基础设施、社会事业、生态环保建设和地震灾后恢复重建。

    The money will mainly go into government-subsidized housing , projects related to the well-being of rural residents , the construction of railway and other infrastructural projects , social development programs , environmental protection and post-earthquake recovery and reconstruction .

  29. 分析了湖南省安居工程现状及实施安居工程存在的问题,提出了加快湖南省安居工程建设与发展的具体对策。

    This paper analyses the present condition of residential project in Hunan Province and the existing problems about the implementation of residential project , and proposes some concrete countermeasures about quickening the construction and development of residential project in Hunan Province .

  30. 随着建筑保温、节能等强制性规范的不断更新,项目管理方式的改变,老百姓对居住要求的不断提高,如何在保证安居工程安全、质量的前提下,节约工程造价成为各地政府研究的新课题。

    With constantly updated peremptory norm in heat-preservation and energy-conservation , constantly improved project-management mode and improved requirements of people , how to control the project cost efficiently has became an important problem cared by local governments based on ensuring the quality and safety .