- 网络vitrinite reflectance;r o;Ro-H

Progress in deduction of Paleotemperature from vitrinite reflectance data
Cam Cai the correlation between conodont color alteration index ( CAI ) and vitrinite reflectance
Application of Gini coefficient on the analysis of vitrinite reflectance measurement
Vitrinite reflectance , fission-track , fluid inclusion , transformation of clay minerals , 40Ar / 39Ar isotope and colour alteration index are briefly introduced here .
Of Upper Jurassic Xueshan Formation ranges from 1.63 % to 1.83 % , providing evidences for the Mesozoic thermal anomaly .
Reflectance of vitrinite analysis , color of organic debris , X-ray diffraction analysis of clay minerals and geothermal reconstruction show the low maturity of organic substances being at the unmatured to low-matured early stage .
The organic matter belongs to Type-III kerogen , partly to Type-IIB ; the vitrinite reflectance ranges from 0.5 % to 1.1 % .
The top of the anomalously pressured transition zone is identified by marked increases in sonic transit time , hydrocarbon production index ( PI ), clay diagenesis , and vitrinite reflectance .
The R_0 value within 10m around the sill is 1 to several times of that at normal geothermal field condition , and can even be as high as 3.44 % .
Several methods including vitrinite reflectance ( R_o ), interval transit time and apatite fission track , are used to reconstruct the sedimentary thickness of Middle-Lower Triassic , and to plot the isopach map of the proto - type basin .
ABSTRACT : Vitrinite reflectance of source rocks is determined and analyzed , it shows that there are differences in the vitrinite reflectance ( Ro value ) between initial sample and extract-ed sample and the difference increases progressively with maturation increasing .
Vitrinite reflectance , also abbreviated to R o , in various depth of same sedimentary basin is a reflector of thermal current density changes experienced by the basin .
In order to evaluate the correlation between variance of measured vitrinite reflectance data and Gini coefficient , 34 Miocene sedimentary rock samples were collected from western Taiwan .
Through thermal simulation experiments on organics of different types , the authors found that there were much difference in vitrinite reflectance for different organics subjected to same thermal evolution . The difference for R ° could reach as much as 0.24-0.60 with same thermal gradient .
The selection of vitrinite reflectance at oil-generating peak when correction should be based on measured source rock evolutive section in a basin for different basins or different source rocks have somewhat different vitrinite reflectance .
Analysing generation hydrocarbon process of hydrocarbon source rocks on reflectance of vitrinite evolutional history and caseate generation hydrocarbon history , hydrocarbon source rocks in most of depressions have experienced two oil and gas generation periods .
Abstract On the basis of vitrinite reflectance , K-Ar ages and apatite fission-track data , the time of hydrocarbon generation and migration , migration direction and hydrocarbon exploration direction are discussed starting with the reconstruction of the subsidence and uplift history and geothermal history of the Ordos Basin .
According to the relationship of vitrinite reflectance to paleo geotemperature , the paleo geotemperature and paleo geothermal gradient of the Depression are restored , and the TTI value of oil source rocks during each period of geohistory is calculated .
The factors influencing the measurement results of vitrinite reflectance and revise
Relationship between the Reflectance of Bitumen and Vitrinite in Rock
Marine vitrinite reflectance as a maturity indicator of lower Palaeozoic hydrocarbon source rocks
Discussions of the method to reconstruct the denuded stratigraphic thickness using practically measured vitrinite reflectance
The eroded thickness reconstructed by vitrinite reflectance
Reconstruction of thermal history in sedimentary basins based on vitrinite reflectance : problems and methods
Application of vitrinite reflectance , sterane and hopane isomer data to thermal history reconstruction of basins
The Relationship between Vitrinite Reflectivity and Other Index of Coking Coal in Taiyuan Coal Gasification Company
Controlled by geothermics , the vitrinite reflectance of samples shows an exponential relation with depth .
Thermally Simulating Study on the Vitrinite Reflectance and the Evolution of Organic Materials from Various Source Rocks
A Corrected Method of Using Vitrinite Reflectance Data to Estimate the Thickness of Sediment Removed at an Unconformity
Relations between vitrinite reflectance , peak temperature and its neighboring temperature variation rate : A comparison of methods