
  • 网络specular;Specular reflection;Specularity;mirroring
  1. 人们通过对光反射模型的研究,知道物体表面的反射光主要由镜面反射光和漫反射光两部分组成。

    With the research on illumination reflectance , people realize that reflection of light from surfaces can be classified into two broad categories : specular and diffuse .

  2. 本文以镜面反射成像理论为基础,提出了一种空间辐射致冷器表面热耦合视因子的积分解法。

    Based on the theory of the specular image technique , a method of integral solution used to solve the view factors between the thermal coupling surfaces of a space radiant cooler is introduced .

  3. 在漫游阶段,则通过执行G映射并调用其他层面的光亮度计算过程,实时地合成整体镜面反射分量。

    At the stage of walkthrough , the proposed algorithm can synthesize the global specular reflection in real time by G mapping while calculating the other intensity components of the environment .

  4. 该结构利用TE,TM在全内反射镜面反射时相位变化的不同来实现偏振补偿功能。

    This structure is different from the conventional Smit AWG device . This device realizes the function of polarization compensation by utilizing the phase difference of TE and TM modes reflecting on the TIR mirror .

  5. 因为使用了物理意义上的辐射度来统一处理漫反射和镜面反射,求得的反射图可以替代任意的解析BRDF模型。

    Because diffuse and specular reflection are uniformly handled by using the radiance concept in physics sense , the reflectance map can replace any analytic BRDF model . 2 .

  6. 首次采用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(FTIR)及镜面反射附件,对天然宝石材料&黄玉在反应堆辐照致色(成为蓝色)前后的样品进行了近、中红外区的光谱分析,并使用FTRaman光谱进行补充。

    In this paper , the natural gem material & Topaz ( colorless transparent samples and reactor irradiation induced blue color samples ) was studied on the spectroscopic analysis of Fourier transformation infrared spectrum ( FTIR ) and FT Raman spectrum .

  7. 利用该模型,结合DS证据理论融合算法以及证据格方法,实现了移动机器人在未知狭窄环境中的导航,并有效地减少了由于超声波传感器镜面反射所引起的不确定性。

    Combining D-S evidence theory and evidence grid method , the model is applied to building the map of narrow unknown environments for mobile robots . So uncertainty caused by specular reflection in ultrasonic sensor responses can be successfully reduced .

  8. 以二维圆柱Ar气体超声速绕流算例,验证了数值算法的有效性,比较分析了漫反射和镜面反射两种气体分子壁面反射模型的计算结果。

    A two-dimensional supersonic Ar-gas flow around a cylinder is computed to show the effectivity of algorithm . Moreover , numerical results of two wall reflection models of gas molecules , namely diffuse reflection model and specular reflection model , are compared and analyzed .

  9. 光反射材料选用的有镜面反射材料和漫反射材料共五种,镜面反射材料:镀铝薄膜和ESR,漫反射材料:tyvek、teflon和millipore。

    For the reflective materials , two types were chosen , one of whose was specular materials : Al film , ESR and the other was diffusion ones : Tyvek , Teflon and Millipore .

  10. 方法是在利用光线追踪法对CPC反射面的镜面反射进行分析的基础上,结合辐射度算法定量计算了CPC反射面的漫反射和太阳光的散射分量对集热器的光学性能的直接影响。

    On the basis of the ray tracing algorithm , which is used to treat the specular case , radiance algorithm is taken to calculate the contribution of the diffuse constituent of the CPC reflector and the diffuse solar radiation to the optical performance of the collector quantitatively .

  11. 以Beckmann光散射理论为基础,分析和建立了冷轧钢板表面粗糙度参数数学模型,从而确立了镜面反射光强和表面粗糙度之间的定量关系。

    The models of profile arithmetic average error R_a and correlation length T of the cold-rolled steel plate surface were established based on the Beckmann light scattering theory and the quantitative relation between specular reflection and surface roughness was founded .

  12. 提出了一种新的针对病变检测的预处理步骤,在均匀颜色空间中基于同态变换滤波(HTF)和对比增强方法来分别调整镜面反射和增强对比。

    For lesion detection , a new preprocessing step is proposed to perform the adjustment of specular reflection and the contrasts enhancement in uniform color space based on homomorphic transforms filter ( HTF ) and contrast adjustment methods , respectively .

  13. 我们将LOD模型简化技术运用于各类曲面镜成像的过程中(包括柱面镜,球面镜等),根据模型与镜距、视距之间的关系约定调用对应的简化模型参与镜面反射成像。

    We apply LOD technology to the process of Curved Mirror Image ( containing cylindrical mirror , spherical mirror and so on ), and call the corresponding simplified model to participate in the Cylindrical Mirror Image according to the conventional relations between the view point and cylindrical mirror .

  14. 在讨论LRCS一般计算方法的基础上,重点针对镜面反射目标,提出了一种简便的LRCS工程估算方法,并应用于激光角反射器目标和猫眼目标,得到了相应的LRCS估算公式;

    The general method for calculating LRCS was derived and discussed . A very simple method for calculating the LRCS for direct reflection targets was proposed and applied to the optical corner reflector and " cat-eye " target respectively , with the formulas for estimating their LRCS .

  15. 精确测量镜面反射、透射和吸收系数

    The Accurate Reflectance , Transmittance and Absorptance Measurements of Specular Samples

  16. 一种找分光计镜面反射象的方法

    A method to find image of specular reflection of spectrometer

  17. 大面积的镜面反射的测量显示了光子禁带的存在。

    Large-area specular reflectance measurements showed the presence of photonic stop band .

  18. 镜面反射目标激光雷达截面的估算方法

    Calculation of laser radar cross section for direct reflection targets

  19. 多波束声纳图像入射角效应和镜面反射区异常的改正

    Correction of Incidence Effection and Mirror Reflection Exception on Multibeam Sonar Image

  20. 低镜面反射硅镀膜玻璃的微结构调制

    Microstructure Modulation of Silicon Planted Glass with Low Mirror Reflection

  21. 镜面反射面形光学三维测量技术综述

    Overview of optical three-dimensional measurement technique for specular reflection surfaces

  22. 包含整体镜面反射的虚拟场景实时漫游算法

    Real-Time Walkthrough Algorithm for Virual Environments with Global Specular Reflections

  23. 用镜面反射显微镜对正常人不同年龄组角膜内皮细胞的观察

    Observation of Corneal Endothelium in Normal Human Different Age Groups by Specular Microscope

  24. 他们是独特的个人或只是一个镜面反射的双重性?

    Are they unique individuals or just a mirror reflection of the twin ?

  25. 红外镜面反射光谱在分析测试中的应用

    Application of FTIR Reflection Technique in Materials Surface Analysis

  26. 透视投影下的镜面反射表面形状恢复新算法

    Shape from Shading for Specular Surfaces under Perspective Projection

  27. 镜面反射的性质及判定

    The property and determinant theorem of specular reflection

  28. 结果表明,表面粗糙度值太低,测头不能完成测量,原因是表面存在较强的镜面反射光;

    It is hard to measure the high reflecting surface because of specular light .

  29. 在地球上,玻璃,液体和抛光金属常常产生镜面反射。

    On Earth , glass , liquids and polished metals often produce specular reflections .

  30. 镜面反射对称性引起的自旋宇称效应

    Spin parity effect caused by mirror reflection symmetry