
jìng xiàng
  • image;mirror image;acoustic image;image by inversion
镜像 [jìng xiàng]
  • [mirror image] 其各部分的排列与另一个作为模型的基本相似的东西的排列正相反;相对一根与之交错的轴或一个与之交错的平面为颠倒的东西

镜像[jìng xiàng]
  1. 她看着镜子中自己的镜像。

    She looked at her image in the mirror .

  2. 选中新创建的镜像,然后单击Add。

    Select the newly created image and click Add .

  3. 如果你闭上左眼,你的镜像就会闭上右眼。

    If you close your left eye , your picture closes its right eye .

  4. 如果你用右手触摸你的右耳,你的镜像就会用左手触摸它的左耳。

    If you touch your right ear with your right hand , your picture touches its left ear with its left hand .

  5. 然后,从您的镜像中下载图形安装系统

    The graphical instillation system will then be downloaded from your mirror .

  6. partnera为主体服务器,partnerb为镜像服务器。

    Partner_a is the principal server and partner_b is the mirror server .

  7. X波段镜像抑制混频器设计

    X - band image - reject mixer design

  8. DB2pureScaleFeature利用了远程磁盘镜像技术,用来处理数据库复制产品。

    The DB2 pureScale Feature leverages remote disk-mirroring technology , and it is designed to work with database replication products .

  9. 可以使用Showinactive子句来查看已经被标记为非活动的备份镜像。

    The Show inactive clause can be used to view backup images that have been marked inactive .

  10. 您可以在DefaultDeploySettings中为每个虚拟机管理程序类型指定默认虚拟镜像。

    You specify the default virtual image for each hypervisor type in the Default Deploy Settings .

  11. HP系列激光打印机的镜像打印程序

    Mirror printing program for HP series laser printers

  12. 利用ADS工具辅助设计和调试了一个X波段镜像抑制混频器。

    This paper presented a X-Band Image-Reject Mixer Design and its circuit using ADS tool for debugging .

  13. DB2会将您的算法的可执行文件复制到备份镜像中,因此我们还可以恢复您的镜像。

    DB2 copies your algorithm 's executables into the backup image so we can restore your image .

  14. 一种基于WDM模型的磁盘镜像备份系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of a Windows Mirror Backup System Based on WDM Model

  15. 接着,下载Eucalyptus管理工具来管理虚拟镜像。

    Next , download the Eucalyptus management tools to manage virtual images .

  16. 介绍利用中子转移反应和镜像核的电荷对称性来间接研究丰质子核的(p,γ)反应。

    An indirect method that using neutron transfer reaction and charge symmetry of mirror nuclei , was introduced to study ( p ,γ) reactions on proton rich nuclei .

  17. 以root身份,使适当的DB2镜像可用,然后检验RedHat上是否安装了所有必需的包。

    As root , make the appropriate DB2 images available and verify that Red Hat has all of the required packages installed .

  18. 它通常使用一个镜像来启动一个实例,或VM。

    It typically uses an image to launch an instance , or VM .

  19. FeaturePack安装镜像还包含两个必需的修补程序包,如果它们不存在,将会提示您安装。

    The feature pack installation image also contains two required fixpacks and will prompt you to install them if they are not present .

  20. 阐述了镜像抑制滤波器VLSI实现过程中所需要注意的问题。

    The problems in VLSI implementation were discussed .

  21. delete选项建立镜像,从目标中删除源中不再存在的文件。

    The & delete command mirrors and removes files in the destination that no longer exist in the source .

  22. 这个变化的rsync命令在目标计算机上您的home目录中创建本地doc目录的镜像。

    This variation of rsync mirrors the local doc directory in your home directory on destination .

  23. 通过采用2-D全波离散镜像技术得到了单轴各向异性分层介质结构的空域Green函数的解析形式。

    The spatial domain Green ′ s functions for uniaxial layered structures are cast into closed forms by using 2 D full wave discrete images ( FWDI ) technique .

  24. 备用DRAM和可选择镜像能够提升内存的RAS。

    Spare DRAM and selective mirroring provide increased memory RAS .

  25. 用于HDTV的非递归正交镜像滤波器设计

    The design of nonrecursive QMF for HDTV signal processing

  26. 从您喜欢的Linux内核下载镜像站点上获得HDAPS。

    Get HDAPS from your favorite Linux kernel download mirror .

  27. 在提取程序成功地创建了安装镜像之后,取消选择Starttheinstallationwizard复选框,以便您可以在稍后来运行安装程序。

    After the extractor program successfully creates the installation image , clear the Start the installation wizard checkbox so that you can run the installation program later .

  28. QEMU主站点包含若干现成的QEMU磁盘镜像文件。

    The main QEMU site includes several ready-made QEMU disk image files .

  29. ApacheXML-RPC镜像站点:下载ApacheXML-RPC实现所需的JAR文件。

    Apache XML-RPC mirror sites : Download the JAR files you need for Apache 's XML-RPC implementation .

  30. GMPLS的一种镜像保护恢复机制

    A mirror protection / restoration mechanism of the GMPLS technology