
  • 网络Fort Worth;DFW;Forth Worth
  1. 在美国,国会议员们热衷于在得克萨斯州沃斯堡(FortWorth)继续生产此型战斗机。

    In the US , members of Congress are keen to maintain production of the fighters in Fort Worth , Texas .

  2. 在达勒斯/沃斯堡机场进行的ATIDS操作和频谱试验

    Operational and Spectrum Tests for ATIDS at Dallas / Fort Worth Airport ; Project rept

  3. 达拉斯-沃斯堡机场也从切萨皮克公司获得了1.86亿美元的签约奖金,机场官员和切萨皮克公司CEO麦克兰登还在签约仪式上开了香槟。

    Dallas-Fort Worth Airport received a $ 186 million signing bonus from Chesapeake ; airport officials and McClendon toasted the deal with champagne .

  4. 后来,他在堪萨斯州利文沃斯堡(FortLeavenworth,Kansas)领导训练中心,在那儿与人合著了新版美军平叛战地手册,由陆军与海军陆战队在上个月联合出版。

    He later led the training centre in Fort Leavenworth , Kansas , from where he co-authored the new American counter-insurgency field manual , published jointly by the army and marines last month .

  5. kyal关闭出售了,很多员工发现没有了工作,卡梅伦便在沃斯堡VBAP做兼职,希望能在那工作足够长时间等到一个全职的站点开放。

    The station KYAL was put up for sale , and many employees found themselves without a job , Cam landed part-time work at VBAP in Fort Worth and planned to hang on to this job long enough for a full-time position to open up .

  6. 这些日子以来,切萨皮克公司在沃斯堡的出镜率远远没有以前高了。

    Chesapeake is far less visible around Fort Worth these days .

  7. 它现在在封存在沃斯堡。

    It is now in flyable storage in Fort Worth .

  8. 正因为这样,沃斯堡的失业率要远低于美国平均水平。

    Fort Worth 's unemployment rate remains well below the national average .

  9. 前文提到的《沃斯堡明星电讯报》就把自家印刷厂的钻探权卖了出去。

    The Fort Worth Star-Telegram sold rights to drill under its printing plant .

  10. 莫妮卡·莱利来自美国德州沃斯堡,目前体重已达到700磅。

    Monica Riley is from Forth Worth , Texas and currently weighs 700 lbs.

  11. 在莱文沃斯堡(监狱)休养一辈子。

    It 's a lifetime at exotic Fort leavenworth .

  12. 士兵清除了碎片并送往德克萨斯州的沃斯堡进行分析。

    Soldiers removed the debris and sent it for analysis at Fort Worth , Texas .

  13. 现在专家们仍在对沃斯堡西北部几口处理井附近接连发生的一连串小型地震进行研究。

    An ongoing string of quakes near disposal wells northwest of Fort Worth remains under study .

  14. 此外,沃斯堡也许是最好的地方在美国找到高品质的西式服装。

    Plus , Fort Worth is perhaps the best place in America to find high-quality Western wear .

  15. 切萨皮克公司也不再冠名沃斯堡的灯火节了。

    Chesapeake also no longer has its brand on the big downtown Fort Worth holiday festival of lights .

  16. •“达拉斯或者沃斯堡居民2008年的汽油消费额是多少?”

    • " how much money did residents of Dallas / Fort Worth spend on gasoline in 2008 ? "

  17. 得克萨斯州沃斯堡一家医院依据法庭裁决撤除了一名女性的生命维持设备。

    A hospital in Fort Worth , Texas has removed a woman from life support following a court ruling .

  18. 哈格曼是沃斯堡人,母亲玛丽·马丁是百老汇原创歌舞剧《彼得潘》的主演,哈格曼则从母亲那里继承了表演天赋。

    Fort Worth native Hagman caught the acting bug from his mother Mary Martin , Broadway 's original Peter Pan .

  19. 为了找到答案,研究人员检查了超过4000名来自奥斯汀和达拉斯-沃斯堡周边的11个不同的德州郡的居民。

    To find out , researchers examined more than 4000 residents of 11 different Texas counties around the Austin and Dallas-Fort Worth areas .

  20. 据沃斯堡警察局的一位发言人表示,科尔警官跳进了一个浑浊的后院游泳池去寻找乔舒亚。

    The officer went into a murky , back yard swimming pool to search for him , according to a Fort Worth police department spokesman .

  21. 冬季风暴逼近美国中南部地区,目前已迫使美国航空公司取消了500架往返达拉斯沃斯堡机场的航班。

    Winter weather bearing down on the southern central U.S. has already forced American Airlines to cancel about 500 flights in and out of Dallas Fort Worth Airport .

  22. 接着是他功成名就的作品德克萨斯州的现代艺术博物馆“沃斯堡”,一排栅栏环绕的玻璃亭倒映在宽阔的建筑群,神秘莫测,引人入胜。

    And then there 's his triumphant Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth , in Texas , a palisade of glass pavilions that touch down mysteriously on a broad reflecting pool .

  23. 达拉斯-沃斯堡大型机场位于众多物流和集散中心的中间地带,获得大量可供拓展的空间十分重要。

    Dallas-Fort Worth 's enormous airport lies at the centre of a large number of logistics and distribution centres . Again , having oodles of space to expand into is crucial ;

  24. 2005年,一家公司的公关人员对《沃斯堡明星电讯报》表示:巴奈特页岩田的财富就像是舞会上的漂亮女人,每个人都想和她跳舞。

    Barnett Shale properties are like the beautiful woman at the prom , one company PR man told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram in 2005 . Everybody wants to dance with her .

  25. 有些在当地比较有地位的土地所有者,包括市政府、校区、沃斯堡机场、亿万富翁艾德o巴斯和《电讯报》都纷纷状告切萨皮克公司,称对方亏欠分红。

    Several prominent landowners including the city of Fort Worth , the school district , DFW Airport , billionaire Ed Bass , and the Star-Telegram sued Chesapeake , accusing it of shorting them .

  26. “页岩热”已经持续了十年了,所以现在也该对沃斯堡的今昔做一个对比,看看它在当年页岩热刚兴起的时候是什么样子,现在又留下了什么。

    It 's now a decade since the boom began , and that makes it a fit moment to look back at what started in Fort Worth - and to see what it left behind .

  27. 虽然能源公司和该州官员表示,目前还没有确切的证据表明导致这些地震的具体原因是什么,但是就在沃斯堡机场附近的两口废液处理井关闭后,这座机场2009年以来发生的一连串地震的确停止了。

    Although energy companies and state officials say there 's no firm proof of what causes the quakes , a string of temblors at Dallas-Forth Worth Airport lasting through 2009 ended after two disposal wells were shut down .