
  • 网络WOLF;wolff;Wolfe;Wulf;Whorf
  1. 另一个著名的奖项沃尔夫数学奖(WolfPrizeinMathematics),至今也没有女性得主。

    No woman has won the Wolf Prize in Mathematics , another prestigious award .

  2. 马丁•沃尔夫(MartinWolf)将银行业形容为实质上是唯一能够拖垮整个经济的行业。

    Martin Wolf described banking as " virtually the only business able to devastate entire economies " .

  3. 弗里茨把一个玻璃杯和两瓶啤酒放在沃尔夫面前。

    Fritz deposited a glass and two bottles of beer in front of Wolfe

  4. 沃尔夫对我的建议置若罔闻。

    Wolfe waved my suggestion aside

  5. “也许明天会更好,”我说着挂断了电话。“我在骗谁啊?”我对沃尔夫说。“明天还是一个样。”

    ' Maybe tomorrow will be better , ' I said , hanging up . ' Who am I kidding ? ' I told Wolfe . ' Tomorrow will be more of the same . '

  6. 奥林匹克级邮轮是北爱尔兰的哈兰德与沃尔夫船厂为英国白星航运公司建造的。

    The Olympic class ships were built by the Harland & Wolff ship makers in Northern Ireland for the White Star Line company .

  7. 海明威感情压抑,沃尔夫却把读者卷进感情的漩涡

    Hemingway suppresses emtion , Wolfe engulfs the reader in feeling .

  8. 贾斯珀用枪吓跑了一群惊鸟(b弗吉尼亚沃尔夫)

    The flock of starlings which Jasper had routed with his gun ( bVirginia Woolf )

  9. 沃尔夫现年35岁,纽约人,从8岁就在美国芭蕾舞学校(SchoolofAmericanBallet)学跳芭蕾舞。

    The 35-year-old New Yorker began dancing at age 8 at the School of American Ballet .

  10. 对于晚餐,沃尔夫喜欢约会的感觉,所以常常和老公迈克(Mike)外出就餐。

    For dinner , she enjoys date nights and often eats out with her husband , Mike .

  11. 马丁•沃尔夫(MartinWolf),首席经济评论员:《帕金森定律》(Parkinson’sLaw:ThePursuitofProgress),西里尔•诺思科特•帕金森(CyrilNorthcoteParkinson)著,1958年

    MartinWolf , chief economic commentator : Parkinson 's Law : The Pursuitof Progress , by Cyril Northcote Parkinson ( 1958 )

  12. 沃尔夫每周去StepsonBroadway参加1-3次布尔曼的高阶专业芭蕾舞课程。

    Ms. Wolf attends Mr. Burmann 's advanced professional class at Steps on Broadway one to three times a week .

  13. 相反,作为纽约市芭蕾舞团(NewYorkCityBallet)昔日的一名舞蹈队员,沃尔夫认为最好的孕期锻炼就是她迄今生活中投入时间最多的运动。

    As a former New York City Ballet corps member , Ms. Wolf knew the best prenatal exercise is the one she 's been doing most of her life .

  14. 量化自我的网络平台现在还包括卡迈克尔和《连线》(Wired)杂志记者凯文•凯利和加里•沃尔夫管理的博客。

    It now includes a blog moderated by Carmichael and Wired magazine writers Kevin Kelly and Gary Wolf .

  15. 在StepsonBroadway单上一节芭蕾课的花费是18美元,沃尔夫报了一套共10节的课程,总计160美元。

    A single class at Steps on Broadway costs $ 18 , though she buys a series of 10 classes for $ 160 .

  16. 这段录像是在朝鲜内拍摄的,当CNN的记者沃尔夫•布利策2010去那里时拍摄的。

    This video was taken inside North Korea , when CNN Wolf Blitzer went there in 2010 .

  17. 练功时,沃尔夫会穿Bloch品牌的分割式软底舞鞋(售价在33美元上下)。

    She dances in Bloch split-sole ballet slippers , which cost around $ 33 .

  18. 尽管他的努力也以失败告终,但沃尔夫迫使美国证交会成立了全球安全风险办公室(officeofglobalsecurityrisk),调查在美上市外国公司的活动。

    Although this effort failed as well , Mr Wolf succeeded in strong - arming the SEC into creating an office of global security risk to investigate the activities of foreign companies listing in the US .

  19. 沃尔夫最喜欢的练习包括大腿内侧运动(InnerThigh)和经典搭桥(ClassicBridge)练习,这些动作有助于锻炼臀部、大腿内侧和腿肚部位。

    Her favorites include the Inner Thigh and the Classic Bridge exercises , which help sculpt the butt , the inner thighs and the back of the legs .

  20. 此外,沃尔夫每天还会食用EpicSeed的GreekYogurt+Chia以补充钙元素,并通过吃香蕉补钾,她听说这样可以预防孕期肌肉痉挛症状的发生。

    She has Epic Seed 's Greek Yogurt + Chia every day for calcium , and bananas for potassium , which she learned prevents muscle cramps during pregnancy .

  21. 但是,正如我的妻子、伦敦大学国王学院(King'sCollegeLondon)的艾莉森?沃尔夫(AlisonWolf)在为教育政策研究所(EducationPolicyInstitute)撰写的一篇有关重塑高等教育的论文中所主张的,这一理念毫无依据。

    Yet , as Alison Wolf of King 's College London ( my wife ) argues in a paper on Remaking Tertiary Education for the Education Policy Institute , this is unjustified .

  22. 珠宝设计师杰米・沃尔夫(JamieWolf)没有让怀孕阻碍她在芭蕾课上继续练习下蹲和划圈等动作。

    Jewelry designer Jamie Wolf doesn 't let pregnancy stop her from doing plies and ronds de jambe in her ballet class .

  23. 我还记得在1998年,当沃尔夫的第二部小说在角逐“国家图书奖”功亏一篑之际,约翰·厄普代克(JohnUpdike)向我展露了如释重负的微笑;

    I remember John Updike flashing me a relieved smile the night Wolfe 's second novel lost the National Book Award in 1998 ;

  24. 但就如迈克尔•沃尔夫(MichaelWolff)在其引起争议的新作《TelevisionIstheNewTelevision》中坚持的观点,现代媒体的现实远比老生常谈的观点要微妙得多。

    But , as Michael Wolff insists in his provocative new book Television Is the New Television , the reality of modern media is far more nuanced than the clich é presumes .

  25. 1916年和1917年,我们驱车到密歇根南部的杰克逊县(JacksonCounty)度假一两个星期,下塌于沃尔夫湖(WolfLake)边上一个叫麦克岛(MackIsland)的旅馆。

    In1916 and again in1917 we drove to Jackson County in southern Michigan for a vacation of a week or two at a hotel called Mack Island , at Wolf Lake .

  26. 今年2月末,沃尔夫展示了他对危机规模的警觉他警告,美国可能成为“各种灾难的根源”(motherofallmeltdowns)。

    In late February , wolf showed he was alert to the scale of the crisis , warning that the US faced " the mother of all meltdowns " .

  27. 埃德温杜鲁门(edwintruman)(嘉宾):对于亚洲人从金融危机中学到了什么教训,沃尔夫和鲁比尼的总结确实含有大量有益的分析。

    Edwin Truman ( guest ) : The Wolf / Roubini lessons Asians learnt from their financial crisis contains a lot of useful analysis .

  28. 参议员范士丹告诉CNN沃尔夫•布利泽时事分析室节目,她不相信白宫高层传来的任何消息。

    Feinstein told CNN 's The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer that she didn 't believe any of the information came from the top ranks of the White House .

  29. 如今,这种忧虑还没有严重到全面影响达沃斯欢乐气氛的程度:正如我的同事马丁沃尔夫(martinwolf)上周四所说的那样,主旋律仍是乐观。

    Now , this anxiety is not serious enough to damp the party mood in Davos entirely : as Martin wolf , my colleague , observed on Thursday , the dominant tone remains optimistic .

  30. 商业活动日益成为一种团队运动:比如哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)朱莉•沃尔夫的报告称,过去20年间,直接对公司CEO负责的职位数量翻了一番,平均为9.8个。

    Business is increasingly a team sport : consider that the number of positions reporting directly to the CEO at Fortune 500 companies has doubled in the past 20 years , to 9.8 on average , reports Julie Wulf of the Harvard Business School .