
  • 网络Genetic disorders;genetic barrier;inocmpletegenetic Llock;generic disorder
  1. 利用基因工程方法可以打破物种间的遗传障碍,实现优良目的基因的定向转移,且后代易于稳定,育种周期短。为进一步改良棉花纤维产量和品质提供了一条有效途径。

    With the advantages to overcome genetic obstacle among species and to transfer target genes purposively and rapidly , gene engineering provides an effective strategy to improve the yield and quality of cotton fiber .

  2. 三年之内,这项技术将用于防止具有遗传性障碍的母亲将这种基因遗传给未出生的婴儿。

    The technique could be used within three years to prevent mothers with genetic disorders from passing them to their unborn children .

  3. 可考虑从野生稻中提取抗性活性成分用于植物源农药的开发研究,但在实际的研究中发现其有效活性成分含量较少和基因遗传连锁障碍等两个问题。

    Although there are many problems when we extract botanic pesticides , the molecular mapping of resistant genes can solve them and turn the use of resistant genes in wild rice into reality .

  4. 一个中国汉族遗传性视力障碍大家系的临床及遗传学研究

    A Clinical and Scientific Research of a Chinese Family with Visual Disorder

  5. 了解了造成这些特性的原因就能更好地了解出现在人类遗传和遗传障碍上的相似现象,同时对基因治疗也有积极的意义,他说。

    Understanding the basis for these traits could lead to better understanding of the same phenomena in human genetics and genetic disorders , and could have implications for gene therapy , he said .

  6. 大豆遗传转化的主要障碍及研究进展

    The Major Obstacles and Research Progress on Soybean Transformation

  7. 正常人视网膜上与遗传性视网膜营养障碍相关基因的检测

    Expression of genetic retinal dysfunction-related genes in human retina

  8. 听力障碍是人类最为常见感觉障碍之一,遗传因素在听力障碍致病因素中所占比例高达50%以上。

    Hearing loss is the most common sensory impairment . Genetic factors are attributed to over 50 % of all etiological factors .

  9. 在分析通过可视图计算障碍距离方法的不足基础上,借鉴机器人路径规划问题解决思路,研究了一种基于改进遗传算法的格网障碍距离计算方法。

    Based on the analyzing of the drawback of calculating obstacle distance through Visibility GRAPH ( VGRAPH ), a new method for computing obstacle distance based grid using improved GA is presented , which is on the basis of robot route planning .