
  1. 沃特福德峡谷在地理学上无足轻重,但是文化意义重大。

    Watford gap is geographically unremarkable but culturally iconic .

  2. 切尔西欢迎特里队长回来加入到周六主场对沃特福德的比赛。

    Chelsea welcome back John Terry for saturday 's home clash with watford .

  3. 这个沃特福德的水晶球要比去年的亮两倍。

    The Waterford Crystal ball is twice as bright as last year 's version .

  4. 舒一口气的队友们在沃特福德的半场中间,纷纷蜂拥而至扑向他。

    Relieved team-mates flung themselves on him in team throng halfway inside Watford 's half .

  5. 沃特福德的交通很糟糕。

    The traffic was bad in watford .

  6. 克莱维利去年在维根,也曾经在沃特福德和莱斯特打过。

    Cleverley was at Wigan last year and also had spells at Leicester and Watford .

  7. 他们在沃特福德上的火车。

    They joined the train at watford .

  8. 这是去牛津的公路干线,而去沃特福德的干道往右边拐。

    This is the Oxford road , and the Watford road turns off to the right .

  9. 沃特福德是我见过的最适合所有学生的教育项目。

    Waterford is the best program I have ever seen for reaching all of our students .

  10. 鲁尼对于错过同查尔顿、沃特福德和热刺的比赛感到很失望。

    Rooney could not hide his disappointment at having to miss the matches against charlton , Watford and tottenham .

  11. 爵爷承认他早在杨还在沃特福德踢球的时候就打算签他了。

    Sir Alex Ferguson has admitted he tried to sign Ashley Young when the winger was still at Watford .

  12. 巴恩斯17岁的时候为萨德巴里科特踢球,泰勒给他机会成为沃特福德预备队队员。

    Barnes was 17 and playing for Sudbury Court when Taylor gave him a chance in the Watford reserve team .

  13. 老师都是沃特福德西赫兹学院来的,我目前通过了所有科目的测验。

    Teachers from West Herts College come in to teach us and I 've passed all my assignments so far .

  14. 在这辆往沃特福德去的列车发车后一会儿,露西同车厢的一位乘客开始唱起歌来。

    Soon after the Watford-bound train pulled out of the station , a fellow traveler in Lucy 's carriage began singing .

  15. 我在莱顿东方呆了四个赛季,不过在我学徒合同的最后一个赛季我离开了,在那个赛季我加入了沃特福德。

    I was at Orient for four seasons but I left in my last year as a scholar and spent the final season at Watford .

  16. 他连跳两级加盟了沃特福德俱乐部,但是在上个赛季后半程和阿森纳二线队踢了一场比赛之前,他看起来很可能被这家俱乐部扫地出门。

    He leapt two divisions to join Watford but was likely to be shown the door there before he played against Arsenal 's second-string late last season .

  17. 沃特福德爱尔兰东南一郡,位于都柏林西南偏南。作为主要的港口,沃特福德在18和19世纪以其玻璃制造工业而驱名。人口38473。

    A borough of southeast Ireland south-southwest of dublin . a major port , Waterford was famous in the18th and19th centuries for its glass-manufacturing industry . population , 38473 .

  18. 守门员方面,年轻的克里斯。柯克兰(威根)和本。福斯特(沃特福德)替代詹姆斯做保尔。罗宾逊的替补。

    On the goalkeeping side , youngsters Chris Kirkland and Ben Foster , on loan at Wiganand Watford respectively , were preferred to James as backup to Paul Robinson .

  19. 一位身处隔绝之的姐妹因为他的孩子在信仰上极大地成长了–沃特福德的诺拉、希拉和德蒙特和格威尔的凯文。

    What started with the quiet strength of one sister in isolation has grown tremendously through her children – Norah , Sheila and Dermot in Waterford , and Kevin in Galway .

  20. 回到曼联打了几场季前赛,然后就租借到了沃特福德。再然后就受伤了,一直休息到圣诞节。

    I came back to United and had a few games in pre-season , then went out on loan again to Watford , then picked up an injury and I 've been out since Christmas .

  21. 理论上看,残骸可能会落在沃特福德以南或福克兰群岛以北的任何地方,但因为这一地区海洋面积比陆地面积大得多,残骸最有可能坠入海中。

    In theory the remains could land anywhere south of Watford or north of the Falkland Islands , with a sea landing most likely due to the size of the oceans relative to the continents .

  22. 但在周六曼联战胜沃特福德的联赛比赛中,这位28岁的球员伤了脚趾,被认为将因此缺席麦克拉拉伦执教国家队的首场国际比赛。

    It was feared the28-year-old had broken a toe in Manchester united 's Premiership win over Watford on Saturday and would therefore miss Steve mcclaren 's first competitive game in charge of the national side .

  23. 《纽约时报》指出,来这座城市旅游的人首先要去新近翻修的查尔斯狄更斯博物馆,然后进行华纳兄弟工作室之旅(邻近沃特福德)并在华道夫阿斯多里亚酒店住宿。

    Visitors to the capital should head to the recently-renovated Charles Dickens Museum , take the Warner Brothers Studio Tour ( on the edge of Watford ), and stay at the Waldorf Astoria , according to the New York Times .