
  • 网络CAGLIARI;cagliari exchange
  1. 他将要访问4个城市,包括萨迪尼亚的卡利亚里。

    He 'll be visiting four cities including Cagliari in Sardinia

  2. 卡利亚里是我的起点,是我的一切的开始的地方。

    Cagliari was my starting point , my launch pad for everything .

  3. 目前我们不想对阵曼联的比赛,只想对阵卡利亚里的比赛。

    We aren 't thinking about Manchester at the moment , just Cagliari .

  4. 但这是一个为了卡利亚里队的进球。

    But it will be a goal for Cagliari .

  5. 就像在卡利亚里的比赛一样:卡莫拉内西上场了,尤文扭转了局面。

    Just like in Cagliari : Camoranesi came on and Juventus shifted gears .

  6. 和卡利亚里的比赛十分重要。

    There are two big games coming up , against Cagliari and then Barcelona .

  7. 我想挑战下对阵苦手卡利亚里我们会怎样,结果我们爆发了。

    I want to see challenges so tough against Cagliari that the football bursts .

  8. 不管怎么样,我们必须要小心,因为卡利亚里不是一支简单的球队。

    However , we must be careful because Cagliari are not an easy team .

  9. 我们必须在对卡利亚里的这场比赛中取胜重回胜利轨道。

    We had to win and find back certain automatisms in this clash against Cagliari .

  10. 卡利亚里换了主教练,我们不知道如何识别这支球队。

    Cagliari has changed coach and we don 't know the identity of this team very well .

  11. 红黑将士们将面对以往赛季不同的卡利亚里队。

    The Rossoneri will meet a Cagliari side different from the one of the last few League matches .

  12. 不过,我们应该首先考虑卡利亚里这一场球。

    However , we have to think about Cagliari first and just take one game at a time .

  13. 这名29岁的前罗马和前卡利亚里球员是最后一个进入黑白军团的伤病名单。

    The29-year-old ex-Roma and Cagliari player is just the latest star to check into the Bianconeri treatment room .

  14. 卡利亚里队的主席说过他们和国际米兰的谈判已经结束,我没有理由不相信他。

    Cagliari 's president said the negotiations with Inter were over , I had no reason not to believe him .

  15. 随后,我们控制了比赛节奏,并迫使卡利亚里留出了更多空间。

    Then , we were setting up the match to control the tempo and force Cagliari to open up more .

  16. 该研究是他在撒丁岛卡利亚里大学做客座教授时和那里的同事一起进行的。

    It was conducted with colleagues at the University of Cagliari in Sardinia , where he is a Visiting Professor .

  17. 就个人层面上来说,我在同桑普多利亚和卡利亚里的比赛中犯了一些错误,我希望自己能做得更好。

    On a personal level , I made a few mistakes against Sampdoria and Cagliari and I expect more from myself .

  18. 当我到达卡利亚里的时候,人们说事情的进展不会顺利,主席切里诺会解雇我。

    When I arrived at Cagliari , people were saying that things could not go well and Cellino would sack me .

  19. 现在,我们为我们的表现感到高兴,但我们必须保持这种状态与卡利亚里以及之后的对手比赛。

    Right now we are really happy with what we have done , but we must continue like this against Cagliari and onwards .

  20. 卡利亚里主席马西莫奇里诺和米兰可以让该前锋的转会之路更困难,但是选择了置身事外。

    Sardinian President Massimo Cellino and Milan could have made life a lot more difficult for the hitman , but opted to step aside .

  21. 卡利亚里仍有机会进军下赛季欧洲赛场,此番在马拉西遭遇联赛上无欲无求的桑普多利亚。

    Cagliari are still in with a chance of qualifying for European football next season as they face a relaxed Sampdoria side at Marassi .

  22. 尤文图斯希望留下阿里奥多,但同样希望这名小将得到成长的机会,因此有消息说费拉里斯总部有可能会将他租借到卡利亚里。

    Juventus are keen to keep hold of Ariaudo , but want him to develop , so they are reportedly offering him on loan to Cagliari .

  23. 在该研究中,劳克伦博士在卡利亚里大学的职位是由撒丁岛地区政府赞助的。

    During the research , Dr Lauchlan 's post at the University of Cagliari was funded by the Sardinian Regional Government ( Regione Autonoma della Sardegna ) .

  24. 球队准备将塞雷尼(米兰还是不要)送到卡利亚里,前面有个老佩,他得不到太多的机会。

    In the meantime , Lazio will sell goalkeeper Sereni to Cagliari , as the goalkeeper is not finding space in the first team with Angelo Peruzzi ahead of him .

  25. 因此,正如我们没有让失利的战果演变成真正的悲剧,在取得了对阵卡利亚里这场美妙的胜利之后,我们也没有任何念头和理由轻言放弃。

    So , as we haven 't make a tragedy out of our negative results , now we don 't have any intentions to give up after such a nice victory as the one against Cagliari .