
é kè lā hé mǎ
  • Oklahoma
  1. 俄克拉何马大学医学中心(UniversityofOklahomaMedicalCenter)说,已经收治了45名儿童。

    One hospital , University of Oklahoma Medical Center , said it received 45 children .

  2. 1995年,比尔•克林顿(billclinton)把致168人死亡的俄克拉何马城爆炸案转变成了政治上的大手笔。

    In 1995 , Bill Clinton converted the tragedy of the Oklahoma City bomb that claimed 168 lives into a political masterstroke .

  3. 俄克拉何马州应急管理部门(OklahomaDepartmentofEmergencyManagement)的一名发言人说,龙卷风导致至少24人死亡,其中九人为儿童。

    At least 24 people died , nine of them children , according to a spokeswoman for the Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management .

  4. BradHenry,俄克拉何马州前州长有些人永远无法学到什么,其中的缘由就是他们明白世事太快了。

    Some people will never learn anything , for this reason , because they understand everything too soon .

  5. NPR新闻,乔·沃茨俄克拉何马城报道。

    For NPR News , I am Joe Wertz in Oklahoma City .

  6. 这段Youtube视频展示了一个俄克拉何马州家庭从避难所出来的情景。

    this Youtube video shows what it looked like when one Oklahoma family came out of its shelter .

  7. 对俄克拉何马州来说,Russ仍然意味着整个世界。

    And Russ still means the world to Oklahoma .

  8. 王宏彪还表示,在美国俄克拉何马阿德莫授权组装mg轿车的工作“进展非常顺利”,不过南京汽车尚未签订任何协议。

    Mr Wang also said that work on a plan to license assembly of Mg cars in Ardmore , Oklahoma , was " going very well " , although NAC had not yet signed an agreement .

  9. 从日本NHK电视台到俄克拉何马州的切克沙镇,欢迎世界各地的观众们收看CNN学生新闻。

    From NHK TV in Japan to the city of Chickasha , Oklahoma , we welcome our viewers from all over the world .

  10. 比方说,很快就会当上参议院环境与公共事务委员会(Senate’sCommitteeonEnvironmentandPublicWorks)主席的俄克拉何马州共和党参议员詹姆斯·英霍夫(JamesInhofe),曾援引圣经经文来反驳气候变化人为论,他还说过:

    I 'll point you to Senator James Inhofe , an Oklahoma Republican soon to be the chairman of the Senate 's Committee on Environment and Public Works , who argues against man-made climate change by citing biblical verse and who said :

  11. 应急管理部门说,周一俄克拉何马州至少发生三次龙卷风,受灾地区包括俄克拉何马市、穆尔市和邓肯(Duncan),但是穆尔市受灾最为严重。

    The Department of Emergency Management said at least three tornadoes touched down Monday in Oklahoma , including in Oklahoma City , Moore and Duncan , but Moore took the hardest hit .

  12. 该公司表示,这些包是分配给位于得克萨斯州、俄克拉何马州、亚利桑那州、西维吉尼亚州、北卡罗莱那州、内华达州和肯塔基州的社区服务公司的CPI食品公司货架稳定餐包的一部分。

    The company said the packets are parts of CPI Foods shelf-stable meal kits distributed to community service companies in Texas , Oklahoma , Arizona , West Virginia , North Carolina , Nevada and Kentucky .

  13. 这位名人堂成员也是目前NBA历史上唯一一位完成此壮举的球员,但本赛季俄克拉何马城雷霆队的拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克和休斯顿火箭队的詹姆斯-哈登在这两项数据上皆排名联盟前列。

    The Hall of Famer remains the only player to accomplish the feat , but Russell Westbrook of the Oklahoma City Thunder and James Harden of the Houston Rockets rank among the league leaders in both categories this season .

  14. 今年这五名成员是俄亥俄的凯南Diab,特拉华的Rui胡,来自加利福尼亚的詹妮·Kwan,佛罗里达的贾森·LaRue和来自俄克拉何马的Haofei·魏。

    The five this year were Kenan Diab of Ohio , Rui Hu of Delaware , Jenny Kwan from California , Jason LaRue of Florida and Haofei Wei from Oklahoma .

  15. 俄克拉何马州州长法林(MaryFallin)说,这场经历让人心碎,尤其是儿童的死亡。法林周二乘飞机在受灾社区上空巡视,她表示,由于房屋损坏和路牌被吹倒,一些区域难以辨认。

    ' It 's been a very heartbreaking experience , especially the loss of children , ' said Gov. Mary Fallin , who flew over the devastated community Tuesday , and said the destruction and downed street signs had rendered some areas unidentifiable .

  16. 让我想想有人是来自。俄克拉何马的吗?

    Let me think , OK , anybody here from Oklahoma ?

  17. 俄克拉何马大学学士,作曲,小号。

    Bachelor 's degree in music ( B.M. ), Oklahoma City University .

  18. 她在俄克拉何马的合唱队行列内开始她的职业生涯。

    She began her professional career in the chorus line of oklahoma .

  19. 俄克拉何马州最近给通用汽车公司减免税收。

    Oklahoma had recently provided tax relief for General Motors .

  20. 在俄克拉何马州所经历的真是难以置信的旅程啊。

    It 's been one heck of a journey Oklahoma !

  21. 洪水已淹没俄克拉何马中心大部分地区。

    Floodwaters now cover much of the center oklahoma .

  22. 年轻的火箭队试图连续三场击败西部冠军俄克拉何马城的球队。

    The young Rockets trial defending western conference champion Oklahoma City three zip .

  23. 简而言之:他让俄克拉何马州觉得自己很重要。

    To put it simply : He made Oklahoma feel like it mattered .

  24. 我们现在来讲。俄克拉何马神枪手谬误。

    We 'll talk about the Oklahoma sharpshooter fallacy .

  25. 我将带着在这里结识的众多的友谊和无尽的感恩之心,离开俄克拉何马州。

    I ' m leaving Oklahoma with so many friends and so much gratitude .

  26. 还是俄克拉何马州凶杀案的嫌疑人。

    And suspected of murder in oklahoma .

  27. 七月四日,杜兰特离开了俄克拉何马城,转投湾区。

    On the Fourth of July , KD split Oklahoma City for the Bay Area .

  28. 她参加了音乐剧《俄克拉何马》的演出。

    She appeared in the musical'oklahoma ' .

  29. 在我游历俄克拉何马州和得克萨斯州并与那里小镇上的人交谈之后,

    So after traveling and talking to people in places like Oklahoma or small-town Texas ,

  30. 有一次为了打赌,佩克斯•比尔不用鞍子就骑上了一般俄克拉何马的旋风。

    To win a bet , Pecos Bill once rode an Oklaoma cyclone without a saddle .