
  • 网络russian studies
  1. 第三阶段,从八卷一号后,《新青年》开辟了《俄罗斯研究》专栏,成为宣传马克思主义的主要阵地。

    The third phase , after the eight volumes one , the " New Youth " opened up " Russian Studies " column and became the main positions of promoting Marxism .

  2. 我还主要研究共产主义,但当柏林墙被推倒时,我变得心烦意乱。我知道,柏林墙的倒塌对许多人来说都是一件欢欣的事情,但相信我,当时学校里所有俄罗斯研究专业的学生都非常失落。

    I also focused a lot of my studies on communism , which when the Berlin Wall fell , I was totally screwed . I know , it was a happy occasion for a lot of people , but on this campus , believe me , all of the Russian studies majors were very down in the dumps .

  3. 社会转型时期俄罗斯研究生教育发展状况述评

    Comment on the Development of Graduate Education during the Social Transition in Russia

  4. 他们还与一些俄罗斯研究机构合作共同开发农业技术。

    Agricultural authorities in He Longjiang said crop cultivation , they also cooperated with some Russian research institutions in developing farming technology .

  5. 俄罗斯研究人员称他们发现了一具含有血液,保存完好的长毛猛犸象的尸体,这重燃了克隆这种冰河时代动物的希望。

    Russian researchers say they have discovered a perfectly preserved woolly mammoth carcass with blood , fueling hopes of cloning the ice animal .

  6. 历史研究是英国学术界的重要传统,历史学方法也是英国俄罗斯研究的基本方法之一。

    The historical research is an important tradition of the British academia , and history method is one of the basic research methods .

  7. 结合钛及其合金的物理、化学性能及对减少坦克质量所起的作用,对美国和俄罗斯研究与开发钛及其合金在坦克中的应用现状作了简要论述。

    In view of Ti and Ti alloy physical and chemical properties and their effect on lowering tank weight , brief description is made of the present application of USA and Russia developed Ti and Ti alloy in the tank .

  8. 俄罗斯国立研究大学(NationalResearchUniversity)的阿列克谢•马斯洛夫(AlexeyMaslov)指出,这些会晤取得了实质性成果,与此前那种“没有经济内容的政治装点”形成鲜明对照。

    These meetings have yielded tangible results , notes Alexey Maslov at Moscow 's National Research University , contrasting it with the previous pattern of " political decoration without economic content . "

  9. 中国农产品出口俄罗斯前景研究

    The Research on Prospection of China 's Agricultural Products Export to Russia

  10. 东方山羊豆在俄罗斯的研究和应用

    The research and utilization of Galega orientalis in Russia

  11. 俄罗斯外债研究

    Research on Russian 's Foreign Loan

  12. 中国与俄罗斯关系研究

    A Study on Sino-Russian Relations

  13. 本文主要从符号学的视角分析术语作为特殊符号的功能及俄罗斯术语学研究中的符号学方法。

    This paper analyses the function of term as a special symbol and semiotic method in Russian terminology research .

  14. 日俄还将商讨西伯利亚的115亿美元输油管道的建设与走向问题。[光辉放电]等离子体处理机(商名,意大利与俄罗斯合作研究产品)

    Japan and Russia will also discuss the development and direction of an $ 11.5 bn oil pipeline from Siberia .

  15. 文章拟从90年代前期和后期俄罗斯法学研究的不同侧重来揭示这一时期的法学思潮。

    This article proposes to reveal the legal ideas during this stage from different perspectives of legal research in Russia in the earlier and later stages of the 90 's.

  16. 该网站报道,几天前,有两名自称来自俄罗斯科学研究院卡累利阿研究中心的男子来到叶戈罗夫纳姆的家,以研究为由将这具尸体没收。

    The website reported that two men turned up at her home a few days ago and confiscated the corpse for investigative purposes , claiming to be from the Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences .

  17. 根据俄罗斯语言研究中心的一项调查显示,在过去的十年里,俄罗斯的汉语学习者的数量增长了两倍,从2007年的17000人增加到了2017年的56000人。

    The number of Mandarin learners in Russia has grown two-fold in the past 10 years , from 17000 in 2007 to 56000 in 2017 , according to a survey of a regional research center of linguistics in Russia .

  18. 据俄罗斯历史研究所的米哈伊尔·萨福诺夫所说,“甲壳虫狂热冲垮了苏联社会的基础。甲壳虫给我们带来了民主思想。”受到这四人流行风格的启发,青少年用军靴和旧外衣模仿甲壳虫没有衣领的典型装束。

    According to Mikhail Safonov of the Institute of Russian History , " Beatlemania washed away the foundations of Soviet society . The Beatles brought us the idea of democracy . " Inspired by the Fab Four 's fashion sense , teens used army boots and hand-me-down coats to copy the Beatles ' signature collarless look .

  19. 就像俄罗斯国家经济研究中心主任VladimirMau指出的那样,长时期的高油价和随后油价的极速下跌摧毁的苏联。

    As Vladimir Mau , president of Russia 's Academy of National Economy , pointed out to me , it was the long period of high oil prices followed by sharply lower oil prices that killed the Soviet Union .

  20. 吉林省同俄罗斯林业合作研究

    A study on the forest cooperation between Jilin Province and Russia

  21. 论俄罗斯性别语言研究的现状和特点

    On Present Situation and Character of Russian Study of Gender Language

  22. 2008年俄罗斯发表的研究论文比巴西和印度都少。

    Russia produced fewer research papers than Brazil or India in 2008 .

  23. 俄罗斯功能语言研究有着自己的特点。

    It has special characteristics in researching functions of language in Russian .

  24. 俄罗斯民间故事研究的双重风貌

    Two Important Aspects in the Study of Russian Folk Tales

  25. 俄罗斯符号学研究的历史流变

    On the historical evolution of semiotic studies in Russia

  26. 变迁与反思:转型期俄罗斯大众传媒研究

    Changes and Reflection : Mass Media Studies during the Transitional Stage in Russia

  27. 西方的巴赫金研究明显不同于俄罗斯的巴赫金研究。

    The western study on Bakhtin is markedly different from that in Russia .

  28. 对俄罗斯文化史研究的思考

    My thoughts on the study of Russian cultural history

  29. 黑龙江省对俄罗斯科技合作研究

    Research on the Cooperation of Science and Technology between Heilongjiang Province and Russia

  30. 俄罗斯应用语言学研究近况分析

    A review of recent research in Russian applied linguistics