
  1. 一语与二语习得研究是当前外语教学理论与实践的焦点问题。

    More focuses of foreign language teaching theory and practice are on the study of first language and second language acquisition .

  2. 随着外语教学理论与实践研究的深入,外语教学研究的重心已经从研究教师怎么教,转移到了研究学生怎么学,因而学生成了研究者研究的主体。

    Along with the development of foreign language teaching theory and practice , the focus of language teaching research has been shifted from studying how to teach to how to learn .

  3. 论外语教学原则理论与实践

    Principles of Foreign Language Teaching : Theories and Practice

  4. 外语教学中建构主义理论与实践(英文)

    Theory and Practice of Constructivism in Foreign Language Teaching ;