
  • 网络Foreign Language Learning;efl;fll
  1. 基于Gardner和Lambert关于学习动机的理论,对学习动机和外语学习成绩的关系进行探索性研究。

    The present paper makes a tentative study of the relationship between motivation and EFL achievement based on Gardner and Lambert 's theory of motivation .

  2. 自从1975年Rubin进行她的开拓性研究以来,许多研究者试图确认和描述成功学习者与不成功学习者,或且二语学习者和外语学习者的学习策略。

    Since 1975 , when Rubin carried out her pioneering study , there have been numerous attempts to identify and describe strategies employed by good language learners and poor language learners or by ESL learners and EFL learners .

  3. 国内外众多学者如RodEllis,文秋芳,肖德法等已经就情感因素于外语学习效果的影响进行相关研究。

    Researchers at home and abroad such as Rod Ellis , Wen Qiufang and Xiao Defa have already carried out researches on the effect of the affective factors on foreign language learning .

  4. 最有影响的动机研究专家是Gardner和Lambert,他们把外语学习动机归纳为融合型动机和工具型动机两大类。

    Depending on Robert Gardner and Wallace Lambert there are two basic kinds of motivations , which they called " integrative motivation " and " instrumental motivation " .

  5. 具体来说本文试图在概念隐喻理论和概念整合理论的框架下回答以下两个研究问题:A.外语学习者怎样理解不同的英语隐喻。

    Specifically , the present study tries to answer the following two research questions under the theoretical framework of conceptual metaphor theory and blending theory : A. In what way do foreign language learners understand different kinds of English metaphors ?

  6. 文章首先对二语习得中有关语言输入的理论做了简要回顾,然后借助McLaughlin的外语学习信息加工模式,从资源限制过程和材料限制过程分析了影响学习者语言输入的因素。

    Firstly , it attempts a brief review on the theories of second language input . Secondly , it explores the factors influencing optimal L2 input in reference to McLaughlin 's information-processing model .

  7. 自从Gardner和他的同事将动机研究引入二语学习以来,人们研究二语/外语学习动机的热情从未退却;同时,学习动机也被视为决定学习成绩的主要因素之一。

    Ever since Gardner and his colleagues ' initial work , the passion on researching learning motivation in second / foreign language learning has never subsided and motivation is now viewed as one of the main determinants of second / foreign language learning achievement .

  8. Horwitz(2001)把类似试图找出更加具体的焦虑源,及焦虑与不同二语水平之间关系的努力称为外语学习焦虑研究的新趋势。

    Horwitz ( 2001 ) called it a new trend in language anxiety research , which attempts to identify more specifically the sources of anxiety and the relationship of anxiety to various second language proficiencies .

  9. 外语学习动机,词典使用策略及词汇学习

    Language Learning Motivation , Dictionary Using Strategies , and Vocabulary Learning

  10. 网络辅助大学外语学习的理论与应用

    The Theory and Application of Web - Assisted College English Learning

  11. 外语学习与学习动机密切相关。

    Learning foreign languages is closely related with English learning motivation .

  12. 外语学习与第二语言习得的关系

    The relationship between foreign language learning and the second language acquisition

  13. 中国外语学习者自主意识分析

    A Survey on Autonomy Consciousness of Second Language Learners in China

  14. 克服外语学习焦虑有效策略研究

    A Study on Effective Strategies to Overcome Foreign Language Learning Anxiety

  15. 外语学习策略的归类及其存在的问题

    The Classification of Foreign Language Learning Strategies And Its Existing Problems

  16. 然而,直接针对外语学习焦虑的研究却极为有限。

    However , little research has directed toward foreign language learning anxiety .

  17. 影响外语学习效率的个性因素分析

    Analyzing the Individual Factors on Affecting the Efficiency of Learning Foreign Language

  18. 略论外语学习中的母语教育

    On Teaching of Native Language and Learning of Foreign Language

  19. 影响外语学习的两大因素与外语教学

    Two major factors influencing L2 learning and their effect on L2 teaching

  20. 中国传统文化与外语学习自主性

    Chinese Cultural Traditions and Learner Autonomy in Foreign Language Learning

  21. 论外语学习中本族语的迁移与干扰

    On the Transfer and Interference of Native Language in Learning Foreign Language

  22. 理工科学生外语学习行为模式的探讨

    A Study of a Learning Behavior Model for Science and Engineering Students

  23. 动机的激发在外语学习中的作用探讨

    The effect on inspiration and cultivation of motivation in Foreign Languages Learning

  24. 第一章介绍外语学习焦虑与元认知策略相关性研究的背景及意义。

    Chapter One introduces the background and significance of the present study .

  25. 语言磨蚀与我国外语学习者的低龄化

    Language Attrition and Younger Foreign Language Learners of Our Country

  26. 中专学校外语学习动机初探

    A Study of Foreign Language Learning Motivation in the Secondary Vocational School

  27. 传统课堂环境下的外语学习策略已得到了广泛的研究。

    EFL learner strategies in traditional classroom settings have been widely investigated .

  28. 试论中国大学生外语学习中的自主性

    On Autonomy of Chinese College Students in Foreign Language Learning

  29. 录音机外语学习附加器的设计

    The Design of The Recorder Annex for Studying Foreign Languages

  30. 外语学习包含了几个主要因素。

    Foreign language learning consists of several key components .