
  • 网络Standardized Testing;Standardized test
  1. 都林先生说那个标准化考试说明我不够资格。

    Dooling said the standardized testing says I can 't do it .

  2. 巴尼·萨尔茨堡:我并不知道关于标准化考试的讨论。

    Barney Salzberg : I wasn 't aware of the standardized testing hubbub .

  3. 随着近年来美国标准化考试分数的降低,一些行政官员认为学生需要在课堂上花更多的时间,而不是在操场上。

    With standardized test scores in the U.S. dropping in recent years , some administrators believe students need to spend more time in the classroom instead of on the playground .

  4. 荷兰的研究人员报告说,那些不论在学校还是课后花更多时间运动的孩子,往往有更高的在校平均分数和标准化考试分数。

    Researchers in the Netherlands report that children who get more exercise , whether at school or on their own , tend to have higher GPAs and better scores on standardized tests .

  5. 基于Web的局域网标准化考试系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Standardization Examination System on Local Area Network

  6. 对学生的选拔应该基于标准化考试的分数,也就是SAT的成绩。

    Students should be selected on the basis of standardized test scores : the S.A.T. " s.

  7. VBA在教学工作中的应用&标准化考试阅卷

    VBA in Teaching Routine ── Using VBA to Mark Standardize Exam

  8. Authorware构建标准化考试系统的研究

    Studies on the Standardize Examining System Created by Authorware

  9. 讨论了如何采用ASP技术和数据库技术实现B/S结构的英语标准化考试系统。

    How to realize english standard examination system is discussed based on B / S structure with ASP technology and database technology .

  10. 本文简介了用vb6.0设计开发标准化考试系统的制作过程。

    The process of manufacturing the standard testing system designed with VB6.0 is introduced in this passage .

  11. 当然,我们会资助你参加许多标准化考试,通过职业培训和高盛大学(goldmansachsuniversity)的课程帮助你进步。

    We will certainly sponsor you for a number of standardized test , and help you progress through on the job training and coursework at Goldman Sachs University .

  12. 这个想法来自旧金山大学的校长保罗·菲兹杰拉德,他认为像SAT这样的标准化考试并不能准确测试学生未来在大学的表现。

    The idea came from USF President Paul Fitzgerald 's belief that standardized tests like the SAT are not very good predictors of how well students will do at the university .

  13. 介绍了基于WEB模式的体育理论课网络考试系统的开发,给出了该系统的部分实现代码。为其它标准化考试科目开发网络环境下的考试系统提供了基础。

    The paper introduces the development of the Web Test System for theoretical physical culture based on WEB mode and provides some realization codes of the system to supply the basis for the test system of other standard test subjects under web conditions .

  14. 中国汉语水平考试HSK作为测试母语非汉语者(包括外国人、华侨和中国少数民族考生)的标准化考试,日益受到人们的关注。

    HSK Chinese Proficiency Test , as a standardized tests of non-native Chinese persons ( including foreigners , overseas Chinese and Chinese minority candidates ), have become an increasing concern .

  15. 商务汉语考试(BCT)是为测试第一语言非汉语者从事商务活动的汉语水平而设立的国家级标准化考试。

    Business Chinese Test ( BCT ) is a state-level standard test established to assess the Chinese proficiency of non-native speakers engaged in business activities .

  16. 本文依据实际应用系统,介绍了在NOVELL网上利用NetBIOS的通讯功能实现的标准化考试系统。

    Based on the practical applied system , this paper introduces the standardized test system which has been realized by using the communicative function of NetBIOS on NOVELL net .

  17. 大学英语四、六级考试(CET)是一项由教育部高等教育司主办,已实施二十多年的大规模标准化考试,是一项标准相关&常模参照性考试。

    College English Test ( CET ) is a nation-wide large-scale standardized test as well as a criterion-related norm-referenced test , administered by the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education for over 20 years .

  18. 标准化考试中的单项或多项选择题形式在CAI中被大量采用,其主要优点是便于客观地统一评分标准和便于计算机阅卷、统计。

    There are more and more uniterming and multiple-choice questions in standard tests used in CAI , and its advantage is that people can use computers to check the answers and get statistics , thus the scores are objective , because of the same standards of grading .

  19. 汉语水平考试(HSK)作为我国目前唯一向海外推广的国家级标准化考试,考生的复杂背景昭示了必须重视对项目功能的研究和分析,以保证测验的有效性。

    Chinese Proficiency Test ( HSK ) is the only national grade standardized tests which orientate overseas applicants . The complex backgrounds of the applicants reveal that research and analysis on the DIF must be paid attention to so as to guarantee the effectiveness of the tests .

  20. 中医基础知识竞赛标准化考试的研究

    Research onto the standardized examination of basic knowledge of Chinese medicine

  21. 农科院校专业基础课标准化考试管理&以《农业微生物学》课程为例

    Management of Standardized Tests for Specialized Basic Course in Agricultural Universities

  22. 标准化考试是专业化分工的产物

    Standardized Tests are the Results of Division of the Professional Work

  23. 《副科曲式》标准化考试题型的改革与实践

    On the Reform and Practice of Standardization Test of Musical Form

  24. 网络环境下的标准化考试在线系统的设计

    Design of the Standardized On-line Examination System under the Network Environment

  25. 标准化考试,就是说他们对我们平等看待。

    Standardized , meaning they see us all the same .

  26. 美国的标准化考试对完善中国考试制度的启示

    Illumination of American Standardized Test to the Improvement of Chinese Test System

  27. 从金钱的角度来说,标准化考试的成绩同样重要。

    Standardized test scores are just as important on the money side .

  28. 标准化考试的优势主要不在于质量,而在于经济。

    The advantages of standardized tests are not quality , but economy .

  29. 学校的自我评价与标准化考试&怀特海关于标准化考试的观点及其实施

    On Evaluation On Evaluation Self - evaluation of Schools and Standardized Testing

  30. 美国年轻是学生们需要闯过多种标准化考试的难关。

    Young American students take a variety of standardized tests .