- 名corpus;data bank

So far , there 's only one example of the word in the Oxford English Corpus - from 2006 .
Set index on tag in order to improve the speed of retrieval ; Constructing a Tag Set for Chinese Learner 's English Corpus
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Furthermore , search website , like Google , can also be skillfully used as a colossal and dynamic corpus .
Algorithm of n gram Statistics for Arbitrary n and Knowledge Acquisition Based on Statistics
Design and Implement ation of English-teaching Corpus Management System
This thesis first gives out the concept of Web corpus and discusses the construction of corpus through discussing the information extraction from Web , the classification and the notification of corpus .
This paper studied the semantic prosody of the word commit by analyzing 200 concordances lines retrieved from BNC randomly .
There is significant difference of the distribution of negative reporting verbs between four corpora ;
The idea of investigating translation and interpreting through corpora was first put forward by Mona Baker ( 1993 ) .
In order to make a better investigation on the usage of a high frequency word ill in medical English , we created a small corpus of American medical English .
The time complexity of traditional substring reduction algorithms is O ( n ~ 2 ), which is ineffective for large-scale corpora .
Further more , we have developed an annotation tool , collected 200 reported articles about emergencies as raw corpus and annotated it to build a Chinese event corpus ( CEC ) .
On the Criteria Required to Design LSP Corpora in the Context of Term Paper Writing for English Majors
Acquisition Research to the South Korean Students of Learning You-Sentence Based on the " HSK Dynamic Composition Corpus "
One representative approach of these methods is Hidden Markov Model ( HMM ) based parametric synthesis , which has become a mainstream speech synthesis approach together with the unit selection and waveform concatenation approach .
This thesis employs a corpus-based approach to find out the different uses of Denominal verbs between the ENL speakers and Chinese EFL Learners and two corpora are used : Brown corpus and CLEC .
Corpus-based Error Analysis of CET Band-4 and Band-6 English Learners ' Acquisition of Prepositions
A Cognitive Exploration of the Parameters Cause for Fossilization Based on the CLEC Corpus
This paper mainly discusses how corpus is utilized in dealing with problems in making A Dictionary of Measure Words in HSK .
Moreover , SPSS ( 10.0 ) was used to test the relationship between the Chinese learners ' use of adverbial connectors and the quality of their English writing .
Data-Driven Learning and the Teaching of Register Knowledge in English Composition Pedagogy & A CLEC-Based Case Study
A total of 157,661 valid strings were extracted from the corpus and the validity rate is 80.21 % .
However , many corpus linguists criticized this view of cognitive linguistics headed by Hoey and other linguists .
This paper aims to introduce western Translational English Corpus ( Shortened as TEC ) and analyse how a corpus-based approach can be applied to the translation studies .
The parser was trained and evaluated on a 1M-word-scale corpus annotated with semantic dependency , Semantic Dependency Net ( SDN ) .
This paper describes a feature selection method based on domain-specific term extraction using corpus comparison , and a text classification system based on the combination of this method and the SVM classifier , which can be applied to any domain easily .
According to the distributional frequencies of existential-there sentences in Chinese learner English corpus Chinese learners tend to use more negative existential-there sentences than necessary .
Automatic extraction of bi-grams as candidate collocations is studied on Penn Treebank using the criteria of log likelihood , chi square and mutual information as association measure .
It includes two areas : the construction of IR-Lab Classifying Dictionary and corpus ' building .