
yǔ liào kù
  • corpus;data bank
  1. 自2006年到现在,这个词在牛津英语语料库里只出现过一次。

    So far , there 's only one example of the word in the Oxford English Corpus - from 2006 .

  2. 此外为加快对用户检索要求的响应速度,对XML文档中的置标建立了索引;建立英语学习者语料库标注系统

    Set index on tag in order to improve the speed of retrieval ; Constructing a Tag Set for Chinese Learner 's English Corpus

  3. 如果你想为Cobuild语料库捐款,请随订货单附上支票。

    If you would like to send a donation to Cobuild , please enclose a cheque with your coupon

  4. 另外,对如Google这样的搜索网站加以巧妙运用也能起到一个巨大的,动态的语料库的作用。

    Furthermore , search website , like Google , can also be skillfully used as a colossal and dynamic corpus .

  5. 大规模汉语语料库中任意n的n-gram统计算法及知识获取方法

    Algorithm of n gram Statistics for Arbitrary n and Knowledge Acquisition Based on Statistics

  6. 英语教学语料库管理系统CMS的设计与实现

    Design and Implement ation of English-teaching Corpus Management System

  7. 提出了Web语料库的概念,并且通过讨论Web信息的抽取、分类及语料的标注等来讲述语料库的构建。

    This thesis first gives out the concept of Web corpus and discusses the construction of corpus through discussing the information extraction from Web , the classification and the notification of corpus .

  8. 从英语国家语料库中随机提取commit一词的200条索引进行了语义韵研究。

    This paper studied the semantic prosody of the word commit by analyzing 200 concordances lines retrieved from BNC randomly .

  9. 新闻语料库与T4和MEE相比较,中性转述动词、褒义转述动词及贬义转述动词的分布均有显著性差异;

    There is significant difference of the distribution of negative reporting verbs between four corpora ;

  10. MonaBaker(1993)首先提出通过语料库研究翻译和口译的概念和主张。

    The idea of investigating translation and interpreting through corpora was first put forward by Mona Baker ( 1993 ) .

  11. 为了更好地考察ill在医学英语中的使用情况,我们建立起一个小型美国医学英语语料库。

    In order to make a better investigation on the usage of a high frequency word ill in medical English , we created a small corpus of American medical English .

  12. 传统的子串归并算法时间复杂度为O(n2),在大规模语料库的处理中效率低下。

    The time complexity of traditional substring reduction algorithms is O ( n ~ 2 ), which is ineffective for large-scale corpora .

  13. 我们还开发了一个标注辅助工具,收集了200篇突发事件领域的新闻报道作为生语料并对其进行了标注,制作了一个中文事件语料库(ChineseEventCorpus,CEC)。

    Further more , we have developed an annotation tool , collected 200 reported articles about emergencies as raw corpus and annotated it to build a Chinese event corpus ( CEC ) .

  14. LSP文件加载外部命令;LSP语料库的设计标准问题&兼谈英语专业高年级专业课学期论文动态语料库设计

    On the Criteria Required to Design LSP Corpora in the Context of Term Paper Writing for English Majors

  15. 基于HSK动态作文语料库的韩国学习者有字句习得研究

    Acquisition Research to the South Korean Students of Learning You-Sentence Based on the " HSK Dynamic Composition Corpus "

  16. 其中,以基于隐马尔可夫模型(HiddenMarkovmodel,HMM)的参数语音合成方法为代表,该方法已逐步发展成为和基于语料库的单元挑选与波形拼接合成方法相并列的一种主流语音合成方法。

    One representative approach of these methods is Hidden Markov Model ( HMM ) based parametric synthesis , which has become a mainstream speech synthesis approach together with the unit selection and waveform concatenation approach .

  17. 本文采用语料库的研究方法去发现英语本族语者和中国英语学习者在名源动词使用上的不同。Brown语料库和中国学习者语料库分别作为本族语语料库和二语学习者语料库在文中使用。

    This thesis employs a corpus-based approach to find out the different uses of Denominal verbs between the ENL speakers and Chinese EFL Learners and two corpora are used : Brown corpus and CLEC .

  18. 基于CLEC语料库的大学英语四、六级学习者介词错误分析

    Corpus-based Error Analysis of CET Band-4 and Band-6 English Learners ' Acquisition of Prepositions

  19. 基于CLEC语料库的僵化参数原因认知探索

    A Cognitive Exploration of the Parameters Cause for Fossilization Based on the CLEC Corpus

  20. 本课题结合《HSK量词学习词典》编纂工作,探讨语料库技术的应用。

    This paper mainly discusses how corpus is utilized in dealing with problems in making A Dictionary of Measure Words in HSK .

  21. 此外,笔者借助社科统计软件包SPSS(10.0版本)来测定CLTST3语料库中不同分数段的作文中连接副词的使用频率和作文质量之间的关系。

    Moreover , SPSS ( 10.0 ) was used to test the relationship between the Chinese learners ' use of adverbial connectors and the quality of their English writing .

  22. 数据驱动学习与英语写作教学中的语域知识传授&基于CLEC语料库的个案研究

    Data-Driven Learning and the Teaching of Register Knowledge in English Composition Pedagogy & A CLEC-Based Case Study

  23. 以这个规模的语料库为中心,本研究作了157661条有效字符串(VSt)提取实验,正确率为80.21%。

    A total of 157,661 valid strings were extracted from the corpus and the validity rate is 80.21 % .

  24. 以Hoey和其他语言学家为首的认知语言学的这一观点受到了传统的语料库语言学家的批判。

    However , many corpus linguists criticized this view of cognitive linguistics headed by Hoey and other linguists .

  25. 本文旨在介绍西方英语翻译语料库(简称TEC),分析以语料库为基础的研究方法如何被用作研究翻译理论的工具。

    This paper aims to introduce western Translational English Corpus ( Shortened as TEC ) and analyse how a corpus-based approach can be applied to the translation studies .

  26. 语义分析器在1百万词的标有语义依存关系的语料库(语义依存网络语料库,SDN)上训练并测试,文中设计、实现了多个实验以分析语义分析器的性能。

    The parser was trained and evaluated on a 1M-word-scale corpus annotated with semantic dependency , Semantic Dependency Net ( SDN ) .

  27. 本文提出了一种基于语料库对比领域相关词汇提取的特征选择方法,结合SVM分类器实现了适用于特定领域的文本分类系统,能轻松应用到各个领域。

    This paper describes a feature selection method based on domain-specific term extraction using corpus comparison , and a text classification system based on the combination of this method and the SVM classifier , which can be applied to any domain easily .

  28. 从中国学习者英语语料库(CLEC)中存在句的分布频率看,中国学习者有超用否定式存在句的倾向。

    According to the distributional frequencies of existential-there sentences in Chinese learner English corpus Chinese learners tend to use more negative existential-there sentences than necessary .

  29. 利用对数似然度、卡平方和互信息作为关联强度测度,从PennTreebank语料库中自动获取搭配候选,以比较3种测度的不同特性。

    Automatic extraction of bi-grams as candidate collocations is studied on Penn Treebank using the criteria of log likelihood , chi square and mutual information as association measure .

  30. 这部分包括IR-Lab分类词典的建设和语料库的建设两个方面。

    It includes two areas : the construction of IR-Lab Classifying Dictionary and corpus ' building .