
yǔ yán ɡuī fàn
  • language norm;style
  1. 论语言规范的理性原则和习性原则

    On the Rational and Customary Principles of Language Norm

  2. 本文主要讨论权势话语与语言规范问题。

    The paper primarily discusses the problems on influential discourse and language norm .

  3. SVG&一种支持可缩放矢量图形的Web浏览语言规范

    SVG & A New Language Specification Supporting Scalable Vector Graphics for Web Browsing

  4. 符合F语言规范草案

    Be matched by a draft of the F # Language Specification

  5. 基本数据类型是由C和C++语言规范所定义的所有数据类型。

    Base data types are all data types defined by the C and C + + language specification .

  6. 解释器系统采用JavaScript语言规范支持和具体实现分离的原则。

    The embedded JavaScript Interpreter system separates language specification form body implementation .

  7. 一类基于IPO的工作流过程建模语言规范分析

    Analysis of the IPO-based Specifications of Workflow Process Modeling Languages

  8. 本文从XMLLanguage语言规范出发,详细讨论了实现这种新语言的步骤和关键技术。

    Based on the representation of XML Language , this article describes the steps and key technologies of implementation of this new programming language .

  9. 利用C语言规范MARC数据

    Standardizing MARC Data with C Language

  10. Java语言规范要求在应用程序首次引用类时对类进行解析、加载、验证和初始化。

    The Java language specification requires that classes be resolved , loaded , verified , and initialized when an application first references them .

  11. 目前,该语言规范还是W3C的工作草稿。

    The specification of the language is W3C working draft now .

  12. 测试程序集采用了面向对象的技术和描述信号的ATLAS语言规范,使测试程序具有良好的可读性和可移植性。

    The test program uses object-oriented technology and ATLAS specification describing signal , which makes test program having good readability and portability .

  13. 该语言规范采用语义化的描述方法作为供应链流程定义元模型,它是一种面向设计的供应链流程建模方法,使用流行的XML语言。

    The semantics of the language specification using the method described as a supply-chain process definition model , it is a design-oriented supply chain process modeling methods , the use of the popular XML language .

  14. 基于ZML的Z语言规范

    The Z Specification Based on Z ML

  15. C程序指针使用复杂,加之C语言规范并未对指针的使用做过多限制,使得指针的误用难以避免,甚至带来严重的安全隐患。

    The complexity of the pointer itself , coupled with the C language specification not imposing too many restrictions on usage of pointer , make the pointer misuse difficult to avoid , and even lead to serious security risks .

  16. 如果该类对象表示引用类型,而不是数组类型,那么返回该类的二进制名称,说明见Java语言规范(第二版)。

    If this class object represents a reference type that is not an array type then the binary name of the class is returned , as specified by the Java Language Specification , Second Edition .

  17. 除了在代码中识别特殊的标识符外,Javassist还实现了比Java语言规范所要求的更宽松的编译时代码检查。

    Besides recognizing special identifiers in the code , Javassist implements much looser compile-time checks on the code than required by the Java language specification .

  18. JavaVM及语言规范的领导者AlexBuckley将回答如下这些问题:对于Java平台来说,Java风格与非Java风格语言的设计者将面临哪些挑战?

    Java VM and Language Spec Lead Alex Buckley will discuss such questions as : What challenges do the designers of Java-like and non-Java-like languages face when targeting the Java platform ?

  19. 为了提高性能,Java语言规范允许JRE在引用变量的每个线程中维护该变量的一个本地副本。

    In order to enhance performance , the Java language specification permits the JRE to maintain a local copy of a variable in each thread that references it .

  20. ECMA公布的官方语言规范的质量极其的差。

    The official specification for the language is published by ECMA .

  21. 接着我们对MSR中的LFB按照Rose语言规范进行分类,并在Rose语言中详细定义这五类LFB。使用Rose语言描述逻辑功能模块。

    Then we sort the LFB in MSR according to the Rose language specification , and particular define these five categories of LFB in Rose language .

  22. GKD-BasePL/SQL引擎以及存储过程与包机制兼容OraclePL/SQLV2.3语言规范。

    GKD-Base PL / SQL engine and stored procedure and package is compatible with ORACLE PL / SQL V2.3 .

  23. 仔细地设计应用程序,使应用程序在启动时加载所有的类,但是这必须手动完成,因为Java语言规范不让JVM提前执行这一步。

    Careful application design can be used to load all classes at application start-up , but this must be done manually because the Java language specification doesn 't let the JVM perform this step early .

  24. 该文围绕即将加入Java语言规范的泛型特性进行了讨论,JSR-14就是这一特性的实现。

    This article is all about JSR-14 , the implementation of Generic Java , which will be added to Java Language Specification in the near future .

  25. Oracle和IBM已声明,他们仍将继续努力变革并加强JCP,以确保它继续成为定义Java平台和语言规范的标准组织。

    Oracle and IBM have stated that they will work together to reform and enhance the JCP , ensuring that it continues to be the standards body defining the Java platform and language specifications .

  26. 所有specificintrinsic都会采用siassemblyinstructionname的格式,其中assemblyinstructionname是SPU汇编语言规范中所定义的汇编语言指令的名字。

    All specific intrinsics take the form si_assemblyinstructionname where assemblyinstructionname is the name of the assembly language instruction as defined in the SPU Assembly Language Specification .

  27. 但是,Java语言规范(JLS)却明确包括一个线程模型,并提供了一些语言元素供开发人员使用以保证他们程序的线程安全。

    In contrast , the Java Language Specification ( JLS ) explicitly includes a threading model and provides several language elements for developers to use for rendering their programs thread-safe .

  28. 该系统还采用了ATLAS语言规范、虚拟仪器技术、面向对象技术和抗干扰技术等,并在某机载气象雷达ATS中得到应用。

    In addition , the ATS uses the ATLAS language specification , virtual instruments , facing object and anti-interference technique , and is applied in some kind of weather radar ATS .

  29. 本文的工作主要体现在三大部分:第一,讨论了数据库模式和DTD之间的映射机制并定义了XML-DB映射语言规范;

    Then the model mainly has three parts : the first , Discussion database mode and mapping mechanism and define XML mapping language standard by IDB between the DTD ;

  30. 为此,提出了主题地图模式及约束语言规范,研究了Schema约束和上下文语义约束,并建立了与之相配套的主题地图语义验证器,实现了对于主题地图约束的合法性验证。

    According to the problem , Schema and Constraints Language Specification for Topic Maps is presented in the paper , schema constraints and contextual constraints are researched , then the relative TM Validator is built to implement the validation for Topic Maps .