
  • 网络the linguistic turn;Linguistics Turn;linguistic turning
  1. 简论现代西方哲学的语言学转向

    A Brief Comment on the Linguistic Turn of Modern Western Philosophy

  2. 语言学转向给文学批评带来的革命

    Revolution in Literary Criticism Brought About by the Linguistic Turn

  3. 语言学转向为传播学研究中社会性别问题探讨所提供的理论视野

    Gender Problem in Communication Studies in Perspectives after the Linguistic Turn

  4. 现代西方哲学与美学语言学转向述评

    Analysis on Linguistic Change of Modern West Philosophy and Aesthetics

  5. 言意之辩与语言学转向的若干比较

    On Comparison between Language 's Meaning and Linguistics Turn

  6. 20世纪西方哲学开始了“语言学转向”。

    The linguistic turn took place in western philosophy in the 20th century .

  7. 文学文本理论与语言学转向

    Theory of Literary Text and Linguistic Change of Direction

  8. 而这些不同的观点看法又进一步促进了哲学的语言学转向。

    These different viewpoints and opinions further accelerated the linguistics turn of philosophy .

  9. 马克思对主体哲学的批判与当代哲学的语言学转向

    Marx 's Critique of Subject Philosophy and the Linguistic Turn in Contemporary Philosophy

  10. 库恩不可通约性论点的语言学转向

    Kuhn 's Linguistic Turn on the Thesis of Incommensurability

  11. 西方哲学语言学转向的哲学史意义

    Linguistic Turn and its Significance in Philosophy History

  12. 对西方法学语言学转向的解读

    Understanding on Linguistic Turn of Western Jurisprudence

  13. 将从三个方面进行论述:1、语言学转向背景。

    I will expound the fact from three respects : ( 1 ) Linguistics turns .

  14. 语言学转向与20世纪西方文论观念的变革

    The Linguistic Turn and Conceptive Transformation of 20 ~ ( th ) Century Western Literary Theory

  15. 危机及其出路&论西方哲学的语言学转向

    Crisis and Its Way Out & On " Direction Change of Linguistics " of The Western Philosophy

  16. 自二十世纪学术界语言学转向以来,修辞学的发展方兴未艾。

    With the linguistic turn in the 20 century , development of rhetoric is in the ascendant .

  17. 从某种意义上讲,20世纪初的“语言学转向”实质上也就是“语形学转向”。

    In some sense , 20 century " linguistic turn " is essentially " syntactic turn " .

  18. 西方马克思主义发展中的语言学转向语言学革命与文学研究的语言学转向

    New Profound Consideration of Western Marxism ( Seminar ) Linguistics Revolution and A Diversion of Linguistics in Literature Study

  19. 20世纪的科学哲学经历了语言学转向、解释学转向和修辞学转向三大转向。

    The twentieth century philosophy of science has experienced three turns : language turn , hermeneutic turn , rhetoric turn .

  20. 20世纪西方哲学的语言学转向被称为是现代哲学的一场“哥白尼式”革命。

    The linguistic turn of Western Philosophy in the20th century is called a " copernicus " revolution of modern philosophy .

  21. 语言学转向被视为当今人文社科领域一场重要的变革。

    " Linguistic turn " is regarded as an important change in the field of humanities and social sciences today .

  22. 同时把一切哲学问题看作是语言的逻辑句法问题,促使哲学发展中语言学转向的完成。

    Meanwhile , seeing all philosophical questions as those of logical syntax completed the linguistic turn in the development of philosophy .

  23. 随着西方语言学转向和接受美学的兴起,人们对文本意义的多元诠释已形成共识。

    With western " Linguistic transition " and development receipt aesthetics , a common point has been reached about text meaning .

  24. 整个20世纪西方哲学都得益于语言学转向。

    It can be said that the whole 20th century western philosophy 's success all attribute to the " Linguistic Turn " .

  25. 翻译活动经历了语言学转向、文化转向后,又经历着一次新的变革&翻译的生态转向。

    After going through the linguistic turn and the cultural turn successively , the translation studies is undergoing another turn-the ecological turn .

  26. 阿佩尔认为20世纪西方哲学中发生的语言学转向是哲学应对危机的一种积极回应。

    Apel considers it a positive response to the philosophy crisis that the " linguistic turn " occurred in western philosophy in 20-century .

  27. 到二十世纪七十年代,随着西方哲学的语言学转向,哲学家、心理学家、符号学家,甚至心理分析学家都开始关注语言学的研究。

    When it came to 1970s , with the rise of analytic philosophy , western philosophy showed a trend to the linguistic analysis .

  28. 经过20世纪60年代第一次的语言学转向之后,翻译研究在20世纪80年代经历了文化转向。

    After the first " linguistic turn " in the 1960s , translation studies experienced " the cultural turn " in the 1980s .

  29. 这种哲学的语言学转向虽然有不科学的方面,但它为哲学研究开拓了新的广阔的空间。

    Although this linguistic turn of philosophy has its unscientific aspect , it has opened up a new and vast field for philosophical researches .

  30. 选题的源起及其整体思路:选题源起于哲学的语言学转向以来的一系列事件。

    The topic is the origin and the way of argumentation : Topic originated in a series of events since the linguistic turn of philosophy .