
  • 网络entity body;entity-body
  1. 从古希腊的实体主体到近代的认知主体,再到现代的生命主体,构成了主体性理论发展的历史过程。

    From the ancient Greek substantive subject to modern cognitive subject , to contemporary life subject , man constitutes the historical process of the development of subjectivity theory .

  2. 实体即主体:黑格尔哲学生长点辨析&兼对黑格尔“非批判的唯心主义”的批判性诠释

    Substance Is Subject : Analysis of Hegel Philosophy Growing Point

  3. 将拥有实体的主体名称。

    Is the name of the principal that will own the entity .

  4. 在绝对精神的二元结构中,实体就是主体。

    In the dyadic structure of absolute Spirit , substance has become subject .

  5. 黑格尔指出,问题的关键在于实体即主体。

    " The key to the question ", Hegel pointed out , was that substance was subject .

  6. 高校后勤服务必须以学校后勤实体为主体,以社会企业服务为补充;

    Assisted by social enterprises , the college legal entity should still be the main part of rear service ;

  7. 典型的访问控制和授权场景包括三个主要实体:主体、资源和动作以及它们的属性。

    A typical access control and authorization scenario includes three main entities a subject , a resource , and an action and their attributes .

  8. 沿着精神现象层层推进,我们会达到绝对知识,在之中实现实体与主体的统一。

    Only in the development of the spirit Phenomena level by level , will we reach the Absolute Knowledge and realize the unity of Subject and Substitute .

  9. 黑格尔通过提出实体即主体的口号,将实体与主体统一,并以此为基础,建立真理的体系。

    He tried to unify the substance and the subject by the slogan " substance is subject ", based on which he built up his system of Truth .

  10. 一心即学院为管理中心,它是相对于学校是决策中心,学系是教研中心而言的;三性即学院具有实体性、主体性、自主性。

    One center means the colleges as management center ; it is relative to universities as decision-making centers , departments as research centers .

  11. 民族宗教伦理学包含对民族宗教伦理的实体结构、主体结构、价值结构和规范结构四个方面的研究。

    National religion ethics includes research of four aspects , namely the concrete structure of national religion theory , main structure , value structure and regulation structure .

  12. 通过国有企业改革,使其建立现代企业制度,成为适应市场经济要求的,自主经营、自负盈亏的法人实体和市场主体。

    Through reform the state enterprises will be able to establish modern enterprise systems which make them meet the demand of the market economy and be independent market subject and corporations .

  13. 而作为实体经济运行主体的企业,它在直接融资市场上的融资效果直接体现了虚拟经济的发展程度,这关系到是否与实体经济协调发展,并为社会各方面带来良性效应。

    Enterprise is a main part of the real economy weather it make full use of the direct financial way may reflect obviously the development degree of fictitious economy , which is of vital importance to the real economy .

  14. 在法律、法规有明确规定时,咨询程序对行政主体产生程序上的直接拘束力,尽管在实体上行政主体没有必须采纳咨询意见的义务,但也应当给予充分的尊重。

    The advisory procedures , once specified in laws and regulations , will have a direct binding power upon the administrative authorities , which shall deliver full respect to the advisory opinions though they are not obligated to accept them .

  15. 长期以来,我国的国有医院实行的是国家所有、国家经营,这种办医方式使国有医院无法实行自主经营、自负盈亏,不能作为独立的法人实体和竞争主体参与市场竞争。

    State-owned hospitals in our country are operated by state for long time , which results that state-owned hospitals could not be independent in management and assume sole responsibility for their profits or losses , and could not participate market competitions as an independent corporation and competitive subject .

  16. 要按照“产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学”的要求,对国有大中型企业实行规范的公司制改革,使企业成为适应市场的法人实体和竞争主体。

    The reform should be carried out according to the principle of distinct property right , definite rights and duties , divided relation of government and enterprise , scientific administration , all of which turns the SOEs into corporations and main bodies of competition adapt to the market system .

  17. 第一个层次是海商实体法责任的主体;

    It is firstly on person liable of the maritime substantive law ;

  18. 这些挑战反映在环境法领域便是关于非自然人实体的法律关系主体地位的探讨。

    These challenges mainly lie in the legal position of not natural person entity .

  19. 要使利益各自独立的体育经营实体成为体育市场主体;

    Make the independent sports management industry change to the main body of sports market ;

  20. 管理系统的实体结构包括管理主体,管理客体以及管理组织。

    The entity organization of management system includes management subject , management object and management organization .

  21. 在现代企业制度下,企业成为面向市场的独立法人实体和市场竞争主体。

    Under the system of modern enterprise , the enterprise becomes the market-oriented independent legal person 's entity and market competition subject .

  22. 随着经济全球化和国际社会的进一步发展,必须对个人、跨国公司和非政府间国际组织等非国家实体的国际法主体地位加以考虑。

    With the further development of global economic and international society , we must think over the individual , multinational corporation and the non-governmental organization as the subject of international law .

  23. 根据这一理论,责任的实体已不再是主体与其行为的某种心理联系,而是建立在这种心理联系基础上的规范对违法行为的非难可能性。

    According to the theory , the entity of responsibility is no longer the mental links between the subject and his acts ; Instead , it is the " rebuke probability " of regulations to the illegal activities based on the mental links .

  24. 在实体上对行政主体的特权、相对人和公众的权利进行合理的配置,在程序上,应当详细设置行政主体在行使各种特权时所要遵循的条件、时限等。

    On the entity , carrying on the rational disposition to the privilege , relative people and public right of the administrative subject , in the procedure , should be set up in detail administrative subject in the conditions followed as time factors while exercising various kinds of privilege .

  25. 其悲剧理论的两个重要观点,伦理实体冲突论可以从他的实体即主体的哲学思想得到解释;

    First one ," collision of ethics forces theory " can be interpreted from the philosophy of his " Substance is Subjcet ";