
  • 网络emotional life;This Emotional Life;Emotion Life;feeling
  1. 她在自画像中毫无保留地描绘身体上的痛苦,坦率地暗示充满动荡的情感生活,漫不经心地令自己上升到那个由炽烈燃烧、命运多舛的星辰组成的奇异星座,其中包括詹姆斯·迪恩(JamesDean)和玛丽莲·梦露(MarilynMonroe)等人。

    Through self-portraits that unsparingly depict her physical travails and that make frank allusion to a tumultuous emotional life , Kahlo inadvertently vaulted herself into that strange constellation of bright-burning , ill-fated stars , alongside James Dean and Marilyn Monroe .

  2. 大学生感恩意识在情感生活中的自我培养

    Self-cultivation of Gratitude Awareness among University Students in Their Emotional Life

  3. 在这两部悲剧中,可以看到现代悲剧关注时代、关注普通人的精神世界和情感生活的走向。研究了ABS和PVC对PC/ABS共混体系力学性能的影响。

    Through the paralleled study of the two works , we may notice the tendency of modern tragedy that focuses on everlasting affection and spirits collision of the ordinary people , and the impact of time .

  4. 观察者认为,SITCOM的标签于她们而言十分恰当。这些女性的情感生活就类似于那些电视情景喜剧的脚本。

    The SITCOM tag is particularly pertinent because , observers say , these women 's love lives resemble those that make up the meat of a television situation comedy .

  5. 我们不了解彼此,因为我们以不同的情感生活。

    We do not know each other because we live with different emotions .

  6. 你的情感生活不是一条直线。

    Your emotional life is not a straight line .

  7. 情感生活是大学生日常生活的重要组成部分,而性取向对大学生情感生活有着重要影响。

    Sexual orientation has an important influence on the emotional life of college students .

  8. 伴侣动物已经成为许多人情感生活中不可或缺的一部分。

    Companion animals have become an integral part of the emotional life of many people .

  9. 在物质生活得到提升的同时,人们开始关注情感生活。

    People have begun to focus on emotional life when material life has got promoted .

  10. 理论上将,这是幸福情感生活所必须的。

    In theory , that 's all that 's necessary for a happy emotional life .

  11. 它帮助男性调控他们的生理、精神和情感生活。

    It helps men to take control of their physical , mental , and emotional lives .

  12. 宋代涉商诗中有一些作品反映商人们艰苦商旅生活和经营风险,还有部分作品反映商人的情感生活,其中尤以商妇诗描写得细腻精当。

    Some works reflect business risks merchants , other works reflect the emotional life of businessmen .

  13. 长期下去,人有可能变成没有精神追求和情感生活的单纯的技术性和功利性动物,从而对整个社会发展会带来极其不利的影响。

    People may turn into simple technical and practical animals without spirit pursuing and emotion life .

  14. 利用不同的频率,这一设备的秘密控制者甚至能够改变一个人的情感生活。

    Using different frequencies , the secret controller of this equipment can even change a person 's emotional life .

  15. 因此,他们会觉得自己入了他人的情感生活。

    As a consequence , they are able to feel themselves into those other emotional lives to a surprising extent .

  16. 它是一种天赋,来自于我们远祖的智慧和丰富的情感生活。

    It 's a gift handed down from the intelligent skills and rich emotional lives of our most ancient ancestors .

  17. 克丽缇娜将通过她过去的情感生活中的侦查,监视,跟踪和偷盗来带领我们踏上一段旅途。

    Christina takes us on a journey through her past relationships complete with snooping , spying , stalking and stealing .

  18. 如果伴侣正在改变主意你的情感生活就会悬而不决。

    Your emotional life may be up in the air if your mate has been going through a change of heart .

  19. 情感生活和理性生活的和谐统一,既是人生的渴望和追求,又是人生幸福的感受和体验;

    The integrity of emotional life and rational life is not only man 's pursuit but also his experience of happiness .

  20. 所以,月冥人创造了一种生活方式,保证他们的情感生活不会过分激荡。

    Thus , the Pluto-Moon type can create a lifestyle which will ensure that its emotional life doesn 't get stirred too much .

  21. 在满足了农村空巢家庭中老年人的物质需求、生活照料之后,应该着重关注他们的情感生活。

    To meet the families of rural empty nest material needs of the elderly , after care we should focus on their emotional life .

  22. 我右边的两个女孩开始八卦她们朋友的情感生活,还咯咯地笑。

    The two girls to my right exchanged gossip about their friend 's love life – their giggles occasionally disrupted by an SMS ringtone .

  23. 于是便出现了人们选择在互联网中建立和安排自己情感生活的现象,网恋就是其表现之一。

    So it rises some phenomena that people choose to create and develop their own emotional life on the Internet , and online-love is one of that .

  24. 同样的,没有一个善于思考的人会拒绝接受他们的首要主张,即情感生活的巨大变化要求表达方式也随之变化。

    All the same , no thinking man can refuse to accept their first proposition : that a great change in our emotional life calls for a change of expression .

  25. 让我们看看大受欢迎,极具功利性的某些互联网服务,他们大都专注于手机使用者的情感生活,不过透过手机,这难免有些冰冷和机械。

    A perfectly popular utilitarian service that makes great sense on the web is likely to feel cold and machine-like when experienced through the emotional beacon that the mobile represents .

  26. 作品中人物的爱情观也体现了作者路遥的爱情观,对传统的、忽略个人情感生活的爱情观念,作者是持反对意见的。

    Love concept embodies the concept of Yao 's love , that is the neglect of the traditional concept of personal emotional life of love , the author is dissenting .

  27. 《橘子和苹果》是加拿大女作家艾丽丝·门罗的短篇小说。她的小说多集中于描绘加拿大乡村居住者的情感生活。

    Oranges and Apples is a short story written by Alice Munro , a Canadian writer , known for stories focusing on the emotional lives of the inhabitants of rural Canada .

  28. 中西抒情诗作为东西文化的一个重要组成部分,成为两地先民精神追求、情感生活、生存方式在文化领域的符号体系和信息储存。

    As an important part of west and east culture , Chinese and western lyric Poetry become the symbol system and information storage of ancestors ' spirit-pursuing , emotional life and living style in cultural circles .

  29. 至于哈代本人,他曾经经历过那么复杂和坎坷不平的情感生活和婚姻,所以他必然会在他的作品中潜意识地融入一部分自己的感觉或者感情。

    As for Hardy himself , he has experienced such a complex and uneven emotional life and marriage , so definitely , he would unconsciously blend part of his own feelings or emotions into his works .

  30. 通过分析《神雕侠侣》中黄蓉、郭芙的情感生活,试图揭示男权意识影响下的女性命运。

    Through analyzing the emotional life of Huang Rong and Guo Fu , the two heroines in the novel The Legendary Heroes , this article is an intended exposure of the female fates under masculine influence .