
qínɡ xù fǎn yìnɡ
  • emotional response
  1. 科学家们认为,咒骂引发情绪反应,该反应引起被称作“压力诱发止痛”的现象。

    Scientists believe swearing elicits an emotional response which leads to what is known as " stress-induced analgesia . "

  2. 创伤揭露中情绪反应对PTSD三大症状都有显著的预测作用;

    Emotional response during the disclosure of traumatic experiences was a significant predictor of the severity of PTSD symptoms ;

  3. 最后根据人机交互中双向交互性要求,利于多级推理规则技术,制定了系统Agent助理的情绪反应规则,赋予系统人性化交互的能力。

    Finally , according to the requirements of interactive , The rules of intelligent assistant Agent are drawn up with multi-level inference rules technology .

  4. 调查显示,近80%的儿童当他们的ipad被父母拿走之后会有情绪反应。

    The survey showed nearly 80 percent of children reacted emotionally after their iPads were taken away by their parents .

  5. 目的:通过难度递增式Sternberg双重任务作业诱导被试的情绪反应,考查不同难度测验中个体作业绩效与情绪稳定性和心率变异性(HRV)的关系,探讨情绪情境诱导方式。

    AIM : To explore the situation induced module of emotion by analyzing the relationship between the performance of Sternberg dual task , emotional stability and heart rate variability .

  6. NHP部分分数显示病人在运动、睡眠、能力、社会孤独及情绪反应方面受到限制;

    The NHP part ⅰ scores showed restriction in the areas of mobility , sleep , energy , isolation and emotional reaction .

  7. 创伤的严重程度、揭露时的情绪反应和社会认可度中的一般性排斥等都对蓄意创伤受害者的PTSD症状有影响作用。

    The severity of the trauma , the emotional response during the disclosure of traumatic experiences and General Disapproval in Acknowledgement as a Victim Scale all have influences on the PTSD symptoms of the victims of intentional harm .

  8. 雌雄猕猴束缚时应激的情绪反应差异

    Difference of Emotion Response between Male and Female Macaques in Bondage

  9. 最好的交易员并不是那些没有丝毫情绪反应的人。

    ' The best traders aren 't those without any emotional response .

  10. 期望你可以体验不同的情绪反应后做流产手术。

    Expect that you may experience different emotional reactions after an abortion .

  11. 结果,「低价码起情绪反应」概就获得了演化的青睐。

    Consequently , evolution should have favored emotional responses to low offers .

  12. 人们往往过高估计了对未来时间的情绪反应程度。

    People often overestimate their emotional reaction to future events .

  13. 由于认知差异的存在,同样的遭遇在不同人身上会有不同的情绪反应和心理体验。

    The same thing will produce different emotional response and psychological experience .

  14. 结论:颜面部整形美容患者在术前存在着较明显的焦虑和抑郁情绪反应。

    Conclusion Facial plastic surgery patients pretence more anxious and depressed problem .

  15. 我正在试你正产生情绪反应。

    I 'm trying . - you 're reacting emotionally .

  16. 对每一个想法你将出现不同的情绪反应。

    You 'll have different emotional reactions to each idea .

  17. 修学正念并不是要爱取或厌舍任何的情绪反应。

    Mindfulness itself does not condemn or condone any particular emotional reaction .

  18. 对孩子说他有病态情绪反应不会有什么用处。

    Telling the child that he has a complex will not help .

  19. 你再遇到他时就可能会产生完全不同的情绪反应。

    A chance encounter with him could evoke a totally different emotional response .

  20. 不同的决策情境中,人们对他方背信的情绪反应不同。

    The emotion response to the betrayal is different in different decision scenes .

  21. 运动中情绪反应的研究与发展

    Research on Emotional Response during Exercise and its Development

  22. 研究者们说对疼痛的情绪反应是有进化论意义的。

    That emotional response to pain makes evolutionary sense , the researchers say .

  23. 快乐是对结果的情绪反应。

    Happiness is an emotional response to an outcome .

  24. 边缘性人格障碍患者的情绪反应研究

    Emotional Responding of Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder

  25. 创伤病人的情绪反应及心理引导

    Psychological Guide to Emotional Reactions of Trauma Patients

  26. 焦虑症患者应激时情绪反应及脑功能状况

    Functional Brain Image and Emotional Response of Patients with Anxiety Disorder in Experimental Stress

  27. 由于不安和恐惧而带来的一种情绪反应。

    A feeling caused by uneasiness or apprehension .

  28. 客观性新近信息对大学生自我评价的影响及情绪反应

    Influence of Objective Newly Information to the College Students ' Self-evaluation and Emotional Reaction

  29. 边缘系统具有调节内脏活动和情绪反应的双重功能。

    The limbic system has the double actions of regulating emotion and visceral functions .

  30. 心理,有追求成功的强烈动机,坚强的性格、良好的赛前情绪反应。

    Psychological , have pursued the strong motivation , strong personality , good emotional reaction .