
zhí sūn
  • grandnephew;brother's grandson
侄孙 [zhí sūn]
  • [grandnephew] 兄弟的孙子

侄孙[zhí sūn]
  1. 在更为静谧的第16大区,嘉宾们可以惬意地入住香格里拉酒店(Shangri-LaHotel),这儿曾一度是拿破仑侄孙罗兰•波拿巴王子(PrinceRolandBonaparte)的府第。

    In the more sedate 16th arrondissement , guests can relax at the Shangri-La Hotel in a building that was once home to Prince Roland Bonaparte , great-nephew of Napoleon .

  2. 马尔礼一生作画只为自娱,他的侄孙女乔赛特·瑞福林(JosetteRevellin)在赛尔贝德市场偶尔出售几幅他的画作。

    Marly painted only for pleasure during his life ; his grandniece Josette Revellin has begun to sell a few at a time at March é Serpette .

  3. 我是你的侄孙女泰迪是鲍伯的女儿

    I 'm your great-niece Teddy . I 'm Bob 's daughter .

  4. 嘿乡亲们我的侄孙女要给大家唱几首歌我要唱吗

    Hey , everybody , my niece is gonna sing us some songs . I am ?

  5. 这是我的侄孙女泰迪

    This is my niece Teddy

  6. 侄孙和外孙,区别不大,丢了个律师,来个长矛兵。

    A grandnephew is almost the same as a grandson ; in default of a lawyer one takes a lancer .

  7. 那是吉诺曼先生的一个侄孙,他一向远离家庭,在外地过着军营生活。

    He was a great-grand-nephew of M.Gillenormand , on the paternal side , who led a garrison life , outside the family and far from the domestic hearth .

  8. 这位妇女仅有一次被人当作琳达,65岁的她一直争取自己的侄孙迈克尔1年的监护权。

    This woman only once to be identified as Linda , as 65 she has been fighting for a year to get guardianship of her grandnephew , Michael .

  9. 总统节这一天,在布鲁克莱,许多游客拿着相机对着美国前总统肯尼迪略显朴素的出生地一阵狂拍。他们可没有想到这位前总统的侄孙也继承了家族遗风,步入了政坛。

    THE tourists taking pictures of John Kennedy 's relatively modest birthplace in Brookline on Presidents " Day had not heard that the former president 's great-nephew had just entered the family business .

  10. 可是,看看有谁能猜透老妇人这种天真的心事,她常让一个长矛骑兵军官,一个名叫忒阿杜勒的侄孙去吻她,并且不无快感。

    Nevertheless , let him who can explain these antique mysteries of innocence , she allowed an officer of the Lancers , her grand nephew , named Theodule , to embrace her without displeasure .