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zhí zi
  • nephew;brother's son
侄子 [zhí zi]
  • [nephew] 兄弟或同辈男性亲属的儿子

侄子[zhí zi]
  1. 我在为侄子筹划他25岁的生日聚会。

    I am planning a 25th birthday party for my nephew .

  2. 她有一个才10岁的侄子。

    She has a nephew who is just ten years of age

  3. 他的儿子、兄弟和侄子都是他的左膀右臂,都配备了武器。

    His sons , brother and nephews were his armed sidekicks .

  4. 我到达的时候,侄子们围着我嘘寒问暖。

    When I arrived my nephews made a big fuss of me .

  5. 上个月一名店主的侄子被枪杀了。

    Last month a shopkeeper 's nephew was shot dead

  6. 他最近过分重视我侄子汤姆的话了,而汤姆根本不是什么伟大的思想家。

    He pays too much heed these days to my nephew Tom , and Tom is no great thinker

  7. 她侄子是个胆小的孩子。

    Her nephew is a fearful child .

  8. 我父亲的侄子是我的堂兄。

    My father 's nephews are my cousins .

  9. 他的侄子是一个粗野的年轻人。

    His nephew is an uncouth young man .

  10. 亚瑟王的侄子高文爵士(戴夫·帕特尔饰演)接受了挑战并砍下了这个巨人的头。

    King Arthur 's nephew , Sir Gawain ( Dev Patel ) , accepts the challenge and decapitates the giant intruder .

  11. 老人很想能有个孩子,但是他和年轻的妻子膝下无儿无女,于是就叫了自己的侄子来一起住。

    The old man longed for children . But he and his young wife had none , so he invited his nephew to live with them .

  12. 阿尔瓦利德王子是沙特国王阿卜杜拉(kingabdullah)的侄子,长期以来一直与其他沙特王子有所不同不论是他的社会观还是他的投资哲学。

    The prince , a nephew of the Saudi King Abdullah , has long stood out from other Saudi princes , both in his social views and investment philosophy .

  13. 据《财富》杂志称,作为世界上最大科技公司的CEO,库克表示他计划在供养10岁的侄子上大学后将约为7.85亿美元的个人资产全部捐给慈善组织。

    Fortune magazine cited the head of the world 's largest technology corporation as saying he planned to donate his estimated $ 785 million fortune to charity - after paying for his 10-year-old nephew 's college education .

  14. 凯撒指定自己年轻的侄子octavius为帝国继承人。

    Caesar names his young nephew , octavius , heir to the empire .

  15. 尼古拉斯凯奇是电影导演FrancisFordCoppola的侄子,因主演《抚养亚利桑那》、《致命60秒》、《国家宝藏》等影片而声名大噪。

    Cage , the nephew of film director Francis Ford Coppola , is best known for such films as Raising Arizona , Gone in 60 Seconds and National Treasure .

  16. 反过来,阿尔多也曾在诉讼中声称侄子毛里奇奥(Maurizio)没有缴纳遗产税。

    Aldo in turn alleged in a lawsuit that his nephew Maurizio had dodged death duties .

  17. 这个角色从一开始就很有争议,因为他是夫人的贴身女仆O'Brien的侄子该剧的制作人JulianFellowes说。

    He is a contentious figure right from the start because he is the nephew of O'Brien , the ladies ' maid says creator Julian Fellowes .

  18. YasarSelcuk想来看看他的侄子。

    Yasar Selcuk is trying to see his nephews .

  19. 这位奥斯卡奖女演员与NedRocknroll结婚,理查德•布兰森的侄子,在她面前是两个孩子和一群朋友。

    The Oscar-winning actress wed Ned Rocknroll , Richard Branson 's nephew , in front of her two children and a small number of friends .

  20. 我对说话部分不是太热衷[是MJ的侄子塔瑞尔·杰克逊(TaryllJackson)表演的],但显然迈克尔的歌中有未填满的地方。

    I 'm not too keen on the spoken parts ( performed by nephew , Taryll Jackson ), but clearly there were places in the song Michael hadn 't filled yet .

  21. 这就注定他的侄子(全名FranzJosefOttoRobertMariaAntonKarlMaxHeinrichSixtusXavierFelixRenatusLudwigGaetanPiusIgnatius)会继承这个“崇高”的使命。

    This doomed the noble legacy that his great-nephew ( full name Franz Josef Otto Robert Maria Anton Karl Max Heinrich Sixtus Xavier Felix Renatus Ludwig Gaetan Pius Ignatius ) could have inherited .

  22. 艾米尔的派对没有通过这项检验:比布莱克级别低的,只有他的一个侄子和霍林格公司(Hollinger)的两名高管。

    Amiel 's fails this test : the only people junior to Black were one nephew of his and a couple of Hollinger executives .

  23. 我的大侄子Kanishka和他的两位朋友也在厨房,我们一块儿催妈妈赶紧离开厨房(虽然她不太愿意)。

    Kanishka , my older nephew and two of his friends were there and we were all urging my reluctant mother to move .

  24. 周末,哥哥很自豪地招待着我的大侄子Kanishka和他在科伦坡大学法律系的几位同学。

    My brother was proudly playing host to my elder nephew Kanishka and his batchmates from the Colombo University Law faculty over the weekend .

  25. 许多人向失去的家人表达了敬意。“我的侄子DannyCorrea-Gutierrez。Danny,我们想让你知道,你将一直是我们的好孩子。你将永远活在我们心中,我们爱你。”一位女子表示。

    Many the person they lost . " And my nephew , Danny Correa-Gutierrez . Danny , we want you to know you will always be our baby boy . You will be in our hearts forever , and we love you , " said one woman .

  26. 艾佛里先生和他当时16岁的侄子布兰顿·达西(BrendanDassey),最终在这个谋杀案中被判定为有罪。对于一些看过这个Netflix纪录片的人来说,这个结局再一次证明了我们这个司法体系的失败。

    In the end , Mr. Avery and his nephew Brendan Dassey , 16 at the time of Ms. Halbach 's death , were convicted in the killing - an outcome that some who watched the series were convinced was one more example of the justice system 's failure .

  27. 首届划船比赛于1829年在牛津郡泰晤士河的亨利街(Henley)举行。这个主意来自剑桥学生查理斯?梅里瓦尔和他同样来自哈罗区的牛津大学的同学查理斯?沃兹沃斯(诗人威廉的侄子)。

    The first boat race took place in 1829 on the River Thames at Henley in Oxfordshire and was the culmination of an idea of Charles Merivale , a Cambridge student , and his Harrow schoolmate Charles Wordsworth ( nephew of poet William ), at Oxford .

  28. 根据她的陈述以及潘迪夫妇向警方所做的陈述,那天晚上普嘉与丈夫桑迪普(Sandeep)将古迪娅带到了桑迪普在北方邦的家乡——一个东部与德里交界的村庄,但她仍然拒绝嫁给潘迪的侄子。

    That night , Ms. Pandey and her husband , Sandeep , took Gudiya to Mr. Pandey 's village in the state of Uttar Pradesh , which borders Delhi to the east , according to an account provided by Gudiya as well as police statements by the Pandeys . She still refused to wed .

  29. 莫妮卡:他讨厌我,我的侄子讨厌我。

    Monica : He hates me . My nephew hates me .

  30. 我侄子,是我兄弟的儿子。

    O My nephew , that 's my brother 's son .