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cǔn duó
  • conjecture;speculate;suppose;presume
忖度 [cǔn duó]
  • [conjecture;speculate] 推测;估计

  • 他人有心,予忖度之。--《诗.小雅.巧言》

  • 胸中忖度

忖度[cǔn duó]
  1. 愿他以缄默的忖度来表现同情:愿他能够先知道他的朋友是否真的想要同情。也许他的朋友所喜爱的是他那洞察的眼神的不变的馀光。

    May his pity be a silent conjecture : that he may first know if his friend indeed wants pity : Perhaps what his friend loves in him is his undimmed eyes and the glance of eternity .

  2. 愚人尝过了加过盐之后的美味食物,于是暗自忖度:“味道之所以这么美,是因为有盐的缘故。这么一点点盐尚且如此,如果有很多盐,味道岂不是更美?”愚人没有知识,便去单独吃盐。

    The fool found the food now quite delicious . He thought , " The food is delicious because of the salt could produce this effect , a lot of salt must taste even better . " The fool that he was , he started eating nothing but salt . Rather than tasting delicious .

  3. 我感到坐在我身旁的艾美特僵住了,我仔细忖度着他对这句话的反应。

    I felt Emmett stiffen next to me , and I wondered at his reaction to the word .

  4. 仔细地忖度一下,我们最终会看到,今天对高盛的无情抨击,不过是一出受到误导的政治大戏。

    With some perspective , we eventually will see today 's relentless focus on Goldman as misguided political theatre .

  5. 一颗黑,一颗绿,而两颗都正盯着他瞧,仔细审视忖度他。

    One was black and one was green , and both were looking at him , studying him , weighing him .

  6. 众人正忖度老鼠大概已经逃光了,可以上前打扫之际,却见还有两只老鼠在洞口处推挤,经过一番努力,双双才逃出来。

    A while later they indeed saw mice running out , one after another . Then , everyone thought that all the mice had escaped . But just as they just about to start to clean up , they saw two mice squeezing out at the exit of the hole .