
biāo dù
  • scale;dial;graduation;division
标度 [biāo dù]
  • [graduation] 一系列用线或点标出来的间隔,用来计量距离、数额或数量

标度[biāo dù]
  1. pH值是溶液酸度的标度单位。

    The pH value is the scale unit of solution acidity .

  2. 水溶液高温(100~150℃)pH标度

    PH Scale of Aqueous Solution at Elevated Temperature 100-150 ℃

  3. 外噪声对V型阵发李指数标度律的影响

    Influence of External Noise on Lyapunov Exponents in Type V Intermittence

  4. 水平分量磁变仪标度值随记录n变化率的测定及应用

    Determination and application of the variational rate kN of scale values s of horizontal-component variometers with record n

  5. 结果表明,8个样品的无标度区(R)都相同,但是随尺度变化,分维值表现出分段线性的特征。

    The results show that the no-scaling zones ( R ) are the same for eight samples .

  6. 基于0.1~0.9标度的AHP再研究

    Study on 0 . 1 ~ 0 . 9 Scale in AHP

  7. AHP中构造判断矩阵的指数(0,2)标度法

    Exponential ( 0,2 ) scale method of constructing judgement matrix in AHP

  8. 层次分析法(AHP)比例标度的分析与改进

    Improvement and Analysis of Scale of AHP

  9. 内部演化的BA无标度网络模型

    A BA Scale Free Network Model with Inner Evolving

  10. 选择适宜的标度值(C/M)、选取适当的入射角α0、选择适当的记录距离R是改善水平分量磁变仪记录状态的主要途径。文中对比作了具体分析。

    Principal ways are as follows : suitable scale values ( C / M ), incident angle α _0 and distance R.

  11. 利用层次分析(AHP)中指数标度法确定相对权重,计算病情指数。

    The index scale in AHP was used to determine scale-weight and then calculate disease scale .

  12. AHP标度改进研究及其在IDS评估中的应用

    An Improved Research on AHP Scale System and its Application to the Evaluation of IDS

  13. 成人标准12导联心电图QT间期的多维空间标度分析

    Multi-dimension scaling of 12-lead QTc in standard electrocardiogram in adult Chinese

  14. 发现,在标度变换下,E

    It was found that in the scaling transformation , there existed a set of continuous fixed points in the area of E

  15. Bi2Sr2CaCu2O(8+δ)单晶的钉扎力标度和磁通钉扎机制

    Scaling Behaviour of Pinning Force and Flux Pinning Mechanisms in Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_ ( 8 + δ) Single Crystals

  16. 得到了标度指数x和z作为空间维数d和相关指数ρ的函数。

    The scaling exponent χ and dynamic exponent z are obtained as functions of spatial dimension d and roughening exponent ρ .

  17. 在横向评价方面,可采用模糊综合评价法、因子分析法和基于AHP法的指数标度法予以评价。

    In horizontal evaluation , ambiguous comprehensive evaluation and index scale method based on AHP method can be adopted .

  18. 基于DEA和性能模糊标度的机械设计概念方案评估方法

    Approach to evaluate machinery-design concept alternatives ( MDCA ) based on DEA and fuzzy measures for performance of MDCA

  19. 结果表明,叶片的外物损伤程度取决于撞击能量E和几何标度S,对于一定的叶片,存在不影响疲劳寿命的极限损伤。

    The results show that the extent of FOD depends on both impact energy E and geometric scale S.There exists a critical damage for a given blades .

  20. 并在SIS模型下,研究了均匀网络和无标度网络的病毒传播临界值。

    Under SIS model , we researched the spread threshold of uniform networks and scale-free networks .

  21. 本文简要介绍了描述多重分形的标度指数谱f(α)的直接计算方法和简要推导过程。

    This paper simply introduces the method of directly calculating the crowding index α and crowding index spectrum f (α) which can describe the complex fractal .

  22. 指数标度中q的取值对AHP应用结果的影响基于最优成本的公路施工生产规模研究

    The Impacts of the Value " q " from the Ratio Scale on the AHP Evaluation Study of Highway Construction Production Scale on the Best Cost

  23. 核子中价夸克极化分布函数的OCD标度破坏

    QCD Scaling Violations for Polarized Distribution Functions of Valence Quarks in the Nucleon

  24. 混合重标度模型、实光子产生和核Drell-Yan过程

    The Mixed Rescaling Model , Direct Photon Production and Nuclear Drell-Yan Process

  25. 结果表明在Z.地震活动性的标度

    The transketolase activity of Z. SEISMICITY SCALE

  26. 对称三次幂的Duffing方程经标度变换可化为三参数方程。

    Symmetric cubic Duffing 's equation can be identified to three-parameter equation by using scaling transformation .

  27. 本文是在对屏蔽常数的计算作了改正后的Z标度类氢模型下,计算了NaⅠⅩ的电子碰撞激发的速率系数。

    The excited rate coefficients for electron byNa @ have been computed in Z-Scaled hydrogenic approximation , after the method of calculation for screening constant is modified .

  28. 通过标度变换使铁磁体的尺寸参数显现在自由能表达式和Brown方程中。

    A scale transformation is introduced , so that the size of a ferromagnetic body appears explicitly as a parameter in the expressions of free energy and Brown 's equation .

  29. 近年来许多国外学者通过对汇率、股票收益率、黄金价格等金融市场实证数据的分析,发现了这些数据所具有的另一种重要的非线性特征&多标度分形(Multifractal)特征。

    Many recent researches with empirical data have demonstrated that financial data has another important nonlinear feature - multifractal .

  30. 我们用非晶结构的位形(信息)熵与信息维数随压力变化的标度关系S1((?))CC(?)

    The relation between the configuration ( information ) entropy and the information dimensionality in amorphous structure could be used to prove our present conclusion .