
  • 网络Physics teaching;teaching of physics
  1. 基于实用高效理念的液压CAD软件设计利用营销理念提高高师物理教学效果的策略

    Hydraulic Pressure CAD Software Design based on the Philosophy of Practical and Highly Efficient The Strategy to Improve the Effect of Physics Teaching by College Teachers through the Use of Marketing Concepts

  2. 通过调查与访谈就HPS融入物理教学实践的教学效果得出一些初步的结论。

    Initial conclusions about teaching effect of integrating HPS into physics teaching practice are made through summarizing investigations and interviews .

  3. 总裁助理&现代公司中的重要角色CAI课件在初中物理教学中的辅助教学作用与实践研究

    On Assistant of President CAI Teaches the Center in the Junior Middle School Physics the Teaching Assistant Function and the Research

  4. 对以传统手段为主的物理教学,应适当增加MCAI的使用以激发学生学习物理的兴趣和积极性。

    It is necessary that add the using of MCAI properly in traditional instruction class to stimulate the student 's interest and intuitive in studying physics .

  5. 探讨了大学物理教学中CAI的设计思想、脚本设计以及课件编辑整合等问题,介绍了符合CAI教学规律课件的制作方法。

    This paper probes into the problems about the design idea of CAI courseware , the script design and the compilation and integration of courseware in the teaching of the physics of university , and introduces the manufacturing methods of the courseware fitting in with the CAI teaching regulatory .

  6. 所以,怎样在中职物理教学中渗透STS教育,如何培养企业所需的专业技术人才,就成了我们中职教育工作者必须积极面对和解决的问题。

    So , how to integrate the STS into the secondary vocational school 's physics teaching and how to train the vocational technical person needed by enterprises become the very problem which should be actively faced and resolved by our secondary vocation education Workers .

  7. 物理教学中应加强初高中知识的联系

    Strengthen the Connection between Junior and Senior Physics in Teaching Physics

  8. 以往的物理教学忽视了物理学前沿知识,造成科学教育的片断化。前沿物理知识在物理教学中扮演着重要的作用。

    Traditional instruction places little emphasis on the frontiers of physics .

  9. 物理教学与学生能力的培养要有机地结合起来,注重培养学生的各种能力。

    Physical teaching should be combined with cultivating abilities of students .

  10. 计算机仿真技术在物理教学中的应用浅探

    Elementary Research on the Application of Computer Simulation in Physics Teaching

  11. 如何写好物理教学后记

    Postscript . How to Write the Afterword about Physics Teaching Well

  12. 物理教学中进行科学精神与人文精神教育的途径

    Ways of Realizing Scientific Spirit Education and Humanistic Education in Physics Teaching

  13. 高中物理教学难的寻源与突破

    The reason and breakthrough for difficulties in physical teaching at secondary school

  14. 新课程标准下物理教学方法的探索

    An Exploration into Physics Teaching Methodology under the New Curriculum

  15. 在物理教学中,科学探究与知识建构统一于有意义学习理论:学习者通过科学探究活动获取有意义的学习材料,体现了认知主体与客体的互动;

    In physics teaching , it can be united in meaningful learning .

  16. 论中学物理教学的说课

    Theory of Talking about Lessons of Middle School Physical Teaching

  17. 浅谈中学物理教学艺术

    On the Teaching Art of the Physics Teaching in the Middle School

  18. 演示实验在大学物理教学中的积极作用

    On the positive function of the demonstration experiments in College Physics Teaching

  19. 高中物理教学中人文精神的培养

    The Cultivation of Humanism Spirit of Physical Teaching in Senior Middle School

  20. 普通物理教学中如何培养创造型思维

    How to Train The students ' Creative Thinking in Teaching General Physics

  21. 浅谈物理教学中对学生创造思维的培养

    Developing and Improving Students ' Creative Thinking in Physics Teaching

  22. 在大学物理教学中介绍薄膜干涉的滤波效应

    Introduction of Filter Effect of Thin Film Interference in College Physics Teaching

  23. 中专物理教学中的抽象与具体

    Abstract and Concrete in Physics Teaching for Secondary Technical School

  24. 中专物理教学路在何方

    What is the teaching way of physics in the technical secondary school

  25. 因此在物理教学中,注重探索性实验具有特殊意义。

    Therefore in physical teaching emphasize to explore experiment have special meaning .

  26. 物理教学中学生综合思维和动态思维能力的培养

    Training of Students ' Synthetic Thinking and Dynamic Thinking in Physics Teaching

  27. 类星体谱线证认与普通物理教学

    The identification of quasar spectral lines and general physics teaching

  28. 物理教学测验新题型

    Research on Applications of New Physics Teaching Test Question

  29. 加强学生在物理教学中主体地位的探讨

    Strengthening the Main Position of Students in Physics Teaching

  30. 农村初中大面积提高物理教学质量的思考

    Reflection of Great Improvement of Physics Teaching Quality in Rural Junior Middle School