
wù pǐn
  • article;goods;object;thing;substance;stuff;ware
物品 [wù pǐn]
  • [article;goods] 泛指各种东西

  • 零星物品

物品[wù pǐn]
  1. 公共物品的难处,就是其价值难以标准化计算。

    The difficulty of communal article , it is its value standardizes computation hard .

  2. 然后是一些有关物品的传记信息,包括标题、URL和摘要。

    There is then some biographic information about the article including the title , URL , and summary .

  3. 囚犯除信件和照片外不允许有任何私人物品。

    Prisoners were allowed no personal possessions except letters and photographs .

  4. 把每样物品的位置记录下来。

    Keep a note of where each item can be found .

  5. 我相信我能在别的地方更便宜地买到这种物品。

    I 'm sure I could buy this more cheaply somewhere else .

  6. 大火吞噬了我的一些最珍贵的物品。

    I lost some of my most prized possessions in the fire .

  7. 把贵重物品留在车里看不见的地方。

    Leave any valuables in your car out of sight .

  8. 我们仔细地把每件物品用标签标明成分和日期。

    We carefully labelled each item with the contents and the date .

  9. 我们上次搬家时几乎没有什么物品破损。

    The last time we moved house there were very few breakages .

  10. 他善于手工制作物品。

    He 's good at making things with his hands .

  11. 用夹具把两半物品夹紧,待胶干后再松开。

    Clamp the two halves together until the glue dries .

  12. 有贵重物品保管箱可供使用,费用另计。

    Safety deposit boxes are available at a supplement .

  13. 他慢慢地、小心翼翼地收拾好自己的物品。

    He packed up his possessions slowly and deliberately .

  14. 我们把贵重物品锁起来收好了。

    We keep our valuables under lock and key .

  15. 现金或其他贵重物品请勿乱放。

    Never leave cash or other valuables lying around .

  16. 贵重物品需看管,否则风险自负。

    Valuables are left at their owner 's risk .

  17. 他们粗暴地把他的物品摔到地板上。

    They dumped his belongings unceremoniously on the floor .

  18. 一切沉船中的物品均属国家所有。

    The contents of shipwrecks belong to the state .

  19. 这两件物品几乎完全一样。

    The two items are , to all intents and purposes , identical .

  20. 这些物品仅供展览——不卖。

    These items are just for show ─ they 're not for sale .

  21. 在汽车上发现的物品有助于警方辨认死者身份。

    The articles found in the car helped the police to identify the body .

  22. 志愿者排成一条长龙,从着火的房子里手传手把贵重物品抢救出来。

    Volunteers formed a human chain to rescue precious items from the burning house .

  23. 所有的物品上都积了薄薄的一层灰尘。

    A thin layer of dust covered everything .

  24. 这家银行提供对贵重物品的安全保管服务。

    The bank provides safe custody for valuables .

  25. 这件物品要用手洗。

    This item should be hand washed .

  26. 幸运的是,没有贵重物品失窃。

    Luckily , nothing valuable was stolen .

  27. 大件物品将分开收集。

    Bulky items will be collected separately .

  28. 使用前摇匀瓶内物品。

    Shake the bottle well before use .

  29. 她把一应物品装进衣箱。

    She piled everything into her suitcase .

  30. 我们生活在一次性物品充斥的社会。

    We live in a throwaway society .