
  • 网络Physics history;history of physics
  1. 《自然哲学的数学原理》是一本物理学史上首屈一指的鸿篇巨制,一部描述运动规律和万有引力的鸿篇巨著。为此,艾德蒙德·哈雷(EdmundHalley)给予了鼎力资助,次年这一巨著终于呈现在世人面前。艾德蒙德·哈雷本人因发现哈雷彗星而名垂青史。

    That the most important volume in the history of physics , which described the laws of motion and of gravity , saw the light of day the next year was , in the end , due to the deep pockets of Edmund Halley , of comet fame .

  2. 物理学史在高中物理教学中的教育功能

    The History of Physics at the High School Physics Teaching Educational Function

  3. 物理学史名著《内界》是阿伯拉罕·派斯(AbrahamPais)撰写的一部力作。

    The famous book 《 Inward Bound 》 written by Abraham Pais is a masterpiece in physical history .

  4. 文章分析了当代美国科学社会学家安德鲁.皮克林(AndrewPickering)对二十世纪六、七十年代高能物理学史所作的社会学研究。

    The article analyses contemporary America sociologist Andrew Pickering 's work of social study on the history of High-Energy Physics ( HEP ) during 1960-1970 's.

  5. 把物理学史引入大学物理实验教学的研究

    The introduction of the history of College Physics Experiment Teaching Research

  6. 中学物理学史的分析研究与思考

    An Analytic Research and Deliberation on the History of Senior Physics

  7. 渗透物理学史教学的实施结果在后记中作了简要说明。

    And the implementation results are showed briefly in the afterword .

  8. 论物理学史在素质教育中的功能

    On the Function of the History of Physic ln Quality Education

  9. 工科院校物理实验课程物理学史的引入

    Introducing the History of Physics into Physics Experiments in Engineering Colleges

  10. 物理学史的素质教育因素分析

    On quality education factor of the science of physics history

  11. 通过物理学史教学培养大学生的创新精神

    Cultivation of student 's innovative spirit by physical history teaching

  12. 浅谈新课程视域中的物理学史

    History of Physics and Physics Instruction in New Curriculum Criteria

  13. 因此在物理教学中有必要进行物理学史教育。

    Therefore it is necessary to teaching physics with the history of physics .

  14. 新课程理念下物理学史再认识

    A Re-cognition of Physics History in New Curriculum Criteria

  15. 高中物理教学中物理学史教育的理论及实践研究

    The Senior High School Physics Teaching of Physics History Education Theory and Practice

  16. 应用物理学史革新物理教育

    Using the History of Physics to Innovate Physics Education

  17. 物理学史是物理学知识的重要组成部分。

    Knowledge of the history of physics is an important part of physics .

  18. 面向21世纪专业教学、物理学史与教学科研相结合教学法

    A teaching method of combination of physics , history of physics and teaching research

  19. 物理学史教育在物理教学中的作用分析

    Analysis of the Role of the Education of History of physics in physics Teaching

  20. 物理学史上的一场大误会

    A Large Mistake in the History of Physics

  21. 杰出的物理学家阿伯拉罕·派斯和他的物理学史著作

    The outstanding physicist Abraham Pais , and his works on the history of physics

  22. 从物理学史看物理实验在物理发明的沉寂和突破中所起的作用

    Role of Physical Experiments Playing into Still and Break of Physics Invention from History

  23. 物理学史与物理教学结合的理论与实践研究

    Theoretical and Practical Research on the Combination of the Physics History with the Physics Teaching

  24. 物理学史上3位伟人对物理实验的态度及成就

    Three Great Men 's Attitude and Achievement on Physical Experiment in the History of Physics

  25. 在新课程理念下物理学史与以往相比具有更多的教育功能,因此有必要对物理学史进行再认识。

    There is more educational functions of Physics History under New Curriculum criteria than ever .

  26. 对研究中国古代物理学史具有一定的参考价值。

    The work in this paper is helpful to study the history of Chinese physics .

  27. 物理学史的教育功能

    The educational functions on history of Physics

  28. 这一章是物理学史与物理教学结合的基本依据。

    This chapter is the basis of combing the physics history with the physics teaching .

  29. 第三章是物理学史与中学物理教学结合的理论基础。

    The third chapter constructs the theoretical foundations of combining physics history with physics teaching .

  30. 通过物理学史培养高中学生科学精神的实践研究

    An Experiment on the Development of Senior Students ' Scientific Spirits Through the History of Physics