
fēi zhōu rén
  • African;Afro-
  1. 观众中有一半是非洲人,其中大多数来自塞内加尔或马里。

    The African half of the audience was mainly from Senegal or Mali

  2. 他们升起非洲人国民大会的旗帜。

    They flew the flag of the African National Congress

  3. 在某些方面,非洲人的思维方式与西方人相差甚远。

    In some respects the African mind works rather differently from the occidental one .

  4. 非洲人国民大会在所有事项皆已完成前不敢有丝毫松懈。

    The ANC could not afford to lower its guard until everything had been carried out

  5. 非洲人国民大会指派他为参加格鲁特舒尔会谈的代表团成员之一。

    He was nominated by the African National Congress as one of its team at the Groote Sehuur talks

  6. 有些非洲人正在承受着饥荒、疫病及其他不幸。

    Some Africans are suffering from famine , pestilence and other evils .

  7. 大多数非洲人是黑皮肤。

    Most Africans have black skin .

  8. 每只炊具大约要2000美元,这对大多数非洲人来说是一大笔钱。

    Each cooker costs about $ 2,000 , which is a large amount of money for most Africans .

  9. 他是一个高个子、穿着很好的非洲人。

    He was a tall , well-dressed African .

  10. 非洲人成为契约上的仆人,以劳力交换庇护及最终的自由

    The Africans became indentured servants , trading labor for shelter and eventual freedom .

  11. 南非非洲人国民大会(AfricanNationalCongress,简称:非国大)证实,以前曾雇用过简特杰。

    The African National Congress confirmed that it had hired Mr. Jantjie before .

  12. 对于身居伦敦南部(SouthLondon)的我,塞拉•杨询问在本人的居所附近有没有非洲人开的杂货店,回答是肯定的。

    Young asks me if there are any African grocery stores near where I live , in South London .

  13. 联合国非洲经济委员(unitednationseconomiccommissionforafrica)的数据显示,1960年至1975年间,有2.7万非洲人移民工业化国家。

    According to the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa , about 27000 Africans left for industrialised countries between 1960 and 1975 .

  14. 苹果迄今并未表现出要让多数非洲人用上ipad的迹象。

    Apple so far shows few signs of bringing the iPad within reach of most Africans .

  15. 约有41%的非洲人居住在城市里,而据为联合国(theUnitedNations)所做的一份报告预测,到2020年,将有超过半数的非洲人在城市安家。

    An estimated 41 % of the people in Africa live in cities and , by 2020 more than half will , according to estimates done for the United Nations .

  16. 美籍非洲人家族早发性阿尔茨海默病和APP(T714I)突变

    An African American family with early-onset Alzheimer disease and an APP ( T714I ) mutation

  17. 在批评AGRA没有吸收非洲人之后,2007年科菲安南被任命为其主席。

    After AGRA was criticized for not having any Africans , Kofi Anan was named Chairman in2007 .

  18. 此后,他们从陆续出土的多块尼安德特人的骨头中提取了基因物质,乃至完整的基因组。他们的研究收获了一个惊人的发现:今天,在除了非洲人之外的人类身上,有1%到2%的DNA来自尼安德特人。

    Since then , they have recovered genetic material , even entire genomes , from a number of Neanderthal bones , and their investigations have yielded a remarkable surprise : Today , 1 to 2 percent of the DNA in non-African people comes from Neanderthals .

  19. 电梯正在运行中。那项法律已经没有效用了。这里是VOA特别英语科技报道。尼日利亚发射了首颗由非洲人设计和制造的卫星。NigeriaSat-X卫星是该国最近发生的两颗对地观测卫星中的一颗。

    The NigeriaSat-X is one of two Earth satellites that the country recently launched .

  20. 而来自设在肯尼亚的ATPS的另一份宣言强调了非洲人主导非洲举措的必要性。

    And an independent manifesto from the Kenya-based ATPS emphasises the need for African efforts to be owned and led by Africans .

  21. 由于GebisaEjeta的贡献,数百万非洲人有了更多的食物。

    Millions of Africans have more to eat because of Gebisa Ejeta .

  22. 与此同时,南非斯坦陵布什大学(StellenboschUniversity)中国研究中心主任马丁•戴维斯(MartynDavies)提醒非洲人,不要滥用殖民地比较。

    At the same time , Martyn Davies , director of the Centre for Chinese Studies at South Africa 's Stellenbosch University , cautions Africans against overdoing the colonial comparison .

  23. 三年前,IFC和世界银行成立了“照亮非洲”项目,目的是给那些无法从电网获得电力的非洲人提供现代能源。

    Three years ago , the IFC and the World Bank launched a program called " Lighting Africa " to provide modern energy to people without access to the grid .

  24. “千百万非洲人的生命,包括200万接受艾滋病治疗的人,可能会受到威胁,”Devarajan在他的博克上说。

    " The lives of hundreds of millions of Africans , including the two million on AIDS treatment , may be threatened ," Devarajansaid on his blog .

  25. 非洲人国民大会党(ANC)祖马相信ANC将在选举中表现不错,他在最近的一场集会上唱了名为Siyaya的歌曲,这首古老的斗争曲表达了不管多久都要坚决实现目标的决心。

    African National Congress President Jacob Zuma , confident his party will do very well in the election , wrapped up a recent rally with Siyaya , an old struggle song that expresses determination to reach a goal regardless of how long it takes .

  26. 唯一的个例发生在2007年的南非,当时该国一批知名企业被私有化,包括AlexanderForbes和EdgarsConsolidatedStores等。此事被认为减少了非洲人投资优秀企业的机会。

    The only isolated example of this occurred in South Africa in 2007 when a number of well-known companies , such as Alexander Forbes and Edgars Consolidated Stores , were taken private , a situation seen as reducing the opportunity set for Africans to invest in good companies .

  27. 欧盟司法专员佛朗科•佛拉蒂尼(FrancoFrattini)将在里斯本向欧盟各国移民部长表示,欧盟应停止构建壁垒,转而为那些冒着生命危险到欧洲大陆寻找工作的非洲人和亚洲人打造安全的移民途径。

    Franco Frattini , justice commissioner , will tell the bloc 's immigration ministers in Lisbon that the EU should stop erecting barriers and instead build safe pathways for Africans and Asians who currently risk their lives heading to the continent to find a job .

  28. 另外,还有一些关于最早的非洲人航行到美洲的故事。

    There are stories too of early African voyages to America .

  29. 桑克和其他同行的非洲人于1842年回到了他们的家乡。

    Cinqu é and the other Africans reached their homeland in1842 .

  30. 大多数非洲人每天生活费用不到2美元。

    Most Africans live on less than two dollars a day .