
  • 网络Black African;NEGROES
  1. (南非)对任何一个非洲黑人的蔑称。

    ( South Africa ) an offensive term for any Black African .

  2. 文艺复兴时期的艺术家们尤其喜欢以不同的种族特征来描绘这三位智者:一个欧洲人,一个似乎是亚洲智者,另一个则总是非洲黑人。

    Renaissance artists in particular enjoyed portraying the wise men with different racial characteristics : one European , one vaguely Asiatic magus and always a black African .

  3. 目的:探讨非洲黑人与国人之间鼻声反射参数、鼻阻力(NR)的差别。

    Objective : To study the difference of nasal resistance ( NR ) and nasal parameters between Chinese and Black people from African .

  4. 在长跑界,43岁的洛鲁佩曾在1994年和1995年两次获得纽约马拉松赛(NewYorkCityMarathon)冠军,是第一位赢得一项重要马拉松赛事冠军的非洲黑人女性,也曾是26.2英里马拉松世界纪录的保持者。

    In the running world , Loroupe , 43 , is celebrated as the winner of the New York City Marathon in 1994 and 1995 , the first black African woman to win a major marathon , a former world-record holder at the distance of 26.2 miles .

  5. 中国预计会有大约50万外国人在奥运会期间来到北京,欧洲白人当中大约15%的人是这种血型,非洲黑人当中10%的人是Rh阴性血。奥运会期间,到北京去的游客当中很大一部分是欧洲白人和非洲黑人。

    China expects around 500000 foreign visitors to come to Beijing during the Olympics . Roughly 15 percent of Caucasians , and 10 percent of black Africans are Rh-negative , a large portion of those who will make up a majority of tourists during the Games .

  6. 最值得关注的两位新人分别是来自南非的PatriceMotsepe和尼日利亚人AlikoDangote,他们是首次跻身全球富豪榜的非洲黑人。

    Two of the most noteworthy new entrants are South Africa 's Patrice Motsepe and Nigeria 's Aliko Dangote , the first black Africans to make their debut among the world 's richest .

  7. 非洲黑人用一种独特的方式表达他们的黑人音乐灵魂。

    The black Africans expressed their musical soul in a distinctive way .

  8. 非洲黑人是受压迫的少数民族,他们被抛弃在异己的环境中。

    The black Africans are oppressed minority dumped in an alien environment .

  9. 他提出非洲黑人问题的方式给人以深刻印象。

    He impressed people by the way he presented the African case .

  10. 非洲黑人来华考

    A survey of the African blacks coming to China

  11. 非洲黑人曼德拉受到了全世界的尊重。

    Mandela , a black african , was respected all over the world .

  12. 这部小说描写了一位非洲黑人妇女塔西的人生经历。

    It describes the life story of an African American woman who named Tashi .

  13. 早期英国殖民者笔下的非洲黑人妇女形象

    Black English On the Images of African Women Written by the Early British Colonizers

  14. 在患有镰刀形细胞贫血症的人群中,非洲黑人占了一大部分。

    Black people in Africa are the huge of those with sickle cell disease .

  15. 你知道一个叫Induku的人么?(IndukuZethu非洲黑人歌手)

    do you know a guy named Induku ?

  16. 论非洲黑人的祖先崇拜

    On black Africans ' ancestor - worshipping

  17. 我将一生献给了非洲黑人的这场斗争。

    During my lifetime I have dedicated my life to this struggle of the African people .

  18. 第一位非洲黑人女子奥运冠军

    The First Black African Woman Champion

  19. 莫里森生长在一个非裔美国人家里,非洲黑人的传统对她有很大的影响。

    Morrison lives in an African-American family and has great influence from the African black tradition .

  20. 从前,许多非洲黑人被抓住后,当作奴隶被送往美洲去干活。

    In the past , many black Africans were captured and sent to America to work as slaves .

  21. 有关奴隶的交易;尤其是16到19世纪非洲黑人被运送到美国。

    Traffic in slaves ; especially in Black Africans transported to America in the 16th to 19th centuries .

  22. 姑母彼拉多虽然有坚强的意志和独立的精神,但是作为非洲黑人文化遗产的保护者却显得苍白无力。

    Pilate , though having a strong will and independent spirit , is just a weak defender of African culture .

  23. 第四部分论述非洲黑人移民对美国英语词汇发展的影响。

    In the fourth part , the paper gives an analysis to the influences of the Blacks on the evolution of American English vocabulary .

  24. 非洲黑人音乐文化在欧洲音乐文化的阴影和夹缝中顽强地生根、发芽,直至放出绚丽的光彩。

    It was taking root , sprouting in the shade and crack of the European music cultures , and finally it spread the beautiful lights .

  25. 这种渊源包括西班牙文艺复兴时代的格列柯、中世纪的哥特艺术、后印象主义的塞尚、非洲黑人雕刻、原始艺术等等。

    Such sources include the Spanish Renaissance El Greco , medieval Gothic art , post-impressionist Paul Cezanne , black African sculpture , primitive art and so on .

  26. 杜波依斯高举泛非主义的旗帜,为非洲黑人的解放而不懈努力,以至于在很长一段时间内杜波依斯成了“泛非主义”的同义词。

    Du Bois held oriflamme of pan-Africanism high and devoted himself to African Negroes liberation , so that he was the thesaurus of pan-Africanism in a long time .

  27. 美国黑人灵歌作为美国黑人音乐与宗教的集中体现,是非洲黑人音乐文化在美国社会文化环境影响下的产物。

    American Black 's coronach is the symbol of American Black 's music and religion , which is the product of Africa music culture affected by American social and cultural environment .

  28. 埃弗罗发式,非洲黑人头一种圆形的,非常浓密且紧凑卷曲的发型背射式天线具有增益高、副瓣低和结构紧凑的特点,但其频带较窄。

    A rounded , very thick , tightly curled hair style . The backfire antenna is a kind of compact structure , high gain and lower sidelobe antenna , but its bandwidth is limited .

  29. 这份研究利用问卷调查、普查、学术研究和投票得到的数据构成了英国最大的五个少数民族群体&印度、巴基斯坦、孟加拉、非洲黑人和加勒比海黑人的详细情况图。

    The research draws on survey , census , academic and polling data to build up a detailed picture of the five largest minority groups in the UK - Indian , Pakistani , Bangladeshi , Black African and Black Caribbean .

  30. 托尼·莫里森是二十世纪最为杰出的非洲裔黑人女作家之一。

    Toni Morrison is one of the most outstanding African women writers in world literature .