
  • 网络emergency spillway
  1. 本文对卢村水库各类泄水建筑物如正常溢洪道、非常溢洪道、泄洪隧洞等的除险加固设计进行了介绍。

    This paper introduces the rehabilitation design on spillway , emergency spillway and spillway tunnel .

  2. 非常溢洪道下游为村庄和耕地,不具备运行条件。

    Emergency spillway downstream villages and arable land , do not have the operating conditions .

  3. 重要土石坝必须设太平门(非常溢洪道),以便在遭遇非常洪水时采取非常溢洪措施。

    Major earth and rockfill dams must have " an emergency exit " ( emergency spillway or emergency measures ) in case super floods cause dam failures .

  4. 大坝溃决造成的洪水、以破坏方式开启非常溢洪道造成的洪水以及为保证大坝安全加大水库放流形成的洪水,传播速度快,破坏性巨大。

    The flood resulting from a dam breaking , and opening by break very spillway , and in order to guarantee safe enlarging the outflow of reservoir , spreads quickly and often causes catastrophes .

  5. 非常溢洪道开挖过程中进行了爆破震动观测试验,以认识爆破地震波衰减规律,同时了解需重点保护的原闸室对爆破震动的动力响应。

    During excavation of an extraordinary spillway , the blasting vibration was observed and measured so as to understand the attenuation laws of seismic waves and the dynamic response of original floodgate to blasting vibration .

  6. 本文针对全国已建数万座水库存在的实际情况,从保证大坝安全着想,分别对自溃式非常溢洪道和过水土石坝进行了评述。

    Based on the existing condition of the thousands of reservoirs throughout the country , and in view of the necessity of guaranteeing the safety of dams , the erodible fuse-plug spillway and the overflowing embankment dam are surveyed .