
  1. 下面是1500米短道速滑金牌得主中国选手周洋的一些背景。

    Here 's some background on the Chinese gold medalist of the women's1500 meters short track speed skating .

  2. 周洋生于1991年,她是中国女子1500米短道速滑队里面年纪最小的一个。

    Born in1991 , she is the youngest member of the Chinese women's1500 meters short track speed skating team .

  3. 周洋和王蒙跟她们的两名队友刷新了中国队在盐湖城创下的3000米接力记录。

    Zhou , Wang and their two teammates bettered the mark in the3000-meter relay that China had set at the2002 Salt Lake City Olympics .

  4. 在近几年,周洋在国际赛场上初露峥嵘,分别在2008年和2009年的世锦赛上夺得银牌和铜牌。

    Zhou Yang made her mark on the international stage in recent years , winning the silver and bronze medals in the2008 and2009 world championships respectively .

  5. 18岁的周洋上个月在温哥华冬奥会赢得短道速滑女子1500米比赛金牌之后成为了中国的民族英雄。

    Eighteen-year-old Zhou Yang became a national hero after she won a gold medal in the women's1,500 meters short-track speed skating during the Vancouver Winter Olympics last month .

  6. 周洋当天对中国中央电视台说,拿了金牌以后会改变很多,会更有信心,也可以让我爸我妈生活得更好一点。

    The gold medal will bring a lot of changes to my life . I will be more confident and it will improve the life of my parents , Zhou told China Central Television on that day .