
  1. 张萱、周昉是这一时期著名的仕女画家。

    Zhang Xuan and Zhou Fang is this period famous lady painter .

  2. 从张萱、周昉及他们的绘画看唐代人物画的艺术特点和价值

    Study the Features and Value of Art of Figure Painting in the Tang Dynasty from Zhang Xuan and Zhou Fang and Their Paintings

  3. 周昉是唐代著名人物画家,以善画宗教人物和宫廷仕女著称于世,唐妆样式是周昉的仕女人物画的艺术风格。

    Zhou Fang was a prominent painter in the Tang Dynasty who was known to the world for painting the religious figures and ladies in the palace .