- the Twenty-Four Histories;a long intricate story

[the Twenty-Four Histories;a long intricate story] 指旧时称为正史的二十四部纪传体史书,即:《史记》、《汉书》、《后汉书》、《三国志》、《晋书》、《宋书》、《南齐书》、《梁书》、《陈书》、《魏书》、《北齐书》、《周书》、《隋书》、《南史》、《北史》、《唐书(旧唐书)》、《新唐书》、《五代史(旧五代史)》、《新五代史》、《宋史》、《辽史》、《金史》、《元史》、《明史》
The Twenty-Four Histories are important classical records if China 's history of several thousand years .
Scholars spoke highly of it when it finished , they believe in the Twenty-Four Histories , in addition to the before the Four , the Ming History is a good quality one .
It 's such a long and complicated story ; I hardly know where to start .
Biographies of Fine and Cruel Officials in the Twenty-Fo ur Histories and the Selection of Supervisory Officials in Ancient China
The paper mainly introduced the arrangement and the publication of the twenty-four histories in the 20th century in our country .
The role of the catalogue of bibliographical history books in the development of medical history of acupuncture and moxibustion was discussed .
The Overview and Think of the Arrangement and Publication of " the twenty-four histories " Serial Ancient Books in the second half period of 20th century
As the captain of the " twenty-four histories " and one of the most significant descendant literatures , The Historical Records ( Shiji ), holds the balance of traditional civilization of China .
There are a lot of " Twenty-Four Histories " and " The Draft of History of Qing Dynasty " in the collation of the theory , but some of the very few involving Records of Rite .