
  • 网络pericyclic reaction
  1. 分子轨道理论和周环反应:关于化学键和芳香性的现代概念

    Molecular Orbital Theory and Pericyclic Reactions : Modern concepts of bonding and aromaticity .

  2. 从Hückel分子轨道理论导出激发态周环反应的奇偶定则

    The derivation of the odd-even rule for excited state pericyclic reactions from h ü uckel molecular orbital theory

  3. PMO与周环反应的选择性原则

    PMO and selection rules of pericyclic reactions

  4. 热周环反应活化能的HMO计算

    HMO Calculation of Activation Energies of Thermal Pericyclic Reactions

  5. 芳香过渡态理论及其对周环反应的简化处理

    The aromatic transition state theory and it 's simple treating pericyclic reaction

  6. 两类协同非同步热周环反应

    Two kinds of concerted nonsynchronous thermal pericyclic reactions

  7. 用前线轨道理论判断周环反应规律的简单方法

    A convenient method with frontal orbit theory to predict the law of pericyclic reaction

  8. 两个周环反应选择定则的等同性

    Equivalence of the Two Pericycle Selection Rules

  9. 非对称周环反应的能量相关

    The Correlation Diagram of Nonsymmetric Pericyclic Reaction

  10. 构造周环反应相关图的技巧

    Techniques for Construction of Correlation Diagrams of Pericyclic Reactions When you want have a loop THIS WEEK

  11. 简化的普遍化Woodward-Hoffmann周环选择定则(SGWH定则)可适用所有类型周环反应。

    A simplified form of the generalized Woodward-Hoffmann pericyclic selection rule ( SGWH rule ) is universally applicable to the pericyclic reactions of all kinds .