
  • 网络Zhoukou;zhoukou city
  1. 周口市无偿献血人员乙型肝炎病毒感染情况

    HBV Infection Status among Voluntary Blood Donors in Zhoukou City

  2. 周口市夏季暴雨特征及其预报

    The Characteristic and Forecast of Rainstorm in Summer Zhoukou

  3. 方法采用ELISA法对周口市无偿献血者进行HBV感染的血清学调查。

    Methods The serological investigation of HBV infection was carried with ELISA method .

  4. 周口市老年人体质健康状况的调查与研究

    Investigation and study on senior citizen physique health state of Zhoukou

  5. 回顾了周口市治理公路超限超载运输的历程。

    Reviewed Zhoukou City governance road overloading the transport process .

  6. 2003~2005年周口市地方性氟中毒流行病学调查结果分析

    Epidemiological investigation of endemic fluorosis in Zhoukou City during 2003-2005

  7. 周口市动物防疫体系现状的调查研究临床护士化疗职业防护现状调查分析

    Survey and analysis on the status of vocational protection of chemotherapy for clinical nurses

  8. 对工业企业成长途径的思考&以周口市为例

    Thinking of the Growth Path of the Enterprise & Taking Zhoukou city as an example

  9. 河南省周口市农业技术推广现状与对策研究

    Zhoukou City in Henan Province to Promote the Status Quo of Agricultural Technology Research and Countermeasures

  10. 河南省周口市予星食品添加剂厂南京城市给水厂排泥水节水潜力分析

    Zhoukou Yuxing Food Additive Factory Analysis of sludge disposal wastewater saving potential in Nanjing water plant

  11. 为此,周口市于1998年率先开展超限超载运输治理工作,并取得了阶段性的成果。

    Zhoukou City in 1998 , spearheaded Overload transport governance work , and have achieved initial results .

  12. 中原城市群经济发展方向探析&以周口市为例

    Analysis on the Economy Developing Orientation of the Central China Urban Agglomeration & A Case of Zhoukou City

  13. 河南省周口市某宾馆蜚蠊暴发侵害的调查与控制

    Investigation and control for the outbreak and infestation of cockroaches to a hotel in Zhoukou city , Henan province

  14. 周口市某医院医务人员职业紧张和职业倦怠及影响因素研究

    Occupational Stress and Job Burnout Status and Influencing Factors Analysis among the Medical Staff in One Hospital of Zhoukou City

  15. 利用1970~2000年31年历史天气图资料,分析了周口市夏季暴雨的基本特征和主要天气形势。

    Focusing on weather charts during 1970 to 2000 , analyzing the climatic character and its weather situation of rainstorm in summer Zhoukou .

  16. 几千年来,陈(现在在周口市淮阳县)一直是这片地区的中心、全国闻名的城市。

    For thousands of years , Chen ( now at Huaiyang ) had been the center of this area and nationwide well-known city .

  17. 最后,作为本文研究的主要结论,提出了加强和改进周口市公路超限超载运输治理工作的对策。

    Finally , as the main conclusions of this study , countermeasures to strengthen and improve the Zhoukou City Highway Overload transport governance work .

  18. 对周口市水资源利用状况进行调查分析,对水资源开发利用中存在的问题进行分析研究。

    Investigation and analysis water use situation of Zhoukou City , analysis and research the existing problems in the development and utilization of water resources .

  19. 对现在周口市所辖区域丰富的方志资源进行整理与研究,对探讨陈楚文化的发生、发展及演变有重要意义。

    It is very important to study the occurence , development of Chen-chu civilization through arrangement and research of the abundant local records in Zhoukou region .

  20. 根据河南周口市273户棉农对转基因抗虫棉的认知评价调查对采用转基因抗虫棉行为发生逆转的原因进行分析。

    Based on a survey involving 273 farming households in Zhoukou , Henan Province , the farmers ' cognizance and evaluation on genetically modified cotton were analyzed .

  21. 周口市乙肝疫苗预防接种网络健全,乙肝疫苗接种率、冷链运转次数均达到了国家规定指标。

    The network for hepatitis B vaccinating was strong in Zhoukou , both the vaccination rate and vaccination cold-chain service times reached the state specified target . 2 .

  22. 特别地,本文选取河南省周口市为例详细阐明了传统农区工业化的动因、方式、效果、障碍与对策。

    In particular , we select Zhoukou City in Henan Province as an example to elaborate motivation , methods , effects , obstacles and measures of the traditional rural areas .

  23. 商水县有色金属厂位于中国河南省豫东平原周口市境内,近临漯阜铁路和漯商高速。

    Shangshui County non-ferrous metal plant is located in east Henan plain Zhoukou City in Henan Province , near the Provisional Luo Fu , and Ta River commercial high-speed rail .

  24. 周口市城乡初中生生活环境城市优于农村,健康教育环境城市也是好于农村,心理压力方面则是城市大于农村。

    In Zhoukou living conditions and health education environment in urban are better than those in rural area , but in the pressure aspect , students in the city bare bigger than those in the countryside .

  25. 采用随机抽样的方法,在周口市8所中学发放400份问卷,回收351份,其中有效问卷为323份,有效问卷回收率为80.75%。

    Using random sample method , we give out 400 questionnaires in 8 middle school of Zhoukou city , callback 351 questionnaires , at last , we get 323 available questionnaires , and the rate of available questionnaires is 80.75 % .

  26. 其次,在考察周口市创新要素现状的基础上,本文详细论证了构建周口市创新体系的必要性和现实条件,回答了周口市为什么要构建创新体系,以及是否具备构建条件这两个基本问题;

    Secondly , on the basic of reviewing status quo of innovation factors , the essay demonstrates the necessity and conditions of constructing RIS in Zhoukou City , which answers why Zhoukou City constructs its RIS and whether it has its conditions .

  27. 通过调查的方式考察目前周口市高中乡土历史课程资源开发、利用的现状,在此基础上找出周口市高中乡土历史课程资源的途径和方法。

    Investigation by means of surveys Zhoukou City current local high school history curriculum resource development , the use of the status quo , on this basis to find out Zhoukou City high school history curriculum resources in local ways and means .

  28. 研究结果具有较强的政策含义,对于树立正确的城市森林价值观、认识周口市城市森林对本地经济发展的贡献、促进森林与城市协调发展、实现周口市经济可持续发展具有重要的现实意义。

    Research has strong policy implications , for establishing the correct values of urban forest , the local contribution of urban forest of Zhoukou know to economic development , promote coordinated development and urban forests , to achieve sustainable economic development of Zhoukou has important practical significance .

  29. 主要从文本资源、历史实物资源、民间传说资源、人力资源、网络电子资源等几个方面对周口市乡土历史课程资源的基本情况进行分析,了解和分析周口市乡土资源各个方面的特点和优势。

    Mainly from the text resources , physical resources , history , folklore , human resources , networked electronic resources and other aspects of local history curriculum resources Zhoukou the basic situation analysis , understanding and analysis of all aspects of Zhoukou City native features and resources advantage .

  30. 对周口市乡村医生的现状及农村所需乡村医生类型作了调查分析,并探讨了乡村医生的培养途径,为调整乡村医生政策,促进乡村医生作用的充分发挥提供了客观依据。

    In this article , we have analysed the todays condition of rural doctors , investigated the sorts of rural doctors needed in Zhoukou and discussed the way to train them , which is the basis to adjust the principle of rural doctors and improve the function of rural doctors .