
  • 网络bengbu city
  1. 蚌埠市2000~2005年肠出血性大肠杆菌O(157):H7调查研究

    Analysis on Surveillance Result of EHEC O _ ( 157 ): H_7 in Bengbu City

  2. 蚌埠市给水工程规划(2005年~2020年)

    The Planning of Bengbu City Water-Service ( 2005 ~ 2020 )

  3. 蚌埠市1981&1982年腹泻病流行病学调查初步报告

    Preliminary report of diarrhea disease epidemiology survey 1981-1982 in Bengbu City

  4. 蚌埠市中等职业学校课程改革研究

    Study on Curriculum Reforms of Secondary Vocational Schools in Bengbu City

  5. 蚌埠市农村人群乙型肝炎疫苗接种影响因素研究

    Study on Influence Factors of Hepatitis B Vaccination to Rural Population

  6. 蚌埠市2002年裱花蛋糕卫生质量调查

    An investigation on the actuality of confectionery in Bengbu , 2002

  7. 世界金融危机对蚌埠市IT行业的影响和对策

    Influence and Strategy of Global Financial Crisis to Bengbu IT Industry

  8. 结果蚌埠市社区居民高血压患病率26.54%。

    Results The hypertension rate of the community residents was 26.54 % .

  9. 蚌埠市耕地保护目标与对策

    The Objectives and Countermeasures of Cultivated Land Protection in Bengbu

  10. 蚌埠市凤阳路立交门式墩的设计

    Design of Portal Pear of Fengyang Road Grade Separation in Bengbu City

  11. 企业座落在蚌埠市高新科技技术开发区内。

    Enterprises located in Bengbu City in the hi-tech zones .

  12. 1991-2007年蚌埠市疫苗针对性疾病流行病学分析

    Epidemiology of Diseases Targeted by Immunization in Bengbu , 1991-2007

  13. 关于蚌埠市创业企业成长的实证研究

    The Empirical Study on the Growth of Start-ups on Bengbu

  14. 蚌埠市基础教育区域性均衡发展研究

    The Research on Regional Balanced Development of the Elementary Education in Bengbu

  15. 蚌埠市初三年级学生危险行为分析

    Analysis of Risk Behaviors Among Junior Middle School Students in Bengbu City

  16. 蚌埠市供水调度系统改造工程

    Renovation of Dispatching System for Water Supply in Bengbu City

  17. 1995~2004年蚌埠市职业病发病情况分析与防治对策研究

    Analysis of Occupational Diseases from 1995 to 2004 and Countermeasures in Bengbu

  18. 蚌埠市1992~2001年儿童伤害死亡率分析

    Mortality Rate of Injuries among Children from 1992 to 2001 in Bengbu

  19. 蚌埠市饮用水的生物稳定性研究

    An Investigation on the Biological Stability of the Drinking Water in Bengbu City

  20. 蚌埠市环境监测信息管理系统的开发实例

    An Example of Designing Environment Measure Management Information Systems

  21. 蚌埠市绿地土壤几种化学指标的异质性分析

    Chemical Indices Heterogeneity of Urban Green Space in Bengbu

  22. 蚌埠市私立医院传染病管理工作现况调查

    Investigation on the Situation of Communicable Disease Management in Private Hospitals in Bengbu

  23. 蚌埠市高中生危险行为现况研究

    Risk Behaviors among High School Students in Bengbu

  24. 蚌埠市大学生无偿献血5项感染指标检测结果分析

    Results of Five Unpaid Blood Donation Infection Indices for College Students in Bengbu City

  25. 蚌埠市1999~2003年市区居民恶性肿瘤死亡原因分析

    Analysis of death causes of residents malignant tumor in Bengbu from 1999 to 2003

  26. 蚌埠市大学生体质及体育活动现状的调查研究

    Investigation on Current Situation of Physique and Sports Activity of College Students in Bengbu

  27. 蚌埠市15年流行性出血热疫情分析及防治对策

    Epidemiological analysis and prevention on epidemic hemorrhagic fever in Bengbu from 1987 to 2001

  28. 方法对1992~2001年蚌埠市市辖区生命统计年报资料进行分析。

    Methods Annual health statistics of Bengbu ( 1992-2001 ) was used to analysis .

  29. 蚌埠市儿童碘营养状况八年监测报告

    Minitor report of the iodine nutrition status in children for eight years in Bengbu

  30. 蚌埠市2001~2003年公共浴室卫生监测结果分析

    Analysis of Hygienical Monitoring results of public bathrooms in Bengbu city from 2001 to 2003