
  1. 周鸿祎:网络安全是建设网络空间命运共同体的重要支持力量

    Zhou Hongyi : Cybersecurity will become an important support for building a community of common future in cyberspace

  2. 周鸿祎表示,在网络攻击面前,没有任何国家能袖手旁观、置身事外,每个人都是受害者。

    Zhou said no countries can be a spectator or survivor in front of internet attacks and everyone is a victim .

  3. 周鸿祎称,在物联网时代,网络攻击的破坏力更强、影响范围更广。

    He said internet attacks in the era of IoT , whether in the degree or scope of damage , can be bigger .

  4. 奇虎创始人周鸿祎发起反击,指责百度蓄意将有关奇虎的负面文章推到百度搜索结果的顶端。

    Qihoo founder Zhou Hongyi shot back , accusing Baidu of purposefully pushing negative articles about his company to the top of Baidu searches .

  5. 2012年,互联网公司奇虎360的首席执行官周鸿祎曾指责百度,称其收入的30%依赖于虚假的保健广告。

    In 2012 , Zhou Hongyi , the chief executive of the Internet company Qihoo 360 , accused Baidu of relying on advertisements of fake health care products for 30 percent of its revenue .

  6. 奇虎360科技公司董事长兼首席运营官周鸿祎16日在第三届世界互联网大会上对媒体表示,随着物联网和万物互联越来越流行,网络已经成为整个社会运行机制的基石。

    Zhou Hongyi , chairman and CEO of Qihoo 360 Technology Co , said to media during the third WIC Wednesday that with the popularity of internet of things ( IoT ) and internet of everything , internet has become the basis of the whole social operation .