
  • 网络Zhou Xun;Jue
  1. 电视剧《红高粱》中最令人惊艳的莫过于周迅了。

    The biggest surprise in Red Sorghum is undoubtedly Zhou Xun .

  2. 约翰问我周迅时哪儿的人。

    John asked me where Zhou Xun came from .

  3. 女演员兼歌星周迅:确实如此。


  4. 周迅是一个聪明漂亮的女演员。

    Zhou Xun is a smart actress .

  5. 在这部影片中,周迅扮演一名寻找失踪男友的出租车司机。

    In the movie Zhou Xun plays a taxi driver in search of her missing boyfriend .

  6. 周迅工作室负责人证实,周迅目前正在柏林进行拍摄工作。

    Zhou 's working team chief confirmed the news , saying she is in Berlin for the shooting .

  7. 她精湛的演技让她多次获得了最佳女演员奖并赢得了著名导演们的广泛认可。2011年,周迅将继续积极参与环保活动并在荧幕上呈现出精彩表演。

    In2011 , Zhou will continuously stay active in various environmental causes and make perfect performances on the screen .

  8. 女演员兼歌星周迅:我喜欢唱歌,因为唱歌是表现自己的另一种方式。

    ZHOU XUN , ACTRESS AND SINGER : I like singing because it 's another way to express myself .

  9. 而此次,具有古灵精怪气质的周迅同样成功拿下19岁的九儿这个角色。

    Obviously , her elegant pixie-like features haven 't kept her from pulling off the role of the 19-year-old Jiu'er .

  10. 第三位:周迅。2015年,周迅以3千万片酬出演热播剧《红高粱》。

    Chinese actress Zhou Xun demanded 30 million yuan for starring in the well-received TV drama Red Sorghum in 2015 .

  11. 女演员兼歌星周迅:《风声》里的顾晓梦。

    ZHOU XUN , ACTRESS AND SINGER : Li Mei ( Gu Xiaomeng ) in Feng Sheng ( The Message ) .

  12. 剧中女主角乌拉那拉·如懿将由周迅饰演,皇帝则由霍建华饰演。

    Female lead Wulanala Ru Yi will be played by Zhou Xun , and the emperor will be played by Wallace Huo .

  13. 联合国开发计划署任命中国演员周迅为该机构首位中国亲善大使,致力于推动环境的可持续发展。

    Chinese actress Zhou Xun was appointed by United Nations Development Program as the first National Goodwill ambassador to promote environmental sustainability .

  14. 女演员兼歌星周迅:我很兴奋,因为我在这两部影片里扮演了两个非常不同的角色。

    ZHOU XUN , ACTRESS AND SINGER : I 'm quite excited because I play two very different characters in these movies .

  15. 像导演张艺谋,演员姜武、周迅、莫文蔚这样的名人都加入到这股新潮流中来。

    Celebrities like director Zhang Yimou , actor Jiang Wu , Zhou Xun and Karen Mok have all joined in the new trend .

  16. 上个月,因为在整个中国提高环境意识的能力,周迅成为了联合国发展计划的一名亲善大使。

    Last month , Zhou Xun became a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations Development Programme , for her ability to raise environmental awareness around China .

  17. 周二,内地当红女演员周迅出席了小成本城市爱情电影《李米的遭遇》的开机式上。

    Rising Chinese mainland actress Zhou Xun on Tuesday appeared on set of a low-budget urban romance movie called " The Encounters of Li Mi " .

  18. 即便是周迅所扮演的南子几乎扑在孔子身上时,他的脸上闪过一丝欲望后便走开了。

    Even when Zhou ` s character all but throws herself on Confucius , the philosopher walks away with barely a trace of desire on his face .

  19. 这是一个全方位的媒体平台,旨在借助周迅的公众形象和影响力,鼓励人们通过一种现代的、时尚的创意方式来保护环境。

    Utilizing Zhou Xun 's public image and star power , the initiative strives to educate the public about protecting the environment using a modern , creative , and stylish approach .

  20. 女演员兼歌星周迅:演员是个很有趣的工作,因为我并不认为这是一份工作,而是我的人生。

    ZHOU XUN , ACTRESS AND SINGER : Being an actress is a very interesting job because I don 't even consider it as my job , but as my life now .

  21. 女演员兼歌星周迅:我是周迅,我现在正在化妆,待会儿要出席《孔子》的首映式。

    ZHOU XUN , ACTRESS AND SINGER : I am Zhou Xun . I 'm getting my makeup done right now , and I 'm going to attend the movie premiere for Confucius .

  22. 影片《龙门飞甲》可谓是全明星阵容,包括功夫大师李连杰、周迅、陈坤、桂纶镁以及歌而优则演的范晓萱和李宇春的加盟。

    The cast of the film is full of stars , including kungfu master Jet Li , Zhou Xun , Chen Kun , Kwai Lun-mei , and singer-turned-actress Mavis Fan and Li Yuchun .

  23. 周迅曾凭借在《如果爱》中对一名徘徊在前任现任爱人之间的电影明星的刻画获得台湾金马奖最佳女演员奖。

    Zhou won a best actress nod at Taiwan 's Golden Horse Awards for her portrayal of a movie star caught between her past and present lovers in the movie " Perhaps Love " .

  24. 周迅在今年金像奖上夺走最佳女主角后,又提名金紫荆奖,冲击双料影后形式一片大好。

    Zhou Xun is in after optimal heroine is being snatched on golden resembling award this year , nominate again award of golden Chinese redbud , the form after pounding shadow of of reinforced material auspicious .

  25. 而即将开拍的《如懿传》,周迅同该片男主角扮演者霍建华,二人共计拿走1.5亿元人民币(2250万美元)。第四位:黄晓明。

    She and fellow leading actor will star in the upcoming TV series Ruyi 's Royal Love in the Palace , with both stars set to receive close to 150 million yuan ( 22.5 million US dollars ) combined .

  26. 本片的旁白是中国女演员周迅,除了讲述一些纪录片式的事实和背景知识外,她也为片中的动物主角们献声。

    The movie 's narration is provided by Chinese actress Zhou Xun who , apart from presenting facts and background knowledge in a documentary style , also provides the " voices " of the film 's animal * protagonists .

  27. 女演员兼歌星周迅:不是。因为我出生在杭州城外一个很小的小镇里,虽然镇上也有电影院,但电影在我心目中却仍是非常遥不可及的东西。

    ZHOU XUN , ACTRESS AND SINGER : No. Because I was born in a very small town outside of Hangzhou , and even though there was a cinema in our town , movies still seemed very far away to me .

  28. 女演员兼歌星周迅:我一直努力要适应这一点,因为我不喜欢有人在我不工作的时间跟着我或是注意我,可是我没办法改变这种现象。

    ZHOU XUN , ACTRESS AND SINGER : This is what I 'm trying hard to adjust to because I don 't like being followed or noticed when I 'm not working , but I can 't do anything about it .

  29. 不过,最有分量的是方兰的转变,体现在周迅简洁冷静的表演中,给这个故事增添了一种自然的女权主义色彩,再次确立了许鞍华作为中国电影界瑰宝级人物的地位。

    But it 's Fang 's transformation , embodied by Ms. Zhou 's lean , cool authority , that carries the most weight , lending the proceedings an unforced feminist dimension , and reaffirming Ms. Hui 's status as one of China 's cinematic treasures .

  30. 方兰(周迅饰)是一位热诚的小学教师,和妈妈(叶德娴饰)住在香港,在男友(霍建华饰)决定为日军工作时,与其分手。

    An earnest primary-school teacher , Fang Lan ( Zhou Xun ) , lives with her mother ( Nina Paw ) in Hong Kong , and finds herself single when her boyfriend , Wing ( Wallace Huo Chienhwa ) , decides to work for the Japanese .