
  • 网络libo
  1. 贝莉引用中国相声演员周立波的话称:人们需要花钱,花了才是你的,否则就不是你的,而是中国银行(BoC)的。

    She quotes Zhou Libo , a Chinese comedian : Money needs to be spent , that makes it yours , otherwise it is not yours but the Bank of China 's.

  2. 论周立波小说的革命姿态与民间取向

    Study on Zhou Libo Novels ' Revolutionary Posture and Folk Orientation

  3. 昨晚8点,周立波站在兰心大戏院的舞台上,为五一劳动节

    At8:00 , Zhou Libo standing Lyceum Theatre stage for the Labour Day

  4. 周立波新闻作品的写作特色

    The Writing Features of Journalistic Works by Zhou Libo

  5. 周立波乡土小说特色论

    On the Features of Country Novels by Zhou Libo

  6. 新中国成立以来周立波文学创作研究综述

    Research summary on Zhou libo 's literary creation since the founding of new China

  7. 强烈的抒情性,具有明丽乐观的审美情调,这是周立波现实主义小说艺术的现代性的重要特征。

    This is an important characteristic of modernity settling up wave realistic novel art of Zhou Libo .

  8. 在二十世纪的中国文坛上,周立波是一位特殊的作家。

    On Chinese modern literary world of the twentieth century , Zhou Libo is a particular writer .

  9. 周立波是杰出的革命作家,同时又是一位文学翻译家和文学评论家。

    Zhou Libo is an outstanding revolutionary writer as well as a translator and critic of literature .

  10. 周立波故乡生活继承了乡土小说传统,开创了新风格、新主题、新传统。

    His works inherited country live novels tradition and created new style , new theme and new tradition .

  11. 周日晚,周立波结合自己的亲身经历向参赛选手们提出了建议。

    Zhou ` s advice to the finalists last Sunday night was based on a practice of his own .

  12. 比起郭德纲的相声,他们更喜欢周立波的脱口秀。李强说道。

    They prefer the talk show of Zhou Libo to the cross talk of Guo Degang , Li says .

  13. 尽管周立波坚持在家乡上海演出,但他今年的档期已经被120场演出排满了。

    Although Zhou sticks to his hometown Shanghai , his schedule of this year is already full with 120 performances .

  14. 探讨周立波的理想主义与新文学精神及其“茶子花派”文学传统的赓续与超越。

    It is necessary to go forward with more and great strides for idealism , new creative spirits and literature tradition .

  15. 并由周扬坚持大众化阐释出发,谈周立波对民族问题的认识态度。

    From the firm stand to popular style of Zhou Yang , study the attitude to national points of Zhou Li-bo .

  16. 周立波的《暴风骤雨》是一种阳刚风格的作品,而《山乡巨变》则体现出一种阴柔的风格。

    Zhou Libo 's Violent Storm is a work of a masculine style while Great Changes of Mountain Areas shows a feminine style .

  17. 周立波在艺术创作上坚持不断地探索和追求,《山乡巨变》则是作家艺术风格成熟的表现。

    He insisted on exploring the field of literature , and Great Changes of Mountain Areas is a work displaying his ripe artistic style .

  18. 此外,周立波还创办了《壹周立波秀》节目,该节目也被一些人认为是中国第一个电视喜剧脱口秀节目。

    Zhou also created " Mr. Zhou Live Show , " which is considered by some as the first television comedic talk show in China .

  19. 然而,周立波本人所坚持的民间化立场,使他更关注于乡村世界中民众的原生态的生存状态。

    However , his persistent on the position of civil society made him concern more about the original survival status of the people in the countryside .

  20. 你想去上海美琪大戏院观看正在热映的周立波单口喜剧,恐怕你要等上一段了。

    If you want to see Zhou Libo 's ongoing stand-up comedy at the Majestic Theater of Shanghai , you 'll have to wait for a long time .

  21. 2006年,周立波凭借将普通话与上海话结合、穿插英文单词和短语的语言形式表演喜剧的独特风格开始走红。

    Zhou first gained popularity in 2006 with his unique comedic style that is delivered in a linguistic mixture of Mandarin Chinese , Shanghainese and some English words and phrases .

  22. 因其标志性表演形式“海派清口”而出名的我国脱口秀喜剧演员周立波将于7月登上纽约卡内基音乐厅的舞台。

    Zhou Libo , a Chinese stand-up comedian who is famous for his iconic " Shanghai Style Small Talk , " will perform at New York 's Carnegie Hall in July .

  23. 由于受到了时代潮流的局限,周立波主要的是从国家主流意识形态的先验性的体验上来思考新政权下乡村秩序的构建问题。

    As the limitations of time and tide , Zhou Libo thought about the construction of countryside order under the new regime mainly from the experience of the apriority of country mainstream ideology .

  24. 周立波文学真实观的形成过程及《讲话》的影响兼及去除意识形态话语之蔽的解放区文学研究思路意识形态话语与医学话语的同构鲁迅小说研究

    Forming process of real outlook of Zhou Libo literature and influence of The Speech on it & On literary ideas : the disadvantages of not considering ideology in the study of literature in Liberated Area

  25. 现年42岁的周立波,曾计划50岁时暂别舞台然后用10年时间来环游世界,归来后继续自己的表演事业直到生命的尽头。

    Zhou , who is 42 , had a plan to stop performing at 50 , and spend 10 years to travel around the world before coming back to perform till the end of his life .

  26. 若此,中俄文字之交在新的世纪将有新的面貌,当代中国文学也将在世界文学大潮之中蓬勃发展。周立波与俄苏文学之间的关系,为此已提供了经验和借鉴。

    We expect , in this new century , the development of literary friendship between China - Russia will have a wonderful situation , and Chinese contemporary literature will flourish as the great move of world literature .

  27. 当代湖南短篇小说创作大致可以分为三个阶段:一、五、六十年代以周立波为典范的乡土小说创作的繁荣时期;

    The contemporary Hunan short story creation roughly can be divided into three stages : the first , the flourishing period of the native soil novel creation that takes Zhou Libo as model in 50 's and 60 's ;

  28. 去年首演的笑侃三十年使周立波广为人知,其中他提到改革开放以来,上海发生的翻天覆地的变化,话语幽默而又轻松愉快。

    In A Laughable Talk on the Past 30 Years , a show that premiered last year which made Zhou widely known , he talked about the drastic changes in Shanghai since the " reform and opening-up " in a light-hearted and humorous way .

  29. 以辛辣调侃他人及其文化而闻名的上海本土单口相声演员周立波是评委团成员之一。此外,评委还包括台湾歌影双栖明星伊能静以及台湾音乐人黄舒骏。

    Shanghai native stand-up comedian Zhou Libo , best known for his stinging jokes about other people and their cultures , was among the panel of judges , which also included Taiwan singer and actress Annie Yi as well as Taiwan musician Jerry Huang .

  30. 探讨都市生活,经济和政治问题,语言上融合了上海方言,普通话以及一些英文单词,周立波的表演已经得到上海市民的喝彩,他们渴望一位本地的笑星来对话本土文化。

    Talking about urban lives , economic and political issues in a mixture of Shanghai dialect , Putonghua and some English words , Zhou ` s performances have been acclaimed by Shanghai citizens , who long for a local star to speak to their culture .