
  • 网络bsa;The Boy Scouts of America;Boy Scout
  1. 美国童子军(TheBoyScoutsofAmerica)于2010年庆祝创立100周年。这个组织为青少年提供各种项目,旨在帮助他们成长为有责任感的人。

    The Boy Scouts of America , which celebrated its100th anniversary in2010 , provides programs designed to help young people develop into responsible adults .

  2. 我就是美国童子军。

    I 'm the Boy Scouts of America .

  3. 针对这次文档公开,美国童子军全国负责人韦恩-佩里再次对受害者道歉。

    Responding to the release , Boy Scouts of America national leader Wayne Perry reiterated an apology to the victims .

  4. 美国童子军机构成立于1910年,因推进7至21岁男生的户外运动和社区服务而著称。

    The organisation , founded in 1910 , is best-known for promoting outdoor activities and community service for boys aged seven to 21 .

  5. 美国童子军成员用左手握手,名为童子军式握手。这是由贝登堡勋爵(注:国际童军运动创始者)创立的传统。

    Members of the Boy Scouts of America use a left handed shake , referred to as the ' scout shake . ' This was a convention started by Lord Baden-Powell .

  6. 在发表在官网上的声明中,美国童子军机构还表示,已经改进了规程来确保安全,比如目前要求对负责人进行背景考核和开展培训计划。

    In a statement on its website , the organisation also said it has improved its procedures to ensure safety , including now requiring background checks and training programs of its leaders .

  7. 尽管美国童子军机构一直试图掩盖这些丑闻,但它将面临大量诉讼,也会声名狼藉。美国童子军目前有近400万名成年和青年成员。

    Although the US scouting organisation , which counts nearly four million adult and youth members , has long sought to keep the files out of public view , it could face a damning wave of lawsuits and bad publicity .

  8. 据美国女童子军(GirlScoutsoftheUSA)组织报告,童子军还提供其他学习生活-工作技能的机会。

    The Girl Scouts of the USA organization reports that it offers other opportunities to learn life-work skills .

  9. 是美国少年童子军的成员的男孩。

    A boy who is a member of the Boy Scouts of America .

  10. 接下来是美国女童子军全国理事会的午餐会

    followed by a luncheon for the national board of directors for the girl scouts of America .

  11. 据它的网站介绍,美国女童子军仍然学习传统的烹饪、手工艺品制作和户外野营。

    According to its website , U.S.Girl Scouts continue to learn old-fashioned cooking , making crafts and camping .

  12. 对于在一年一度义卖活动中卖饼干的3200万名美国女童子军来说,她们的任务不只是要牢记十一种风味的饼干。

    For the32 million American Girl Scouts who sell cookies in an annual drive , there is a lot more to do than memorize the11 varieties .

  13. 美国男童子军机构对受害者表示道歉,承认对某些性虐案件的应对“明显不足,做法不当,甚至是错误的”。

    In response , the US scouting body 's head apologised to victims , and admitted that its response had in some cases been " plainly insufficient , inappropriate or wrong . "

  14. 记录美国男童子军儿童性虐案件的上万页“变态文档”近日在网上曝光。受害人的律师称,美国童子军负责人在长达几十年的时间里掩盖了这些儿童性虐案件。

    US scout leaders covered up generations of sexual abuse inflicted on its young members , victims ' lawyers say , as thousands of pages of so-called " perversion files " were published online .

  15. 我对此话的第一次亲身感受是在2000年,当时作为国际领导人交换项目的一部分,我在美国男童子军组织的夏令营活动中担任了两个月的营地辅导员。

    My first personal experience of this was when I worked as a camp counselor for two months in2000 ins Summer Camp run by the Boy Scouts of America , as part of an international leader exchange scheme .

  16. 这些文档有1.45万页,其中还包括一些手写的记录。律师上周四在揭露这些文档的细节时说,恋童癖者利用这项青年运动来对未成年人实施性虐,但美国男童子军负责人在根除这种行径方面做得仍然不够。

    Unveiling details from the 14500 pages of documents , including handwritten notes , the lawyers said on Thursday Boy Scouts of America ( BSA ) still had not done enough to root out pedophiles using the youth movement to prey on minors .

  17. 伯林将他从《上帝保佑美国》中挣得的所有的钱捐给了美国的男孩童子军和女孩童子军。

    Berlin gave all money he earned from God Bless America to the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America .