
  • 网络Tanganyika;Tan-ganyika
  1. 坦桑尼亚是坦噶尼喀和桑给巴尔两个政体组成的联合国家。

    Tanzania is a union of the states of Tanganyika and Zanzibar .

  2. 坦噶尼喀非洲民族联盟(坦盟)青年团

    Tanganyika African National Union ( TANU ) - for youth : TYL

  3. 坦噶尼喀请愿事宜特设委员会坦噶尼喀非洲民族联盟青年团

    Ad Hoc Committee on Tanganyika Petitions Youth League of Tanganyika National Union

  4. 在坦桑尼亚的坦噶尼喀湖上,闪电的冲击分裂一朵云彩。

    Shocks of lightning split a cloud formation over Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania .

  5. 位于坦噶尼喀湖边的营养中心像这个城市的其他营养中心一样正在提供帮助。

    Nutritional centres like the one in this town on Lake Tanganyika are helping .

  6. 坦噶尼喀非洲民族联盟青年团

    Youth League of Tanganyika National Union

  7. 坦噶尼喀湖行动计划

    Action Plan of Lake Tanganyika

  8. 澳大利亚西部和非洲的坦噶尼喀湖发生6级左右地震。

    Earthquakes of magnitude 6 or so occurred in the western Australia and Tanganyika Lake of Africa .

  9. 坦噶尼喀基督教难民服务社

    Tanganyika Christian Refugee Service

  10. 该研究得到了坦桑尼亚渔业研究所的帮助,后者在坦噶尼喀湖有一个实地观测站。

    The work was done with the help of the Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute , which operates a field station on Lake Tanganyika .

  11. 这条分成支连接了很多湖泊包括了坦噶尼喀湖、基伍湖、爱德华湖、艾伯特湖(蒙博托)。

    This branch is marked by a chain of lakes , including lakes Tanganyika , Kivu , Edward , and Albert ( Mobutu ) .

  12. 根据缺氧环境的主导因素和地理背景条件概括为四种缺氧环境类型:1.大型缺氧湖泊,一般处于温暖多雨地区的早期沉陷山间盆地,如现代东非的坦噶尼喀湖;

    According to geographic setting and other factors anoxic enviroment is classified into four main types : ( 1 ) large anoxic lakes , which usually occur in the rainy , warm climatic conditions ;

  13. 坦噶尼喀独立1961年的今天,坦噶尼喀(坦桑尼亚的一部分,在非洲东部)独立。中国第一个体操冠军t1979年的今天,沃思堡第二十届世界体操锦标赛,中国马艳红获得体操女子高低杠金牌。

    Tanganyika becomes independent 1961 - Tanganyika becomes independent The first gymnastics championship in China 1979 - Maliyam of China won gold in Women 's Uneven bars Artistic Gymnastics at the 20th World Gymnastics Championships in Fort Worth .

  14. 冈贝国家公园是坦桑尼亚最小的国家公园,这是一个长条形的狭窄地带,经常可看到黑猩猩站立在陡峭的斜坡上和低洼的河谷里,坦噶尼喀湖北岸环抱着河谷。

    Tanzania is another country with many parks and game reserves . People who like chimpanzees can visit Gombe Stream National Park on the western border of the country . This is an area of thick forests , ancient trees , and beautiful lakes .