
  • 网络Douala
  1. 132.喀麦隆杜阿拉(43.3)

    132 . Douala , Cameroon ( 43.3 )

  2. 我们在杜阿拉停机加油。

    We stopped to refuel in douala .

  3. 喀麦隆的货运商PaulAiméToukam拥有的卡车就穿行于杜阿拉-班吉走廊。

    Paul Aim é Toukam , a Cameroonian transport operator , owns trucks traveling along the Douala-Bangui corridor .

  4. 沿岸主要港口有洛美、拉各斯、哈尔科特、杜阿拉和马拉博等。

    The main ports along the coast Lome , Lagos , Port Harcourt , Douala and Malabo , and so on .

  5. 与此同时,无数中国企业家随着重点工程跟风来到了非洲,他们在阿克拉卖汽车零件,在杜阿拉卖轮胎,在喀土木附近种菜,到处开饭馆。

    Meanwhile , hundreds of thousands of Chinese entrepreneurs have arrived in the slipstream of major projects and can be found selling car parts in Accra , doughnuts in Douala , growing vegetables near Khartoum , and opening restaurants everywhere .