
  • 网络Tempe
  1. 能源供应商DirectEnergy今年在亚利桑那州坦佩开设了新的呼叫中心,需要招聘300多名员工。

    Energy provider Direct Energy opened a new call center in Tempe this year and is looking to fill as many as 300 openings .

  2. 而许多照片和视频被送往亚利桑那州坦佩那里交由ATS员工处理。

    Many of the photos and videos are sent here to Tempe , Arizona where they are processed by ATS employees .

  3. ASU有三大分校,分别位于坦佩、梅沙和格兰代尔,其中以拥有逾4万5千名学生的坦佩校园为主。

    It has three campuses , respectively located in Tempe , Mesa and Glendale .

  4. 域名注册公司GoDaddy的总部设在亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔市,该公司5月份在坦佩开工建设新的全球技术中心。

    Domain name registrar GoDaddy , which is based in Scottsdale , Ariz. , broke ground in May on its new Global Technology Center in Tempe .

  5. 坦佩警方表示,受害者被汽车撞倒时正走在人行横道外,当时这辆汽车处于自主模式,但车辆驾驶员在车上。

    According to Tempe police , the victim was walking outside of the crosswalk when she was crashed by the car , which was in autonomous mode at that time , but a vehicle operator was behind the wheel .