
  • 网络Tampa;TAMPA,FL;Tempa
  1. 2007年,扎克开始他为佛罗里达州坦帕市一家儿童慈善机构的筹款之行。

    In 2007 , Zach began walking to support a children 's charityin Tampa , Florida .

  2. Bern’sSteakHouse,佛罗里达州坦帕

    Bern 's Steak House , Tampa , Fla.

  3. 布莱登在5月9日那天面对坦帕湾光芒队(TampaBayRays)投出一场完美的比赛。

    Braden , who pitched a perfect game against the Tampa Bay Rays on May9.Mr .

  4. 总部位于坦帕的对冲基金GatorCapitalManagement在4月份的致投资者信中宣布,其所持的“两房”优先股带来强劲回报率。

    In a letter to investors in April , Tampa-based hedge fund Gator capital management reported strong returns from its holdings in Freddie and Fannie .

  5. Allrightsreserved出版商周刊格鲁登追溯他从猪皮失望改革,作为一个超级杯冠军坦帕湾海盗队的教练球员格里迪隆胜利。

    From Publishers Weekly Gruden traces his transformation from pigskin letdown as a player to gridiron triumph as a Super Bowl-winning coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers .

  6. NPR新闻,我是杰西于坦帕。

    For NPR News , I 'm Jessly Thrimoth in Tampa .

  7. 杰夫·布雷迪,NPR新闻,坦帕。

    Jeff Brady , NPR News , Tampa .

  8. NPR新闻,来自坦帕的黛比·艾略特报道。

    Debbie Elliott , NPR News , Tampa .

  9. 线形终止于坦帕(tampa)站的西端。

    Alignment ends at west end of Tampa station .

  10. NathanBonilla-Warford是佛罗里达州坦帕市一家大型保险供应商视力服务计划VSP的验光师。

    Nathan Bonilla-Warford is an in Tampa , Florida , with VSP , Vision Service Plan , a big insurance provider .

  11. 据NPR新闻的格雷格·艾伦报道,坦帕飞行汽船航空公司于1914年1月1日开始航空飞行。

    NPR 's Greg Allen reports the Tampa Airboat line began flying on January 1st , 1914 .

  12. 大胆地组合了Deleon龙舌兰酒、HaigClub威士忌酒和AviationAmerican杜松子酒,混合坦帕湾和堪萨斯城的自然香气。

    A daring combination of Deleon Tequila , Haig Club Whisky , Aviation American Gin and natural flavors found in both Tampa Bay and Kansas City .

  13. 在坦帕(tampa)站、迪士尼购物区和奥兰多国际机场站终点站停车时间内,进行列车清洁活动。

    Train cleaning activities will occur during the layover times at the tampa , the Disney area and oia .

  14. 联合健康集团(UnitedHealthGroupInc.)驻坦帕市(Tampa)的副总裁凯尔&12539;麦克道尔(KyleMcDowell)说,他会把早上的时间空出来评估战略目标。

    Kyle McDowell , a Tampa-based vice president at UnitedHealth Group Inc. , says he keeps his morning calendar clear to assess strategic goals .

  15. 今天,摩根大通在坦帕举行的年度股东大会将表决该行是否应当拆分CEO和董事长职位。

    Next Tuesday , at its annual meeting in Tampa , JPMorgan ( JPM ) will reveal the results of a shareholder vote on whether the bank should split the role of CEO and chairman .

  16. 五角大楼表示,其正在检查约翰艾伦(JohnAllen)将军与吉尔凯利(JillKelley,她在佛罗里达州坦帕市的一个军事基地做志愿工作)之间的邮件往来。

    The Pentagon said it was examining email contacts between General John Allen and Jill Kelley , who does volunteer work at a military base in Tampa , Florida .

  17. 科纳等铁人三项比赛的主办方是佛罗里达州坦帕市的世界铁人公司(WorldTriathlonCorporation)。2015年,该公司委托进行的一项调查发现,铁人三项比赛选手的年均家庭收入为24.7万美元。

    A 2015 survey conducted for the World Triathlon Corporation - the Tampa , Fla. - based organizers of Kona and other Ironman races - found that the average annual household income for Ironman participants is $ 247000 .

  18. 为灵活运营,重要停车线应置于坦帕(tampa)至迪士尼购物区之间的单线区段上。

    To obtain operational flexibility , strategic sidings will be located on the single track section between Tampa and the Disney area .

  19. 纽约大主教、尊敬的红衣主教蒂莫西多兰(timothydolan),将在共和党坦帕(tampa)党代会上做结束祷告。

    The Archbishop of New York , the formidable Timothy cardinal Dolan , is giving the closing invocation at the Tampa convention .

  20. 位于佛罗里达坦帕的H李墨菲特癌症中心和研究机构成员安娜朱利亚诺发现2009年全美约有三万二千多癌症病例是由HPV感染导致的。

    Professor Anna Giuliano of the H Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute in Tampa , Florida , found 32,000 cases of cancers in men and women in the USA in 2009 were attributable to HPV infection .

  21. 在坦帕,当俄亥俄州长约翰卡西奇(johnkasich)的讲话偏离了事先的文稿时,提词器下方的红灯开始狂闪。

    In Tampa , when John Kasich , the governor of Ohio , departed from his approved script , a red light beneath the teleprompter began flashing frantically .

  22. 超级碗LV比赛在坦帕湾海盗队和堪萨斯城酋长队之间拉开帷幕,佛罗里达州坦帕市的雷蒙德·詹姆斯体育场在一些假球迷的衬托下显得“人”满为患。

    Super Bowl LV kicked off between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Kansas City Chiefs , Raymond James Stadium in Tampa , Florida looked full with the help of some fake fans .

  23. 佛罗里达州在以往大选中都是到最后一刻才完成投票,NPR新闻的黛比·埃利奥特在坦帕的某处投票站带来报道。

    In Florida , site of down to the wire voting in past elections , NPR 's Debbie Elliott is covering a polling site in Tampa .

  24. 该片由索德伯格(StevenSoderbergh)执导,钱宁•塔特姆(ChanningTatum)在片中扮演一名居住在佛罗里达州坦帕市(Tampa)的脱衣舞演员。

    The film was directed by Steven Soderbergh and stars Channing Tatum as a male exotic dancer living in Tampa , Fla.

  25. 来自美国佛罗里达州坦帕市(Tampa)的财务顾问保罗·库斯玛(PaulCusma)说,他在打理客户资金的时候非常谨慎,为的是保证他们中间的退休者“不必重返工作岗位”。

    Paul Cusma manages his clients ' money cautiously , so the retirees among them ' don 't have to go back to work , ' says the Tampa , Fla. , financial adviser .

  26. Richard,也就是这位编程人员,差不多算是纽约天体爱好者协会的头头,经常组织4到30人的团到各大天体营旅游胜地去游玩,包括坦帕市、棕泉市、圣马丁以及缅因州等等。

    Richard , the programmer , is a sort of ringleader for New York City nudists , making frequent trips to naturist resorts in Tampa , Palm Springs , St. Maarten 's and Maine , bringing along groups of four-to-30 people .

  27. 作为曼联惨败的结果,费迪南德取消了乘私人飞机去温布利观看坦帕湾海盗和芝加哥熊之间的NFL比赛的计划。

    As a result of Manchester United 's abject display , Ferdinand cancelled a planned post-match trip to Wembley to watch the NFL clash between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Chicago Bears .

  28. 在上周的坦帕,共和党把“疯子”叔叔们锁在了阁楼上克林特伊斯特伍德(clinteastwood)除外,他被允许短暂露面。

    In Tampa last week , the GOP locked its mad uncles in the attic with the exception of Clint Eastwood , who was allowed a brief appearance .

  29. ,赢得了这项奖额1000万美元的安萨里X大奖))。巧合的是,在威尔伯和奥维尔·赖特在1903年发明世界上第一个动力飞机11年以后,敞开式座舱双翼飞机搭载着乘客穿越佛罗里达的坦帕湾实现商业首飞。

    it was 11 years after Wilbur and Orville Wright flew the world 's first powered airplane in 1903 that a paying passenger sat in the open cockpit of a boat-shaped Benoist XIV biplane for a ride across Florida 's Tampa Bay , the debut flight of the country 's first commercial airliner .

  30. 在坦帕附近和多米尼加共和国的克莱恩特度假村(CalienteResorts),无论何时何地你都可以不着寸缕,在酒楼、餐厅、酒吧、会所和夜总会都是如此。

    At Caliente Resorts near Tampa and in the Dominican Republic you can be completely nude wherever and whenever you want , including restaurants , dining rooms , bars , club house and nightclubs .