
zhù sù jī
  • injection molding machine;injection machine;injection moulding machine;plastic injection machine
  1. PLC技术在注塑机中的应用

    Discussion on the application of PLC technology in the injection machine

  2. 基于PLC控制的注塑机自动调模的实现

    The realization of automatic mold-adjustment based on PLC control in injection machine

  3. 基于Internet的注塑机开发协同设计系统研究

    Research on Cooperative Design System of the Injection Molding Machines Exploitation Based on Internet

  4. 注塑机料筒多段温度PID神经网络解耦控制系统

    PID Neural Network Control System for Temperature of Plastic Injection Machine

  5. 注塑机锁模机构CAD的研究与开发

    Research and development of CAD system of clamping unit in injection molding machine

  6. 基于软PLC的全电子注塑机控制系统设计

    The control system designs of fully electric injection moulding machine based on Soft PLC

  7. 基于PLC控制的160型注塑机液压系统设计

    The Design of Hydraulic Control System of 160 Injecting Molding Machine Based on PLC

  8. 注塑机多段温区微机PID自适应控制

    Self-Adapting Multiple-Region Temperature Control of Plastic Injecting Machine

  9. 基于嵌入式Linux的注塑机控制系统解决方案

    The Research of Applying the Embedded Linux in the Injection Molding Machine Control System

  10. 基于ANSYS的疲劳分析在注塑机定模板中的应用

    Application of Fatigue Analysis by ANSYS in Fixed Mould Plate of Injection Machine

  11. 基于ANSYS的注塑机定模板的有限元-拓扑优化分析

    Topology optimization analysis based on the ANSYS Finite Element of injection molding machine template

  12. 运用ANSYS软件对注塑机调模板进行有限元分析

    The finite element analysis of the rear platen of injection molding machine with ANSYS software

  13. 基于ARM硬件平台和嵌入式Linux操作系统的注塑机智能控制器的研制

    Development of an Intelligent Control Device Based on Hardware Platform of ARM and Embedded Linux Operation System for Injection Molding Machine

  14. KM公司中国市场注塑机配件营销渠道策略研究

    The Research on Strategy of Distribution Channel of KM Spare Parts of Injection Moulding Machine in China

  15. 第四章,以基于DSP的模块化注塑机控制器为平台,实现注塑机大功率料筒模糊变系数PID温度控制。

    In the forth section , based on a DSP based controller with field bus , it realized the PID and fuzzy control .

  16. 基于注塑机的ABS树脂PVT特性在线测试

    On-line testing of the pressure-volume-temperature properties of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene using an injection molding machine

  17. 并拥有数台注塑机,聚氨酯PU发泡机,和齐全的模具制作设备及一批优秀的专业技术人员。

    Die with many years experience in the development and production of PU foam , a senior enterprise .

  18. 基于UG的注塑机锁模机构设计系统的开发

    Based on UG software to developed the system of designing for clamping unit in injection molding machine

  19. 正确计算锅炉的半辐射式受热面运用ANSYS软件对注塑机调模板进行有限元分析

    A Study on the Heat Transfer Calculation of Rear Platen Heating Surface The finite element analysis of the rear platen of injection molding machine with ANSYS software

  20. 分析了注塑机连杆式合模系统的调模原理,研究了基于PLC控制实现自动调模的硬件要求和软件设计。

    The principle of mold-adjustment was analyzed and the hardware demand and software realization of automatic mold-adjustment based on PLC control in toggle clamping system of injection machine were studied .

  21. 本文着重介绍一种嵌入式RTOS的标准&itron规范和在其规范上开发的TH0030A运动卡,以及全电动注塑机运动控制系统的实现。

    The implementation of the control system of the all electrical injection molding machine is also discussed .

  22. 本文介绍了利用国产注塑机配备一出四模具生产PET瓶坯的生产工艺,模具冷却温度及注射温度、压力的选择。

    The paper introduces one to four moulds production of PET bottle blanks using domestic plastic injector . Selections of cooling temperature of mould and injector temperature and pressure are included .

  23. 灌注式路面层用水性环氧树脂改性的砂浆性能基于注塑机的ABS树脂PVT特性在线测试

    Investigation of water-based epoxy resin modified mortar for perfusion-road surface On-line testing of the pressure-volume-temperature properties of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene using an injection molding machine

  24. 整个系统采用并行化和集成化的设计思想,达到了缩短注塑机开发周期(T)、降低成本(C)、提高质量(Q)的目的。

    The concurrent and integration ideas about the design of the injection molding machines are used to attain the goals of shortening the time of design , reducing production costs and improving the quality of products .

  25. SERCOSⅡ在注塑机全电动设计中的应用

    SERCOS II applied for the electrically operated design of injection molding machine

  26. XS2Y125克注塑机安全装置的改进

    The Improvement of the Safety Devices of XS-2Y-125 ( G ) Injection Machines

  27. 第五章,利用VB开发工具、SqlServer2000数据库技术和改进的遗传算法实现了注塑机螺杆参数优化设计系统,并给出了其应用实例。

    In chapter 5 , using the VB , SQL server 2000 and reformative Genetic algorithm , the Screw optimized design system is designed . And the Screw optimized design system is given .

  28. 注塑机料筒温度是一类多变量、强耦合、大惯性控制对象,本文根据注塑机料筒温度控制的要求,利用PID神经网络构成多变量解耦控制系统。

    The paper shows PID neural network control system for temperature of plastic injection machine . The multivariable strong-coupled properties of the system are analyzed and the structure and the algorithm of the PID neural networks are given .

  29. 仿真实验表明,与原来的注塑机料筒温度积分PID控制相比,基于粒子群的预测函数解耦控制具有更好的控制性能。

    The results of simulation show that comparing with the original temperature of the injection molding machine cylinder integral PID controller , the forecast function based on particle swarm decoupling control method can achieve better control performance and robustness .

  30. 以使用改性聚丙烯(PP)生产汽车保险杠为例,研究了在注塑机上如何进行多级注塑工艺参数的设置,以及主要注塑工艺参数对制品性能的影响。

    How setting the technical parameters for multipole injection molding in the injection machine and the influence of the technical parameters on the product property are studied with the automobile bumper manufactured with modified PP as example .