
  • 网络Pay attention to development;development of attention
  1. 注意发展学生的智力和能力。

    Developing the intellgence and the capability of the students .

  2. 实验室主管应特别注意发展趋势。

    Laboratory management should be especially alert to developing trends .

  3. 关于中小学生无意注意发展的研究

    A Study of Primary and Middle School Students ' Involuntary Attention Development

  4. 反过来,这些条件可以防止病人注意发展中感染。

    Those conditions , in turn , can keep patients from noticing developing infections .

  5. 要注意发展学生的形象思维,让学生通过丰富的想象,发现作品中的美;

    The students'imagination power can be used creatively to explore what is beautiful in the works .

  6. 学生应注意发展积极心态,主动进行说话锻炼;

    Students should pay attention to development of active state of mind and take initiative to speak .

  7. 但是同时必须充分注意发展农业和轻工业。

    At the same time , full attention must be paid to the development of agriculture and light industry .

  8. 被试为小学一、三、五年级学生,研究主要考察分心物数量、线索有效性和目标新异性对小学生注意发展的影响。

    We focused on how number of distractor , cue validity and singleton or non-singleton affect the development of selective attention of primary school children .

  9. 这时,除了有必要进一步调整经济结构,以便增加职位空缺额以外,特别应注意发展中等技术和职业教育,给待业者以就业训练。

    To achieve this end , apart from further restructuring the economy to increase job vacancies , attention should also be paid to developing secondary technical and vocational education so as to put more jobseekers through training .

  10. 《中国中央国务院关于进一步加强和改进新时期体育工作的意见》中指出:竞技体育后备人才培养关系到竞技体育的持续发展,要认真抓好业余运动队伍训练,注意发展和培养新的人才。

    A document from the State Council of China concerning further strengthening and improving sports work in the new era points out that training sports talents concerns the sustainable development of competitive sports , and it is imperative to train amateur teams and nurture new talents .

  11. 清朝统治的腐朽:乾隆帝在位60年,继承前代的基业,注意发展农业,加强对边疆的统治,使统一多民族国家进一步发展,史称“乾隆盛世”。

    The corrupt Qing Government Emperor : Qianlong had been in the throne for sixty years . He inherited the former emperors course and stressed on the development of agriculture and strengthened the control on the frontiers , which made the united multi-nationality country develop further . So the period of Qianglong was called " a period of prosperity . "

  12. 同时,H.同时用G.在开发中,开发与保护应同时并举,注意可持续发展。

    Both development and protection are employed in tourism industry development , taking notice of sustainable development .

  13. 文中介绍了EAM的概念,并且指出在医院设备管理中随着信息系统的初步建立,进一步考虑EAM系统的建设,提升整体设备的管理水平已经成为值得注意的发展方向。

    This article introduces the concept of EAM and points out that , along with the establishment of information system , setting up EAM system and raising equipment management level are the right way for hospital equipment management .

  14. 腐蚀科学与防护技术值得注意的发展动向

    The State of Art of Some Aspects of Corrosion Science and Protection Technology

  15. 婴儿视觉注意的发展

    The Development of Visual Attention in Infancy

  16. 由于它具有经典信息无法比拟的优势和前景,近年来受到了广泛的注意和发展。

    Because of the superior advantage and the bright future , quantum information has attracted more and more attention and developed a lot .

  17. 我们会继续密切注意市场发展,如有需要,会当机立断,采取必须的措施。

    We shall continue to keep a watchful eye on the markets and take timely and resolute action as and when it is necessary .

  18. 在规划中除遵循一般的原则外,还应注意协调发展、空间共享、自然生态的原则。

    In addition to following the general planning principle , should still notice the principle of coordinated development , space sharing , and natural ecology .

  19. 由于高新技术发展的需要,金刚石微粉的生产出现一些值得注意的发展趋势。

    Because of the requirement for development in the most advanced technology , the production of diamond powder shows some developing tendencies which are worth paying attention .

  20. 鉴此,在今后的训练中要注意全面发展综合能力素质,避免偏类及器械动作类型的重复堆积现象;

    Therefore , attention should be paid to the comprehensive development of the capacity quality in the forthcoming training and the repetition of instrument movement type should be avoided ;

  21. 在保持高产稳产和总量平稳的基础上,注意协调发展高档、中档、大众化优质稻。

    On the base of keeping high and stable yield and total yield , the coordinated breeding of high-grade , mid-grade and popularization good quality rice should be paid attention to .

  22. 在宏观层次上,文章提出社会主义政治文明要以渐进的方式推进,注意降低发展中的成本,协调与社会主义物质文明和精神文明的关系。

    First , the author suggests that we should progress to socialist political civilization step by step , reduce costs and coordinate it with socialist material civilization and socialist spiritual civilization .

  23. 本文简要地介绍了激光技术晶体现况与若干值得注意的发展趋势,同时明确地指出了一些重要的研究方向。

    Current situation and several important trends in development of laser technical crystals are briefly discussed . At the same time some important directions for research work have been shown unequivocally .

  24. 本文指出,将数论和多元非线性回归的有关方法和成果引入前向网络研究领域是一个值得注意的发展趋势。

    The paper points out : It is a notable trend to introduce some methods and achievements of number the-ory and multivariate nonlinear regression into the research fields of feedforward networks .

  25. 因此,对旅游企业人员流动问题的研究已刻不容缓。在开发中,开发与保护应同时并举,注意可持续发展。

    Thus the study of the transfer of the employed in tourism has no time to delay . Both development and protection are employed in tourism industry development , taking notice of sustainable development .

  26. 然而从历史的角度来看,中国甘受国际约束的羁绊(特别是在本地区)也许是近年来越发值得注意的发展之一。

    Yet from an historical perspective , one of the more remarkable developments of recent years may be china 's submission to the tiny threads of international constraint , especially in its own region .

  27. 但请注意:发展中亚洲(占全世界人口的一半)预计今年增长6.3%,明年增长6.5%,仍比其他任何地方都快。

    But note : with growth of 6.3 per cent this year and 6.5 per cent in the next , developing Asia – half of humanity – is still expected to grow faster than anywhere else .

  28. 在注意旅游发展中的文化协同的同时保持民族地域文化的独特性与魅力。

    To cope with the situation , developing countries should clarify their cultural alternatives in tourism planning and development while paying attention to cultural coordination so as to preserve the unique features of local ethnic culture .

  29. 应当注意梯度发展原则,处理好短期与长期发展的关系,重视小城镇生态环境管理,坚持各项管理原则。

    What we should pay attention to is , the step by step developing principle , the relationship of development in short term and in long term as well as the environmental administration of small town , etc.

  30. 然而由07年美国爆发的次货危机导致的全球金融危机,警告我们注意经济发展速度的同时,更加关注经济发展结构的合理性。

    However , the global financial crisis caused by the United States subprime mortgage crisis in 2007 warns us to pay attention to the pace of economic development , but focus more on reasonable of economic development structure .