
  • 网络certified public valuer;CPV
  1. 论注册资产评估师对第三人的民事责任

    On the Civil Liability of CPV to the Third Party

  2. 1995年5月,建立的注册资产评估师考试制度,是资产评估行业管理的一个重大转折。

    In May 1995 , The CPV examination system had been built up , which is an important turning point .

  3. 注册资产评估师的专家义务与专家过失

    On Expert Liability & Expert Negligence Of Certified Public Assets Valuer

  4. 注册资产评估师专家责任研究

    The Research on Expert Liability of Certified Public Valuer

  5. 该部分着重论述了注册资产评估师的法律特征和法定义务。

    This part focused on the legal characteristics and legal obligations of registered valuer .

  6. 注册资产评估师本人和业务助理人员对评估对象进行了现场勘查。

    Certified public valuers and business assistants made scene investigation on the target of evaluation .

  7. 注册资产评估师在执业过程中应该保持专业权威、地位独立和高度自律等特征。

    They should maintain professional authority , status and other characteristics of independence and self-discipline during their practicing .

  8. 早在行业发展初期,就明确提出了建立注册资产评估师制度的任务。

    Establishing Certified Public Valuers system had been pointed out at the early days of appraisal profession development .

  9. 在经济损害赔偿责任的范围上,应当依据注册资产评估师所承担的义务性质进行区分。

    The range of the responsibility of economic compensation for damage should be distinguished according to the obligation properties that cpv undertake .

  10. 依据注册资产评估师所掌握资产基本情况,评估报告中陈述的事项是客观的。

    According to the basic information of assets which are mastered by the certified public valuer , the matters stated in the evaluation report should be objective .

  11. 注册资产评估师执业资格考试是注册资产评估师执业资格制度的重要组成部分,也是评估业管理的重要组成部分。

    The qualification examination of CPV ( Certified Public Valuer ) isan important composition of the practical qualification system of CPV , and themanagement of the valuation industry as well .

  12. 中国评估行业现已经拥有数万名注册资产评估师和从业人员,为市场经济科学发展起到了保驾护航的作用。

    And CPV is the first resource about the asset valuation industry innovation and development . Tens of thousands of CPV and practitioners play an escort role for market economy scientific development in China .

  13. 法律界认为,只要注册资产评估师出具的评估报告和实际不相符,即使他们在执业过程中严格遵守法律、法规以及公认评估准则,也有过错。

    The legal profession that there are falsies as long as the assessment report does not match reality , even if they practice the process in strict compliance with laws , regulations and generally accepted evaluation criteria .

  14. 声明应由签字注册资产评估师及所在资产评估机构负责人签名,并由资产评估机构加盖公章。

    A statement shall be signed by the certificated public valuer and the responsible person of the assets evaluation institution in which the certificated public valuer works , and stamped with the official seal of the assets evaluation institution .

  15. 另一方面,评估人员过分看重资产评估方法对评估结论的作用,以及夸大了资产评估方法对资产评估结论的影响,这就加重了注册资产评估师对资产评估方法选择的压力。

    On the other hand , since the professionals focus on the function of the appraisal approaches to final results and overdraw the effect of approaches to the results , the appraisers ' pressure on the selection of appraisal approaches is strengthened .

  16. 随着我国资产评估所处的社会经济环境的不断变化,注册资产评估师在执业过程中会不断遇到一些新情况、新问题,这就对注册资产评估师职业能力的要求越来越高。

    With the constant vicissitudes of the socioeconomic environment of the assets appraisal trade , CPV in China will bound to come across some newly emerged instances or problems in the process of operation thus the professional requisitions for them are increasing continuously .

  17. 资产评估行业主要有资产评估机构及注册资产评估师(以下分别简称评估机构、评估师)组成,它们对于促成社会资本产权尤其是国有资本产权的合理流动起到至关重要的作用。

    Asset evaluation industry , mainly in asset evaluation agencies and CPV ( hereinafter referred to as the rating agencies , appraisers ) component , which contribute to social capital for property rights , especially the rational flow of state capital play a crucial role .

  18. 在中国珠宝首饰艺术品鉴定评估高层论坛暨首批注册珠宝资产评估师颁证仪式上的致辞

    Address to the China Gems & Jewelry and Arts Appraisal Forum