
  • 网络cfa;chartered financial analyst;CFA Charterholder;CFA, Chartered Financial Analyst
  1. 他最近在芝加哥特许金融分析师协会(CFAInstitute)的一次演讲中总结了他的发现。

    He summarised his findings in a speech to the CFA Institute in Chicago last week .

  2. 在8万多名属于特许金融分析师协会会员的投资专业人士中,超过四分之三的人表示,他们希望公司抛弃给出季度指导的做法,而宁愿得到更多有关公司长期计划的信息。

    More than three-quarters of the 80,000-plus investment professionals who are members of the CFA Institute said they wanted companies to move away from quarterly guidance and would prefer more information on their long - term plans .

  3. 在英国特许金融分析师协会(CFAUK)对全球300位基金经理人开展的一次调查中,每5名基金经理就有4人表示债券的估值过高。

    Four out of five fund managers said bonds were overvalued in a survey of 300 global managers by CFA UK .

  4. 这个项目也可以帮助你准备专业考试,包括特许金融分析师(CFA)资格考试。

    This program can also help to prepare you for professional exams , including the Chartered Financial Analyst ( CFA ) qualification .

  5. 一场围绕认证的分歧,导致一家美国教育机构暂停在印度提供特许金融分析师(CFA)课程。

    A dispute over accreditation has led to suspension of a chartered financial analyst course offered by a US educational institute in India .

  6. 总部位于伦敦的特许金融分析师协会(CFAInstitute)展开的这项调查发现,通过暗池进行的美国股票交易量比2009年初上升了48%,截至今年3月占到全部交易量之和的31%。

    A survey by the London-based CFA Institute found that trading of US equities on dark pools had risen 48 per cent since the start of 2009 to account for about 31 per cent of total consolidated volume , as of March .

  7. 过去50年,特许金融分析师协会(cfainstitute)一直在向成千上万追随者传授以高效率市场为根本的分析原则,这些追随者来自银行、基金管理公司和投资公司等全球金融体机构。

    For the past five decades , the Chartered Financial Analyst Institute has been teaching the tenets of analysis based on efficient markets to tens of thousands of adherents from banks , fund managers and investment houses that make up the global financial system .

  8. 英国特许金融分析师协会(CFA)在一份报告中指责机构投资者普遍犯有金融健忘症。报告中指出,未能汲取以往泡沫的教训,是导致本次全球金融危机的一个关键因素。

    A report by the Chartered Financial Analyst Society of the UK condemns financial amnesia among institutional investors , arguing that a failure to heed the lessons of past bubbles was a key factor behind the global financial crisis .

  9. 由于课程为期20个月,授课对象是经验丰富的金融业经理其中大多数人已经通过特许金融分析师(cfa)所有三个级别的考试该校申请人数的增长无法与英国的学校相比。

    Because the programme is taught over 20 months and is for experienced financial managers most have already completed all three levels of the Chartered Financial Analyst ( CFA ) qualification the growth in applications in no way compares with that at the UK schools .

  10. 美国特许金融分析师认证体系分析

    The Analysis of the Chartered System of American Chartered Financial Analyst

  11. 他拥有美国康奈尔大学的工商治理硕士学位,是美国特许金融分析师。

    He has the master 's degree of industrial and commercial management of university of Er of American health Nai , it is analyst of American concessionary banking .

  12. 但凯斯是个有特许资格的金融分析师,25年前在亚特兰大开始从事投资管理工作,现在为客户管理着约1.4亿美元的资产。

    But Mr. Kays is a chartered financial analyst . He started his Atlanta-based investment-management business 25 years ago and now directs about $ 140 million of his clients ' wealth .