
wù jià shàng zhǎng
  • Inflation;price inflation;price hike;inflation of prices
  1. 近年来我国物价上涨已成为一个不争的事实,豆你玩、蒜你狠、姜你军、糖高宗等网络新词的不断涌现表明物价的持续快速上涨对居民的日常消费生活造成了重大影响。

    The inflation of prices is an indisputable fact in recent years . And the rapid rise on price of beans , garlic , ginger and sugar indicates that it has a big impact on our daily consumption .

  2. 物价上涨使得人们选择骑自行车。

    The price hike is making many choose to travel by bicycle instead .

  3. 物价上涨了,但是工资并没有相应增加。

    Prices have risen but wages have not risen proportionately .

  4. 由于物价上涨,我们都只好勒紧裤腰带了。

    With the price increases , we are all having to tighten our belts .

  5. 政府故意对物价上涨轻描淡写。

    The government chooses deliberately to understate the increase in prices

  6. 显然,官方对物价上涨进行补偿的承诺没有真正兑现。

    The official promise to compensate people for the price rise clearly hadn 't been worked out properly

  7. 物价上涨的说法使老百姓都涌进商店大量抢购商品。

    The mention of price rises sent citizens out to their shops to buy up as much as they could

  8. 消费者本来以为,物价上涨了,店里的商品会增多;但是情况并非如此。

    Consumers had hoped the higher prices would mean more goods in stores . But that was not the case .

  9. 失业数字不一定与物价上涨相关。

    The unemployment figures are not necessarily bound up with the rise of prices .

  10. 零售物价上涨。

    The rate of retail price rise . ;

  11. 物价上涨。

    The prices are going up .

  12. 人们对物价上涨颇有怨言。

    There were a lot of complaints about the rising prices .

  13. 物价上涨得如此之快,我的钱都快花光了。

    Now that price are rising so fast , all my money is draining away .

  14. 去年夏季物价上涨了。

    Prices climbed last summer .

  15. 他们增加的工资会被物价上涨所抵消。

    Their wage increases would be offset by higher prices .

  16. 物价上涨引起的通货膨胀

    the inflationary effects of price rises

  17. 如此出乎意料的大幅上涨,降低了美国通胀压力迅速减轻的希望,意味着美联储(fed)决策者将继续担心物价上涨。

    The surprise jump damped hopes of a quick easing of inflationary pressures in the US , suggesting US Federal Reserve policymakers will continue to be concerned about rising prices .

  18. 通过因素分析,将税收增量分解为实际GDP增加、物价上涨、宏观税负提高带来的税收增长。

    Through factor analysis , it separate the increase of tax revenue into tax revenue increase from growth of actual GDP and rise in price and macro tax burden .

  19. 目前国内物价上涨较快,CPI高企,百姓个人资产面临快速贬值的风险。

    The rapid rise in domestic prices , CPI is high ; people face the risk of rapid depreciation of individual property .

  20. 用协整分析和格兰杰因果检验发现,美元贬值直接影响我国部分原材料的进口价格和我国的CPI,从而使我国此轮物价上涨具有明显的输入型和结构型特征。

    Through our analysis , the devaluation of US dollars has direct effects on our import of some raw materials and our CPI .

  21. 但对于一个食品占CPI三分之一权重的国家来说,这一涨幅事关重大,并且可能通过加薪要求带来范围更广的物价上涨。

    But that matters in a country where food comprises a third of CPI , and may lead to broader price hikes through demands for higher wages .

  22. 反对党领袖抨击联合进步联盟(UPA)组成的联合所的经济政策物价上涨。

    Opposition leaders blame the rising living costs on the economic policies of the coalition government , known as the United Progressive Alliance or UPA .

  23. 桥水基金36岁的联合CEO兼联合投资官GregJensen表示即使是一个不稳定的中国依旧能够保证充足的力量来推动全球的物价上涨。

    Greg Jensen , Bridgewaters co-chief executive and co-chief investment officer , who is thirty-six , said he thought that even a stuttering China would still grow fast enough to push world commodity prices upward .

  24. 近年来物价上涨使普通居民生活压力变重,而统计局公布的CPI涨幅与居民的主观感受存在偏差,使得居民对统计局的数据质量产生质疑。

    In recent years , because of the rising price , the living pressure of ordinary residents becomes heavier , and there is a deviation between the CPI released bv Bureau of Statistics and the subjective feelings of the residents , so that the residents doubt Bureau of Statistics .

  25. 中国物价上涨的势头在10月全面放缓。

    Price rises slowed across the board in China in October .

  26. 我们应该想办法克服物价上涨。

    We must think of ways to combat the rising prices .

  27. 分析师认为,中国希望高利率能够缓和物价上涨的趋势。

    They think China hopes higher rates will cool price increases .

  28. 因为物价上涨,居民收入进入无感增长。

    Because of the inflation , the resident income increases noninductively .

  29. 最近工资的提高将会促使物价上涨。

    The recent wage increase will force a price boost .

  30. 整个西方世界的物价上涨率大幅度骤升。

    The rate of price increase throughout the western world jumped dramatically .