
  1. 本文以国际游资对人民币汇率的冲击为研究主题。

    In this thesis , I choose the impact of international hot money on the exchange rate of RMB as my research theme .

  2. 目前,我国正处于金融逐步放开的阶段,研究国际游资与我国金融安全的问题意义重大。

    Today China is gradually opening up its finance program , so studying the relationship of international hot money and financial stability is of great significance .

  3. 国际游资流入的经济影响与应对策略

    The Economic Impact of International Fluid Capital Inflow and Strategies

  4. 国际游资的大量流入,使国内的通货膨胀问题雪上加霜。

    Massive inflow of international hot money made domestic inflation problem worse .

  5. 金融全球化为国际游资提供了投机基础和空间。

    Financial globalization provides speculative basis and space for international floating capital .

  6. 国际游资流入对我国宏观经济冲击机制分析

    The Mechanism of Our Country Macroeconomic Shock by International Floating Capital Inflow

  7. 国际游资及其运动中的自由与公平

    Liberty and justice in the international moveable fund and the running-process of it

  8. 国际游资酝酿中国金融危机

    International Moving Capital Brew to Attack China Finance System

  9. 中国还没有实现资本项目下的自由兑换,国际游资大规模、随心所欲炒作人民币升值的客观条件还不具备;

    Free conversion on capital account is not implemented .

  10. 国际游资流入效应及其防范

    Effect of Hot Money Inflow and the Prevention Policies

  11. 国际游资对中国经济的影响及风险防范

    The Impact of International Hot Money on China 's Economy and Risk Prevention

  12. 国际游资流入我国的渠道、规模及影响

    The Channels , Scale and Impacts of International Hot Money Inflow : 2002-2007

  13. 国外买家对农行上市的热情表明国际游资对于新兴市场的巨大胃口。

    Foreign buyers'enthusiasm suggests a huge appetite for international capital in emerging markets .

  14. 从国际游资动向看人民币的升值可能

    Analysis of the Possibility of RMB Appreciation from the Trend of International Idle Funds

  15. 迎接理性的新经济中国迎战国际游资

    THE CHALLENGE OF NEW RATIONAL ECONOMY China Meets the Challenge of International Hot Money

  16. 国际游资与股市发展

    International Hot Money and Stock Market Development

  17. 现阶段国际游资的主要特点及对中国经济的影响

    The Characteristics of Hot Money at This Stage and Its Impacts on China 's Economy

  18. 国际游资的冲击使脆弱的金融雪上加霜,催生现代金融危机;

    Financial ' panics ' make the friable financial system worse and cause the modern financial crises ;

  19. 近年来我国发生大规模国际游资回流。大规模游资回流对我国宏观经济产生不确定性外部冲击。

    In our country , Huge international floating capital circumfluence has happened in recent years which produces uncertain exterior impact .

  20. 首先,国际游资的流入加剧了国内的流动性过剩,加大了通货膨胀压力。

    First of all , the international hot money inflows exacerbated the domestic " excess liquidity ", and increased inflationary pressures .

  21. 一旦国际游资撤离,会使经济泡沫逐渐破裂,造成经济巨大危害。

    Once the withdrawal of international capital , the gradual economic bubble will burst , causing great harm to the economy .

  22. 近几年,对人民币升值的预期引发了国际游资大规模进入中国。

    While RMB is facing appreciation pressure in the recent years , an enormous amount of international floating capital has flooded the Chinese market .

  23. 国际游资具有极大的投机性,它的跨国自由流动,直接影响一个国家短期宏观经济的稳定。

    Since international floating capital is highly speculative , its international free movement will immediately affect the stability of a nation 's short-term macro economy .

  24. 接着运用实证分析,国际游资流入我国的规模和股市泡沫有着显著的正相关关系。

    Then , empirical analysis , the scale of international hot money inflows and the stock market bubble in China has a significant positive correlation .

  25. 人民币升值预期的加大直接导致国际游资大规模流入中国,引起了学术界的广泛关注。

    The increasing of expectation of RMB appreciation directly cause large-scale influx of international hot money , this phenomenon is attracted wide attention by academic circles .

  26. 因此,近期的主要目标是要稳定人民币汇率,尤其是对国际游资的冲击要充分保持警惕,保持汇率的基本稳定。

    So the main task is to stabilize RMB exchange rate and keep high watch on the hot money which will take advantage of this situation .

  27. 之后,笔者就这一关系,进行进一步详细的阐述说明,重点从资本账户开放与资本自由流动,国际游资泛滥;

    Then , the writer continues to explain the relationship detailed , mainly from the following four aspects : capital account liberalization with free capital flow ;

  28. 伴随着金融全球化和资本账户的自由化,国际游资已成为国际金融领域乃至国际经济中最为活跃的现象之一。

    Following the financial globalization and the capital account liberalization , the international hot money has already become one of the most active phenomena in the international economy .

  29. 由于国际游资高流动性和逐利性这两个性质,会迅速推高一个区域的资产价格,造成大量的泡沫。

    Because of high international capital mobility and profit-driven nature of these two will quickly push asset prices in a region , resulting in a large number of bubbles .

  30. 由于其追求高额利润的本质,国际游资在国际金融市场间频繁流动会影响一个国家或地区的经济金融的稳定。

    Owing to its nature of pursuing high profit , the increased mobility of hot money will bring uncertain effect on economic and financial stability in some country and area .